no upper body strength



  • Pooj_K
    Pooj_K Posts: 45 Member
    I'm following the one hundred pressups programme ( and you can start with any style i,e full pushups, 'alternative' aka girlie and even planks. and the info is free. Just make sure you do every other day to allow for recovery and you shoudl start to see a steady improvement. So if you start with planks, get to a level where you are doing a large number of reps then try an alternative push up, don't be dishartened if you end up changing styles and going back to low number reps, just focus on the progress you are making and remember, slow and steady.

    Thanks. I will look it up!
  • Pooj_K
    Pooj_K Posts: 45 Member
    I am like you. No upper body strength at all and just started TRX last week at my gym. My entire body was shaking when I walked out after my first class, but I LOVED it. I felt super self-conscious at first, but 3 minutes in you're too busy pushing yourself to worry about anyone else.

    I will defntly give it a try.. Thanks!
  • JasonDetwiler
    JasonDetwiler Posts: 364 Member
    Do you belong to a gym? TRX is an excellent upper body workout. They have at-home systems for about $200.

    Otherwise, the only way to start building up strength is to start doing all of those things that you say you can't... Pushups, planks, etc. Today you might be able to only do 5 pushups, but if you keep doing them and pushing yourself, soon you'll be adding more. Same with planks--start small--3 sets of 15 seconds, but try to add more time each time--even if in small increments.

    You'll get there!

    Edited to say--if you are self-conscious about doing these at the gym, they are all things that you can easily do in the privacy of your own home until you get stronger!

    Yes I go to a gym and I've seen people training with the TRX. I am a little conscious about doing it at the gym.. so yeah first let me work on this at home and then show off at the gym later ;)

    TRX is not for you yet. Build up your strength a little first.
  • denezy
    denezy Posts: 573 Member
    Power class is a good start, but I liked that someone suggested yoga. Especially if you don't want to lift in front of strangers for the first little while.

    Ideally it would be perfect to start lifting with a buddy. They could spot you and help ease some of the anxiety you have about pushing weight. Good luck! :)
  • ixap
    ixap Posts: 675 Member
    You couldn't bench 2 pounds or you couldn't bench an additional 2 pounds on the bar? These are very different amounts...

    Start with small free weights and work yourself up from there. I couldn't do a good pushup when I started.

    I attended this group power class.. where I had to grab a bar bell slip on some weights and do the bench presses. Everyone around me were adding huge weights and me I added 2 lbs and oh boy.. i struggled.. I thought i'd feel like a fool if I just lift the bar bells without adding any weights...
    Ah that makes more sense. I was thinking of two pund dumbbells. I'm sure lots of people in your class started out with just the bar, so if you can do that much go for it and don't worry about it. People are usually focused on their own workout and not busy looking down at everyone else!