Calling All Brides!

Is anyone out there losing weight and getting in shape for their wedding?

All other motivation seems to have failed me. The quest to be healthy, the idea of feeling comfy in my own body, etc have not worked as enough motivation to keep me on track most days.

I just recently got engaged and we have set our wedding for August 2013. Looking for some friends who are using their wedding as the same motivation. This may be the only thing that gets me off my butt and moving. I don't want to have to buy a puffy dress to hide my body.


  • brendatroy
    brendatroy Posts: 1 Member
    I"m her bridesmaid and have the same situation. We are in this together!
  • lolarit
    lolarit Posts: 76 Member
    Count me in! I'm getting married in Sept 2013 and really need to get to work before I even think about dresses!
  • mistacious
    mistacious Posts: 9 Member
    I'm getting married in July 2013!! I'm definitely more motivated to lose the weight for then because I only plan on getting married once and I wanna look and feel great! Maybe we could help eachother by allowing us to look at eachothers food diaries! Maybe get some insight! Let me know!
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    I'm engaged, but not getting married anytime soon. I am getting in shape, partly for my future wedding.
    My sister is getting married in 2014 and I am a bridesmaid, would love to look amazing for it too!
  • bexxgirl
    bexxgirl Posts: 260 Member
    I'm April 2013! We got engaged in May and the time has just FLOWN. I really need to start making a concerted effort, before time runs out completely!

    Getting my dress made and the latest possible start date for making it is early Feb, so I'm setting myself that as a target. I would like to drop 15kgs (around 33lbs) by then, but will settle for 10kgs! (around 22lbs).
  • My wedding is my motivation, although we don't have a date set.


    We're also not engaged.


    We also aren't planning on getting engaged soon, but hey, better to get a head start.
  • bexxgirl
    bexxgirl Posts: 260 Member
    I've just made myself a countdown calendar to keep myself on track... As of this coming Monday (15 October), it is 180 days until my wedding!!
  • BernadetteChurch
    BernadetteChurch Posts: 2,210 Member
    I didn't lose weight specifically for my wedding but I got married 4 years ago, at a time when I happened to be losing weight on Weight Watchers and was my lowest weight ever. After the wedding I had a major lifestyle change, pretty much stopped exercising, and sure enough the weight gradually came back on.

    So just be really careful that you don't use the wedding as motivation and then take your eye off the ball and put the weight straght back on. Otherwise in years to come you won't recognise the girl in the wedding photos!

    My current motivation is to get back to my pre-wedding weight!
  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member
    29th March 2013 (although wanna hit close to goal by xmas/January for any dress alterations) Feel free to add! I tell you something this is the longest time I've stuck to a diet since it's a long term goal it's really helpful, before it's just been diet for a month to try and shift half a stone before my birthday, or a couple of months before a holiday and then as soon as it's over go back to my normal routine, having a goal so far in the future, with mini goals like be a size 12 before going dress shopping inbetween has been so useful :P

    Yay brides unite!!!!!
  • fallonrhea
    fallonrhea Posts: 388 Member
    I'm getting married at the end of September 2013! I'm going wedding dress shopping next week (SOOOOOO NERVOUS!!!). All brides feel free to friend me!!

    How are you ladies working to get in shape for the big day? I'm doing P90X and Insanity with my fiance (including following the evil macros) :) We love it! I've seen AWESOME results.
  • Superstar_81
    Superstar_81 Posts: 88 Member
    Request sent!! Im getting married July 2013 and seriously need to motivate myself....I keep thinking ive got ages, but clearly Im wrong!! Lets do this!! :)
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    I'm June 2014 and this is so far the only thing that has really motivated me - I am TERRIFIED of being a fat bride!

    Feel free to add me, we can support each other. :)
  • Tandksmommy11
    Tandksmommy11 Posts: 399 Member
    I didn't lose weight specifically for my wedding but I got married 4 years ago, at a time when I happened to be losing weight on Weight Watchers and was my lowest weight ever. After the wedding I had a major lifestyle change, pretty much stopped exercising, and sure enough the weight gradually came back on.

    So just be really careful that you don't use the wedding as motivation and then take your eye off the ball and put the weight straght back on. Otherwise in years to come you won't recognise the girl in the wedding photos!

    My current motivation is to get back to my pre-wedding weight!

    Once I'm thin, I don't think I'd be willing to let that go. Before I had kids, I was 165lbs and completely comfortable with that so I just maintained it. Now that I'm fat, it's just to easy for me to stay this way, because it's to hard to lose it. KWIM?
  • Tandksmommy11
    Tandksmommy11 Posts: 399 Member
    I'm getting married at the end of September 2013! I'm going wedding dress shopping next week (SOOOOOO NERVOUS!!!). All brides feel free to friend me!!

    How are you ladies working to get in shape for the big day? I'm doing P90X and Insanity with my fiance (including following the evil macros) :) We love it! I've seen AWESOME results.

    Right now, I'm pretty limited. I fell 2 months ago and fractured my tailbone so using machines are the gym are a no-go, as well as anything that requires me to be on the floor or rock on that part of my back (ie most ab work). I am getting back into running. I was going religiously, and then I fell. I am going to try to start (again!) 30DS but the ab parts I simply won't be able to do on the floor. I will have to add some other work in there (maybe mountain climbers, planks, burpees, etc).
  • cj_sproehlich
    cj_sproehlich Posts: 2 Member
    Hey all brides-to-be!! :)

    I'm getting married 12-31-2013!! It seems so far away, but I know the time will fly by. My MOH brought up that we need to go dress shopping soon...YIKES!! It just seems so soon! But she did make a good point, it can take months for the dress to come in. :/

    On a side note: I can't believe how much motivation it is to have this ring on my finger!! :) It certainly works wonders!! :)

    I figure, if I start now, and I get where I want to be long before the wedding, that's just that much longer that I get to enjoy it!! :)
  • LizL217
    LizL217 Posts: 217 Member
    Hey ladies and fellow brides!

    I'm getting married June 22nd, 2013 and I would love to lose 5-10 lbs before then. I already have my dress, and it fits, but it's also quite form-fitting so it would be great to be as firm as possible before the big day!

    Please feel free to add me and we will try to motivate each other.
  • nbme
    nbme Posts: 8 Member
    Hi!! I started MFP to get motivated for my wedding too! We got engaged November 2011 and our wedding is November 2, 2012!! Only 22 days away! My friends on MFP definitely helped keep me motivated :0) Congrats on your engagement!
  • I actually just started this fitness pal in hopes that it motivates me to be healthy for my sake and also for my upcoming wedding in May of 2014. I have been struggling with this weight since I had my son back in 07 and I refuse to give up on myself now. I do hope your upcoming wedding gives you the motivation you need to get to your goal weight. ;)

    Ps: You're not alone.
  • hey girls!
    I'm getting married June 15, 2013. I'm trying so hard to get in shape! I'm doing 30DS and C25K right now. It seems to be working,slowly but surely... feel free to add me!
  • I am going to be a MOH at my sisters wedding May 2013. Just joined MFP to help me to stay within a decent calorie range. :happy: