Wishing for friends!

Not to sound desperate or anything!! But I am sort of new hear, was on MFP around a year ago and and kind of dropped off the planet for a bit. Now I am trying to drop those last stubborn lbs! Summer came and went and so did my regular work outs. I used the excuse of biking with the kids or swimming or walking was good enough. Not really I gained weight after summer and all of my fall clothes are tight! Back to my regular sweating it out work-outs and tracking those pesty calories!


  • Hey! I love that you posted that - I was thinking the exact same thing - I'm wishing for Friends also! I just joined yesterday and am completely new to the site. I have a lot to loose (weight wise) but am pretty motivated to get started (again!).

    So different goals but motivation is motivation right?
  • jagspal
    jagspal Posts: 75
    Yes for sure!
  • trinalily
    trinalily Posts: 18 Member
    I'm new to this site too. Looking for friends to walk this weight loss journey with!
  • You can all add me. I do post daily. I have made some nice friends
  • CAS317
    CAS317 Posts: 267 Member
    I'm right there with everybody! I'm looking to lose about 20 or 30 lbs. I think within 6 months is realistic. One of my big problems is that I set unrealistic goals! Hopefully with more friends we will be able to get it done! Nice to meet everybody.
  • Hi Everyone! So I guess the big factor is motivation :) Any ideas how to stick with it as I'm sure we have all done this before as well. I'm thinking shopping LOL - can't wait to buy smaller clothes!
  • Krissi921
    Krissi921 Posts: 62 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm down 35 pounds now with another 40 to go...so I'll be around awhile. But I am religious about being here everyday. :)
  • karabff
    karabff Posts: 98
    Feel free to add me- I will be here for awhile :)
  • RychelleD
    RychelleD Posts: 103 Member
    Feel free to add me anyone! I log regularily:)
  • count me in and friend me if you wish. I am finally seeing some success and am so happy! Shopping for a smaller size tomorrow. Let's all do it together.
  • beths53
    beths53 Posts: 10
    floating in the same boat with with a lot more to lose :)
  • I'm new too! Let's help each other (o:
  • panamasammii
    panamasammii Posts: 22 Member
    Feel Free to Add me too!! I am looking for more friends.. Im 53 lbs down.. about 50 lbs more to go!
    I fill out my food diary religiously every day with my phone and log onto the site too to read the forums!
  • gwicks54
    gwicks54 Posts: 201 Member
    I have been here a couple of months & I am losing weight on a low carb plan from my doctor. My diary is open & I will gladly friend anyone interested. There are some good groups on here too if any of you want to look for friends following similar plans or that are in your age group. I hope everyone has great success.
  • Eeyores
    Eeyores Posts: 19 Member
    I have been posting a couple days and I love it!!!! Need all the friends I can get. It is such a daily struggle to not eat sugar!!!! But with the help of weight watchers and myfitnesspal , I am motivated to LOSE !!!! Have a GREAT Day Everyone!!!!!
  • I too would love to find new friends. I joined MFP on Sept. 24 and as of today I have lost a bit over 10lbs. Having people to talk to and be accountable to has helped me so much and for the first time in a very long time I KNOW I will do this. So, add me if you want. This support system sure is helping :wink:
  • Thanks Everyone! Stories about people actually losing weight is great motivation!
  • Sending you a friend request now :)
  • Hi there :) I've been on here for over a year and always looking for new friends. You're more than welcome to add me if you like. Let's do this together! All the best :)
  • Can totally relate to that. I am returing after a year as well and would love to have some friends. Welcome back!