Junk: what's easier for you- moderation or none at all?

BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
When it comes to things you either shouldn't be eating or need to eat less of, do you find it easier to have a little once in a while or to give it up completely?


  • michilynn
    michilynn Posts: 12 Member
    For the most part, not at all... I have a REALLY bad sweet tooth, and once I get started it is extremely hard to stop!
  • Lululuv
    Lululuv Posts: 37 Member
    I find that if I don't have any at all, I don't seem to miss it much. Although I admit I probably don't eat as well on Saturdays.....
  • PaulaDygert
    PaulaDygert Posts: 148 Member
    I find that for me it is easier to have very little, if I go without junk food I will do good for a week or two then binge and give up... Limiting has done wonders for me.
  • kellygirl5538
    kellygirl5538 Posts: 597 Member
    It depends on the junk, some I can eat in moderation, some not at all...................NO OREOS!
  • BiloxiBelle
    BiloxiBelle Posts: 680 Member
    I have been thinking about this exact thing for about 2 weeks now. And I know it seems most people say to not deprive yourself of anything, have just a bite, etc etc. I have come to the conclusion that for me, I can't have any of it. "It" for me is ice cream and/or cookies. I need a good 2 weeks to get it out of my system to where I will stop thinking about driving across town to go get ice cream. Once I have it, it's like it's all I can think about. But if I can go 2 weeks w/out sweets, I usually get over it & don't care one way or the other.
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    I've noticed that I can do better when I avoid it all together. I crave junk really bad after that first taste. I think I'm going to try and give it up for a while so I won't want junk so bad. It seems like here lately it has been one major binge after another!! :ohwell: I've GOT to start doing better.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I have been thinking about this exact thing for about 2 weeks now. And I know it seems most people say to not deprive yourself of anything, have just a bite, etc etc. I have come to the conclusion that for me, I can't have any of it. "It" for me is ice cream and/or cookies. I need a good 2 weeks to get it out of my system to where I will stop thinking about driving across town to go get ice cream. Once I have it, it's like it's all I can think about. But if I can go 2 weeks w/out sweets, I usually get over it & don't care one way or the other.

    I'm the same- there is no moderation for me when it comes to sweets. I've driven to the 24 hour grocery store at 3 AM to get myself a birthday cake (when it wasn't my birthday).
  • hbarber85
    hbarber85 Posts: 46 Member
    It depends on what it is... Ice cream is a definite moderation treat. I have no problem eating a 1/2 cup of ice cream and being content. Everything else I try to avoid all together. Cookies -- I'd eat half the package, no problem. I simply CAN'T eat only a few. I ordered Girl Scout cookies before I got back on track, and now they're here. It's driving me crazy eating 2 a day when there are 4 boxes on the counter!

    It's definitely easier for me to avoid everything all together as LONG as I can have ice cream in moderation. I think it's pretty important to let yourself have one treat now and then. I know I would binge if I didn't.
  • It totally depends on what it is for me....cookies or ice cream or candy is fairly easy....I can usually fix myself the "serving" amount and I get my fix....its eating out thats the problem for me....not knowing WHAT a "serving size" is .....now thats my problem....weekends are HORRIBLE for me.....I do fine at home but we tend to eat out on Friday nights and Saturdays because we are usually running here and there...or just having time together and I try to get something sensible but nothing worth eating out is sensible....or so it seems for me....dieting is HARD!!!!!
  • catherine1979
    catherine1979 Posts: 704 Member
  • pktbundy
    pktbundy Posts: 21 Member
    None at all or Work out first and only eat a planned amount.
  • jdcole67
    jdcole67 Posts: 108 Member
    I find that if I deny myself something I end up cheating and eating it anyway, then the guilt puts me off the whole diet idea...better to indulge (in a controlled way!) than to end up derailing your whole plan...
  • astrosnider
    astrosnider Posts: 151 Member
    For me it's definitely easier to just give it up entirely. If I have one brownie I'll just be craving more. It's the same with any kind of cookies or pastries, ice cream, cake, french fries, chips, etc. I gave up drinking a couple years ago, but I had somewhat the same problem with alcohol, especially with delicious sweet liqueurs like Grande Marnier and Kahlua.
  • greeneyes82
    greeneyes82 Posts: 315 Member
    It is better for me not to have it at all. :sad: I just don't have much control when I'm around junk food, especially sweets! Then I regret it!:noway: So yeah, it is better for me not to have it at all.
  • SammiAnne11
    SammiAnne11 Posts: 158 Member
    I choose moderation. If I go overboard, then I work it off...I figure this is my LIFE, and I don't want to limit myself, so I have to figure out how to make it work forever.
  • no_worries
    no_worries Posts: 61 Member
    Moderation. I certainly need to indulge myself a little every now and then. I don't crave sweets at all; but food that isn't particularly healthy for me. If you don't indulge every so often you burn out and are more likely to revert back to the old ways. That being said, everything in moderation- I don't go out and eat a meal with 2,000+ calories, but a meal that is still within my caloric needs.
  • I started out with moderation. My big thing was chips, so I started buying the snack size bags as opposed to having a full bag lying around. For several months I continued to do this, but somehow slowly started cutting it out. Now I can't even remember the last time I bought chips, and I don't really care about them. It's been the same thing with sweets and other junk foods... I used to make it a point to work all that stuff into my daily calories, but as I became more focused on filling my healthier food goals first (veggies, dairy, etc.) I seemed to eat all the crap less and less. Now I just don't buy anything like that, and for the most part I find I don't even think about that food. So I think, if you have those weaknesses (which most of us do- we're not overweight because we love rice cakes!) you should start out by still allowing yourself your favorites in moderation. Then you won't feel deprived and it will be much more likely for you to continue on the right track long enough to start making little changes here and there. Before you know it you may not even want that stuff anymore.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,074 Member
    It depends on the junk. I stay completely away from chips, cookies, cake, ice cream and fast food. On the other hand, I have a glass of wine with dinner and a few dark chocolate chips nearly every day.
  • BiloxiBelle
    BiloxiBelle Posts: 680 Member
    I have been thinking about this exact thing for about 2 weeks now. And I know it seems most people say to not deprive yourself of anything, have just a bite, etc etc. I have come to the conclusion that for me, I can't have any of it. "It" for me is ice cream and/or cookies. I need a good 2 weeks to get it out of my system to where I will stop thinking about driving across town to go get ice cream. Once I have it, it's like it's all I can think about. But if I can go 2 weeks w/out sweets, I usually get over it & don't care one way or the other.

    I'm the same- there is no moderation for me when it comes to sweets. I've driven to the 24 hour grocery store at 3 AM to get myself a birthday cake (when it wasn't my birthday).

    LOL! Yes, & we have a 24 hour gas station almost w/in walking distance from us. Thank goodness they don't carry cake...especially wedding cake! YUM! I don't keep anything "bad" in the house. I guess I'm lucky b/c really once I go 2 weeks w/out, I don't binge. I really just don't even care about it. I think I've gone 4 or 5 years before w/no ice cream or cookies.
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    judging from my eating today... I would say NOT AT ALL. and that will have to be my new rule until I can better control/limit my eating once I get started.
  • LivyJo
    LivyJo Posts: 355 Member
    I choose moderation. If I go overboard, then I work it off...I figure this is my LIFE, and I don't want to limit myself, so I have to figure out how to make it work forever.

    Ditto. But I have never been a huge sweet tooth type of person either. I can have a tub of ice cream in the fridge and it will last 2 months. I am sure it just really depends on the person and the "addiction". Good luck!
  • ScarletTarah
    ScarletTarah Posts: 117 Member
    for myself moderation and I stick to those 100 calorie packs of whatever it is i bought that week, and I eat 1/2 a cup of soy creamery to get my ice cream/ chocolate fix, and I let myself have a tootsie pop if my craving is to much but make myself make it last at least 30 mins. this is the only way for me and it works so well for me.
  • Moderation, with the exception of Crack Scout Cookies.
  • NurseMisty
    NurseMisty Posts: 312 Member
    ICE CREAM=BAD--for me atleast. I usually find that if I have it in the house, I'll eat it. So I just try to not eat it all. I wish I had the control..maybe one day!:smile:
  • NurseMisty
    NurseMisty Posts: 312 Member
    I have been thinking about this exact thing for about 2 weeks now. And I know it seems most people say to not deprive yourself of anything, have just a bite, etc etc. I have come to the conclusion that for me, I can't have any of it. "It" for me is ice cream and/or cookies. I need a good 2 weeks to get it out of my system to where I will stop thinking about driving across town to go get ice cream. Once I have it, it's like it's all I can think about. But if I can go 2 weeks w/out sweets, I usually get over it & don't care one way or the other.

    I'm the same- there is no moderation for me when it comes to sweets. I've driven to the 24 hour grocery store at 3 AM to get myself a birthday cake (when it wasn't my birthday).

    I'm guilty of driving across town to get to a 24 hour place that serves shakes at 2 or 3 in the morning:blushing:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,363 Member
    I'm following dogmeat and Brendalee around. :tongue:

    Brenda, oddly I sent you a personal msg about this just a few minutes ago and didn't know you had posted this!

    Poor little 100 Cal Pak mousie.......

  • PinguimPraiero
    PinguimPraiero Posts: 48 Member
    None at all. One taste of a polyunsaturated oily starch and I am scraping the bottom of the bag.
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    I have an off switch for most things except cheesecake and soda. I can inhale a whole cheesecake. I can eat a entire bag of potato chips while eating out of the bag but if I portion it out I'm fine.

    I used to buy the mini-birthday cakes and eat it all.:noway:
  • I find i have to give it up completely. Have no junk around the house and don't even drive PAST Mcdonalds ! If there is biscuits in the pantry i will sneak one or two, eat it really fast and tell myself that it was ok cause i ate fast and no one saw ! LOL clear the cupboards and fridge and avoid temptation. However i had myself a Darrel Lea sugar free chocolate bar on Sat, made with Splenda and really low on fat and carbs. As it was the closest thing to chocolate ive seen in three weeks....it was divine !!!!
  • NONE AT ALL, i already knew this but i psyched myself anyway. This is the first weekend in 7wks that i just went ballistic, NEVER AGAIN. So glad tomorrow is Monday and i can get back on track. This is why i don't listen to my trainer when he tells me to have a cheat meal, when i do that it turns into several. My first cheat day since i started was Friday and i still been cheating and its Sunday, lol. It doesn't help that i didn't go to the gym this weekend, tomorrow back on track that's a promise. I have to be 160 in 5wks!
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