ugg...ready to throw in the towel :(



  • nduva
    nduva Posts: 6 Member
    I once heard a woman say, "I had to put on my oxygen mask to help the others around me." I'm a busy Mom who works full-time as well. But exercise is one of the few things that is ALL MINE in my day! I get up before my husband and son, so no one misses any wife or mommy time. Sometimes it is frusterating if all you're looking at is the goal; start looking at the journey and identify times when you were really proud of yourself and your accomplishment. I find that is very motivating for me, "today I'm proud of myself because..."
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    Have you considered that maybe your end goal isn't realistic? I am 5'3, I always thought 135 pounds seemed realistic. Except I lost 40 pounds on WW, then 15 on MFP and then weigh loss stalled out and I entered the same cycle you are describing with only 10 more pounds to loose. I finally came to the realization that 135 pounds wasn't realistic, even though that's the highest number of the healthy BMI range. I'm healthy, work out 3-5 times a week, I wear an 8-10, I feel and look good -- THAT is what matters.
  • tuffytuffy1
    tuffytuffy1 Posts: 920 Member
    Here is a thought I had. If you are doing a very calorie-restrictive diet to lose, the weight will come back faster once you start eating significantly more than that large deficit. I have lost 20 pounds but it has taken over a year. I can have bad days, even bad weeks, without it affecting my progress. I eat at least 1600 to 1800 calories a day, sometimes a lot more. And I'm still losing -- VERY SLOWLY, but losing. I love that I haven't had to basically do much restricting of my food. I do lift weights/strength train for a half an hour twice a week with a personal trainer, and I try to eat a lot of grilled chicken, salads, that sort of thing. But it's all food I love, so I don't feel deprived. If you have lost weight in the past with a very restrictive diet, I would try something else like what I described -- eat at a very moderate deficit and the weight will slowly but surely come off and stay off. Good luck, don't let those 10 pounds get you down!
  • I stopped worrying about wieght...but started noticing inches and how I looked in my clothes...the more I workout the more I lose inches, but when I lift weights, I gain muscle causing me to gain a pound or thing you might try is when you sit down to watch TV...sit on an exercise ball and bounce! Twist your stomach and move your works everything and you dont even realize you are working out. Its fun and you can do it everyday...GOOD LUCK and SMILE :)

  • cmbx2mom
    cmbx2mom Posts: 56 Member
    Thanks all...some more background...
    I'm 5'7". Prepregnancy 155 lbs. Sounds heavy but I have a muscular build, and was in great shape at that weight. I gained 55 lbs with pregnancy. I was able to get down to about 178 before having to go back to work after 1st pregnancy. I kind of stalled at that weight and then got pregnant again and was 212lb the morning before I gave birth to my son. AGain was able to get back down to about 175 before returning to work. My son was a terrible sleeper. Took him 2 years to get through the night so I couldn't really focus on weight loss...just needed to get through the day. ANyway, I was able to get back down to about 160 with calorie counting and exercise, but then broke my ankle. Weight crept back up. I wnet up and down for a bit. Tried Weight watchers and got back down to 160lbs. but didn't have time to continue going to meetings (they were during work) but maintained about 162. When we put the house on the market last fall I had so much to do, I didn't have time to exercise so weight crept up again. I hit about 167 earlier this year and knew I had to get back on track. Hence, this summer (10 weeks).
    I know I'm focusing on pounds here, but it does correlate with inches/pants size. It's just easier to have a # vs. "my pants are getting tight". I had been running mostly as my exercise in the past with a few gym classes here and there, but when I switched jobs I lost the classes I had been taking. I have a gym at work, so I don't belong to one elsewhere. I decided to add strength training a little over amonth ago...basically twice a week I do a circuit. I feel great doing it, just haven't noticed anythign on the scale or in measurements/clothes fitting better.
    I tried Insanity a couple years ago, but it really hurt my feet/joints. I will do a video sporadically but can't commit to that program fully. I have a number of different circuits I do that I got from various magazizines/online.
    I was at the Dr's recently for a physical and of course was told that according to my BMI I'm overweight. I think I would be very happy/healthy around 158lbs, hence these 10 pounds.
    I have tried low calories/higher calories etc etc. I did drop a bit at 1350 calories per day, but couldn't maintain eating that little. My goal right now is a consistent 1700 calories per day, whether I exercise or not. I find that easier to handle then trying to figure out eating back exercise calories etc etc. However, even 1700 calories seems like just not enough on some days. ANd then there are days where I ask myself why am I limiting myself when it doens't really get my anywhere. Of course it doens't help that my husband drops weight like it's nothing.
    BTW, I'm 38 (tomorrow). Work full time, 2 kids that play lots of sports so evenings are packed and cannot seem to get up at 5am to squeeze a workout in every morning. Even if I could, I feel like my eating is more of an issue then my exercising....
  • strawberru314
    strawberru314 Posts: 26 Member
    Happy Birthday!

    You mentioned that you were of a muscular build... did your doctor do a body fat calculator as well. BMI has is faults and so does the weight you see on the scale. It seems you are very busy with working and your children that maybe you need to set time aside for yourself too. Don't forget to do that. As far as the scale... I would say not to stress and to try to maintain. If you lose weight too, great. But if not, at least you are doing your best to eat healthy and work out when you can.