Cheat Days - Are You A Believer?

I've heard quite a bit about cheat days.

Do you think they work, or no?
If you use them, is there a rule of thumb on the calorie threshold? A percentage over your normal intake perhaps?

I would hate to throw away a whole week's work, but since I'm on so few calories daily (1290 to lose a pound a week), I wouldn't mind a nice, hearty Sunday dinner.

Talk to me...


  • if i want to eat more
    i work out more
    cheating on your diet is a slippery slope...
  • Once I have a cheat meal....I just want to cheat more. However, if i want something i eat it. Im usually able to talk myself out of a big burger or pizza!
  • smnassise
    smnassise Posts: 22 Member
    It is impossilbe to argue with results.

    It all really does seem to be very simple math, doesn't it? (Not necessarily easy to execute, but simple on paper.) I sometimes eat over my calories, but I stay within my deficit...that seems to be working pretty well...and I get roast beef. :wink:
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    That depends on a lot of factors, but I'm more a fan of structured diet breaks than periods of uncontrolled eating.

    Then again, I have a large appetite and I can easily negate a weeks worth of dieting in one night Many people can let their hair down for a few hours once a week and lose weight just fine.

    As far as whether they "work," your caloric balance over time is what will determine weight loss, having a higher calorie intake one day a week in and of itself isn't going to provide any particular benefit or harm.
  • nisha0612
    nisha0612 Posts: 75 Member
    i have a cheat meal once a week... but i make up for it.. like yesterday i had a big dinner... so today is raw day.. where i have only fruits and raw veg... and on weekends i work out an hour extra...

    life is too short for not indulging once a while... tomorrow you could be hit by a bus.. and be thinking... "aaah i should have had that burger"
  • AmberJo1984
    AmberJo1984 Posts: 1,067 Member
    I try not to call them cheat days. I have better days than others... but, for me it's a process. I try to look at it as a whole.

    With that said, though. I try not to "cheat". I try to stick under the 1500 calories at all times. If I do go over (because of a get-together or something), I just exercise more.
  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member
    That depends on a lot of factors, but I'm more a fan of structured diet breaks than periods of uncontrolled eating.

    Then again, I have a large appetite and I can easily negate a weeks worth of dieting in one night Many people can let their hair down for a few hours once a week and lose weight just fine.

    As far as whether they "work," your caloric balance over time is what will determine weight loss, having a higher calorie intake one day a week in and of itself isn't going to provide any particular benefit or harm.

    Solid response.
  • Personally I dont like cheating, because once I have just one cheat meal it turns into more and I just totally screw up all my clean eating...but thats just me.
  • Miss_dannii
    Miss_dannii Posts: 1,351 Member
    Hell yes. I eat less during the week (900-1000 per day) and then I let loose on the weekends. Before anyone bashes me, I've lost 70 pounds doing this so...
  • Rachlmale
    Rachlmale Posts: 640 Member
    If there is a meal I crave I will have it on my 50th day of GOOD logging. When I have the weight off this will probably increase as I maintain. An entire day of 'cheating' is a bit much in my opinion, especially on a regular basis and especially when still trying to lose weight.
  • Cheating for me means eating things I wouldn't normally, but staying under calories. Great to step up your activity on those days to offset it. I've done the cheat thing in the past ... the problem for me (with my addictive personality) is that once a month becomes every other week which becomes once a week which becomes every day and then being healthy is shot all to hell and back and i gain back everything I lost and more. So now, I'm just not going to allow it. You may have more restraint than me but for me, it's a slippery slope. :noway:
  • pfgaytriot
    pfgaytriot Posts: 238 Member
    Yep, but I try not to let myself get out of control. It's rare that I'll even break 2000 calories on my cheat day. It hasn't hindered my weight loss journey at all.
  • Ninnyninball
    Ninnyninball Posts: 29 Member
    My Personal Trainer encourages it. One cheat meal a week - normally at the weeked - I'll get a chinese/Indian or pizza - I find it helps me stay on track as I do be good for the rest of the week then.

    I do a lot of excercise so I feel like I derserve a treat :)

    Everyone is different but it works for me :drinker:
  • kuntry_navy
    kuntry_navy Posts: 677 Member
    hell yeah they work! diets plateau as much as exercising does, and instead of derailing my diet by going back to my old eat everything self. i get to enjoy one day a week
  • DaniJeanine
    DaniJeanine Posts: 473 Member
    I hesistate to call it "cheat" because it makes me feel like it's a free pass to go nuts. Rather, I just don't go crazy counting if I'm out for a nice dinner or doing a girls night. That lets me enjoy it without feeling like I have to cram in all my "cheat" calories...
  • drakechic08
    drakechic08 Posts: 156 Member
    I believe in moderation. If I want to eat something, I do. I just try not to over do it and I try to stay within my calories. If I go over, I just try to do better the next day. I found that if I am too strict with my diet and eliminate something, I will not succeed.
  • KittieLea
    KittieLea Posts: 1,156 Member
    Cheat days work for me. I eat clean during the week and allow myself a couple of cheat meals on the weekends. I helps me stay on track when I know I can indulge a little here and there.
  • vettle
    vettle Posts: 621 Member
    When people say cheat day it's all wrong. I dont think binging on one day will help with willpower. However, I did zig zag calories for a few months when I was losing weight and having those extra 300 or so calories every few days and then dipping down after is what really made me lose weight especially when I was in a plateau.
  • TaylorsGranddad
    TaylorsGranddad Posts: 453 Member
    Hell yes. I eat less during the week (900-1000 per day) and then I let loose on the weekends. Before anyone bashes me, I've lost 70 pounds doing this so...

    What she said, ^^^^^^ except I've lost 84 pounds, we both can't be wrong
    > 154 pounds between us lol
  • TheViperMan
    TheViperMan Posts: 235 Member
    "Cheat meals" (usually a dinner out) have never worked well for me. Sucks too, 'cause we almost always end up eating out on a Friday or Saturday night - when NEITHER of us want to cook - and I've seen weight-gains of 2-3 pounds the next morning. And of course it can take a week to get rid of that, at which point I repeat the process...

    Lately I've tried the "balancing compromise" strategy, where if I know we're eating out for dinner I'll eat light the rest of the day - leave out the midday coffee, steamed veggies with lunch instead of salad and dressing - that sort of thing. This has worked much better.