longtime runner, 1st half marathon

Looking for anyone else training for a half-marathon in November (or close to it) to swap stories and encouragement! Mine is in 6 weeks. Last weekend I participated in a 10 mile running event. I know I can do the 13 miles, I just want to come out of it with less pain and more energy than I did after that run.


  • dorothytd
    dorothytd Posts: 1,138 Member
    I am not a long time runner. - but I am a long-time exerciser. Just did my 1st half in September and am happy to encourage you!!! Right now I'm gearing up for my first 10k on Nov. 4th. The 1/2 was with a team for charity. This race is just for me and I'm working on getting faster. Will send a request!
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    I'm training, but my first half isn't until March. I'm up to running an hour now, but I know it's going to take me more than twice that time to complete the half. How do you handle water intake when you're training?
  • RunMyOregonBunsOff
    RunMyOregonBunsOff Posts: 862 Member
    Are you doing the Run to Stay Warm? I might do that one! I've only been running off and on for about a year and didn't get serious about it until the end of June. I ran 13.7 last Tuesday and still debating if I want to do the event or not. Add me if you would like!
  • Zangpakto
    Zangpakto Posts: 336 Member
    Advice is to in general no more than 10% distance increase each week.

    Whilst speed sessions are great and so are hill sessions, the bigger your aerobic base, the faster you will be... till a point.

    Good luck and have a great run in 6 weeks, I'm sure you can do it! Not that much farther :)

    Running is just like weight training, you need to overload the muscles in order to improve and the more you do, the more you need to overload in order to improve :)

    Keep at it, and yes you will finish and feel kind of bad if you haven't put in enough miles in training yet, but you will feel awesome! And you WILL want to run another etc.

    Take a weeks break after the race before running again. You'll feel better for it as you haven't run that distance before. After a few you would only need a day or two break really before going again. Just be safe and get to the start feeling strong and healthy and aim to finish strong!

    Unless your 100% certain of finishing, don't worry about time, just enjoy the race and aim to finish strong. That way will recover a lot quicker. Trust me on that.... The harder you push the longer your out for...
  • RunMyOregonBunsOff
    RunMyOregonBunsOff Posts: 862 Member
    I'm training, but my first half isn't until March. I'm up to running an hour now, but I know it's going to take me more than twice that time to complete the half. How do you handle water intake when you're training?

    I use a hydration pack on my long run days but I need to check out electrolyte packs/pills/tabs...
  • 2S_1R
    2S_1R Posts: 171
    Training for my first half for April. Some time from now, but need encouragement, and can give it too!
  • Colbyandsage
    Colbyandsage Posts: 751 Member
    My first half is in 2 weeks, my 2nd on Nov 11th.. Yep, I am crazy! I did my last long run today which was 12 miles but feel free to add me :) I would love love more runner friends!

    Anyone here can add me, just let me know why plz!
  • jenniferstanton
    jenniferstanton Posts: 132 Member
    I started running at the end of June. I'm doing the Empire State half marathon in two weeks. I'm very excited! We just did eleven miles yesterday. I think the experts say that on race day you can do 50% more. I'm hoping that's the case. I'm almost 41 years old. If anyone had asked me this past winter if I would run, I would have laughed in their face. Never thought I was a runner and now here I am almost four months later signed up for a half marathon:happy:
  • schmenge55
    schmenge55 Posts: 745 Member
    Not currently training for a 1/2 but I have done lots of them as well as about a dozen marathons. Happy to support you any way I can though (add me if you like). You'll taper a bit and be loaded with excitement for the 1/2 so it will likely not be like your 10 miler. You big key is likely to be pacing. What many first timers do is say "I am going to run x minute per mile pace" and then they get swept up in the excitement and go faster. But you feel good, so you tell yourself "I can hold this faster pace." Problem is you have to hold it for 13.1 miles. The first 1/2 and maybe a bit longer *should* feel easy, so don't get caught changing your pacing plan.

    Is your goal to finish or do you have a target time you want to hit?
    Looking for anyone else training for a half-marathon in November (or close to it) to swap stories and encouragement! Mine is in 6 weeks. Last weekend I participated in a 10 mile running event. I know I can do the 13 miles, I just want to come out of it with less pain and more energy than I did after that run.
  • schmenge55
    schmenge55 Posts: 745 Member
    Good for you! And yes. race day makes a big difference
  • jogglesngoggles
    jogglesngoggles Posts: 362 Member
    Training for my first 1/2 in 2 weeks from yesterday. Would totally love to support eachother!!
  • helpmeherman
    helpmeherman Posts: 21 Member
    I'm running my 12th half marathon in October, my 13th in November, and my 14th in January. I have sort of an addition, but mostly I've found if I'm not training for a race, then my running drops off. Good luck!
  • CrisAlex
    CrisAlex Posts: 236 Member
    Sending lots of well wishes your way! You can certainly do it - just have fun and don't worry as much about pace. I'll be doing my second half next weekend.
  • That's awesome! I'm currently working back up to a 3 mile base after getting out of the running habit for a few months, then I'm going to train for my first half.
  • :flowerforyou: Have you looked for running clubs in your area? I do my long training runs with an organization locally and we have water support on the runs. I really hate running with a hydration pack so that is a big benefit to me.

    I also find training with others has really improved my speed. At the beginning of the training season in July to today I have dropped a full minute on my pace.

    BTW – I am running my first half NEXT SUNDAY so would love to have all fellow runners as friends – please send a request :flowerforyou:
  • Way to go everyone who is running. I took my first "learn to run" class 3 years ago--I have done two 5k's, one 10k, two half-marathons, and this Saturday will be running my first full marathon and YIKES I am nervous and excited. I am 61 years old and have been training since May (had a full scheduled for mid-September but do to a conflict in scheduling had to put it off), and have run a total of 587 1/2 miles during my training. It is such a great experience. Just remember it's one mile at a time.:wink:
  • kiki112161
    kiki112161 Posts: 1 Member
    I have ran several half and for my 50th birthday did my first full.
    I found that increasing my water intake acouple of days before the race helps. But the best advice is to make sure your meal the night before the race is packed with carbs!!! Good luck! The best feeling is crossing the finish line not matter how long it takes!!!
  • Fit2befitZ
    Fit2befitZ Posts: 150 Member
    I have my first HM on 11/18. We will see how it goes. Somehow I convinced my husband to partake in the fun. :flowerforyou: Hopefully we make it to the finish line, LOL.
  • My first half is on the 21st - just 10 days away! Have been following a training plan and am on tapper now. Boy is it hard to tapper!!

    I did a 10 mile race three weeks ago and did great. At the end of that I knew that I could hold that pace for another 3 miles. It felt very good. Plus it was an unusually cool day so it was closer to what race day temps will be like so I also had a chance to test drive my colder weather running gear for comfort.

    Goal is to finish at the 2 hour mark which is right in line with my 10 mile race. I tend to run a split so will start slower but ramp up between miles 4-8 which are my golden miles. Once I start feeling the drain around mile 9 I settle back pace again to finish.

    I find myself picturing race day all the time right now!! I know the course so I picture the course and the spots I know my body doesn’t like and also the finish line!! Mental will be big for me – I want that two hour finish and have to remember if that doesn’t happen I did not fail.

    Would love to add running MFP friends so request away
  • DantheMan2517
    DantheMan2517 Posts: 134 Member
    Did my first 1/2 marathon in October after picking up running seriously the preceding March. With MapMyRun, I found a 6, 8.5, 10 & 13.1 mile courses that I alternate depending on schedule. I did okay for my first 1/2, 2:17. Signed up for my next one coming up in March '13...the Shamrock in Virginia Beach. Training to be sub 2 hrs.
