The Last 20 Pounds, Who Is WIth Me?



  • SV17GT
    SV17GT Posts: 16 Member
    I'll go for it with you. I've dropped 80 the last 7 months, but the 10 I have left to go just won't move. Maybe this is what I need.
  • amez1974
    amez1974 Posts: 213 Member
    I'm down to my last 15 or so pounds too! I would also like to lose another 2" off my hips and waist. These last pounds have been a struggle, but totally worth it!
  • kenlad64
    kenlad64 Posts: 377 Member
    I am with you my friend, dropping that final 20 will be nice. I am rededicating myself to logging my food (I almost made it yesterday, would have been the first time since May that I completed my food diary). I have continue to exercise regularly, ...but it is true that weight loss will be obtained by diet and fitness is obtained by exercise and you have to continually tweak it so it is working for you. ....So lets do this, focus, dedication and endurance through all aspects of life and you will prevail. ...and with the support of friends (dedicated MFP friends it will really not be too hard). We have all come this far, maintenance is within our sights and ours to take, so lets get this done

    *steps off soap box

  • kjdhappy
    kjdhappy Posts: 10 Member
    Yes - just 20 to go!! Need to get back to eating right.....not letting the day's stresses take over and then I make bad choices. I am most certainly a stress eater! I need to find time to buy and prepare food and stop eating man made crap. You are always always so consistent!!
  • jadesign19
    jadesign19 Posts: 512 Member
    Me! I struggle with these last 15-20 lbs. I run about 15-20+ miles a week and I between do 30 day shred or insanity workouts. I know these last few pounds are gonna require me to cut back on my eatting and push harder. I think you all are giving me the motivation.:drinker:

    By cutting back on eatting, I mean less junk food more veggies:blushing:
  • AlbaAngel25
    AlbaAngel25 Posts: 484 Member
    Im also in! , I lost all my baby weight( 60lbs - i know, yikes!!) and Im down to pre-baby weight, but I was still a little overweight at the time i got pregnant. I am 181 right now and I' ve plateaued.

    I haven't worked out really, just walked with the baby, watching my portions that sort of thing. It's time to turn it up a notch! Ultimately , I would like to get down to 145-150, but 160 would make me just as happy I think :)

    Soooo, What I am planning to do is to actually start "working out:" . I think this will kick start my body and shock it, and maybe I'll start seeing some true results.

    I am going to be doing 30 day shred, and try to get into the gym after my husband gets off work.

    I also have a major sweet tooth, so I am learning to satisfy that with a mixture of fresh fruits with yogurt/dark chocolate dip .

    feel free to add for support or just to talk! :)
  • Count me in. I have 21lbs to go. I just added Running to my exercises
  • waskier
    waskier Posts: 254 Member
    I'm in. These last pounds are KILLING me!
  • jackflak
    jackflak Posts: 153 Member
    I'm in too. Have some stubborn fat left that's been with me forevah! Like the visiting friend that just wont leave!!! And I'm also like you for the calories. Upped them to do Insanity and have been eating back exercise calories and I seem to have stopped loosing-more like I'm going to adjust my diet down a touch and see how that goes. I'm doing Les Mills Pump workouts with the better half in the morning and running in the evening.
  • This has been the second hardest thing i have done in my life. The first was getting sober, which got me ready to start taking care of myself and focus on the physical aspect of my life. In the last 18 months i have lost over 120 lbs through diet and exercise. The crazy part is that im still 190 to 195 lbs and have stubborn fat and skin around my stomach and back and chest. All things considered i look great, but its been a struggle. Now im trying to switch gears into putting on lean muscle because i am burnt out on cardio and fat loss. Definately at a crossroads in my fitness plan, and very confused. My diet is on point and people think im nuts. If anyone has any questions or any comment i"d love to hear it. Thanks. Dig deep.