
Hey guys. So I'm a couple of days into p90x, and the first thing I've noticed is that I've run out of time.

My boyfriend and I moved in together recently and we're doing the program together. We both work 8:30-5 schedules and get home from work around 5:30. After using the bathroom and taking the dog out, and changing into exercise clothes, we start our workout around 6:30. The p90x workouts average about an hour to an hour and a half so far, so we're done between 8 and 830. Neither of us feels like cooking so we generally go get Subway, which I hate doing, and we eat late because otherwise we won't eat dinner at all. We usually watch an episode of something while we eat, and after taking the dog out again, feeding the pets, straightening up the kitchen from the rush of getting breakfast/coffee/lunches put together in the morning, if we *aren't* intimate, I get to sleep around 10:30. If we are, 11:30-midnight. I get up at 5:45 so that I can have a little bit of me-time: time for half an hour of daily creative writing, which is really important to me, and then just the usual time to shower/get dressed/throw on makeup/blow-dry, and then put my lunch together before I'm out the door at 8.

We used to play World of Warcraft or go toss a football together, which is super fun, but forget that now - no time.

I'm sleep-deprived and crabby. My fitness is important to me, but since starting p90x and having that hour and a half chunk ripped out of my schedule, I just feel frantic that there are so many things to do and no time to do them, every day. I'm having a housewarming party on Saturday and I'm going to take a half-day off from work tomorrow just so I'll have time to clean and prep and shop for snacks.

I feel a meltdown coming if this continues. For those of you who have done/are doing p90x, how do you balance it? Help!


  • wolfehound22
    You could try moving the workout to the morning, that is what I usually do. Sure it sucks getting up early, but its nice having the fredom at night. Id imagine if you were up around 530 to start your workout you would be fine with work. THe other option would be to start your workout around 8 at night, that would give you guys some time to send together before, and then the workout will be done by 10 at the latest.

    You also have to look at the fact your working out togther, sure not the ideal quality time, but this time is nice. Me and my wife workout togther, and I love it. Even if your sweating like crazy and worn out, you can still talk. Give it some time and you'll figure this out. your still early in the program, and its a big change from what you were doing before. You'll never have as much time as you did before, especially if you weren't working out before, but its all in how you make it.
  • leilamarchi
    Options would mean getting up between 430-5 to still have my a.m. writing time. I tried writing in the evenings before, but it's hard to say "okay hon, turn off the movie (or whatever we were doing together), I have to go write and have me-time now." So mornings are easier for that. The time together IS nice, I guess I'm just having a hard time adjusting.

    On the upside, my triceps feel great after last night, lol.
  • wolfehound22
    Well, you could still have your writing time at night, but perhaps do that first, or set time aside like when 8 oclock hits you both do your onw things. That is sort of how me and my wife do it, once my son is in bed we do our own thing, not every night, but a lot of nights. Just think that would give you extra time, although morning workouts can be rough.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    These programs that you do every single day do tend to eat up a lot of time. Maybe try a different fitness routine?
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
  • Elainejk21
    Elainejk21 Posts: 121 Member
    You could try crock pot meals so you don't take more time out of your schedule (traveling to/from Subway, ordering). Skinnytaste has some good ones (I recently tried the slow cooker pork and green chile stew and loved it) and members here have posted a bunch of stuff on the Recipes forum.