Help!! My hair

I wanted to ask a question and maybe someone can help me. My hair is falling out!!!:sad: I have been on my diet since oct and just this month I started taking a daily vitamin. I thought maybe it would help. I usually go over sometimes on my proteins. Is there anyone eles who may be having this problem? Is there something I am missing?:grumble:


  • sprags
    sprags Posts: 56
    Are you doing a low-carb diet? This is an unfortunate side effect of many low-carb, high-protein diets like Atkins.
  • meganwojo
    meganwojo Posts: 221 Member
    Read this article..about how changes in diet can lead to hair loss. :flowerforyou:
  • hhallett10
    Hi - Any big changes in diet or medication can play havoc with hair and skin. I would recommend a prenatal vitamin and a gelatin pill each day. Also, there are a few great products out there that can help. Nioxin is great, just be sure you use the line that is specific to women. Also, Alterna has a line called LIFE, it is pricey but my clients have had great success with that, and it is for men or women.
    Hope this helps a little :) Good Luck!!!
  • mmccurrach
    mmccurrach Posts: 50 Member
    Yes, I always thought that would happen on high protein/atkins diets.
  • BetterVersion
    Mine's coming out, too. It's one of the unfortunate side effects of weight loss. :ohwell:
  • Mellie13
    Mellie13 Posts: 424
    I don't know anything about causes, but I used to be a pharmacy tech and all the pharmacists reccomend Biotin for hair and nails. It's usually in most Multi Vitamins, but you could get an additional suppliment over the counter. Maybe even ask your local pharmacist what they reccomend.
  • monicawildonger
    monicawildonger Posts: 14 Member
    I've been taking Folic Acid for years, it is prenatal vitamins and helps with hair and nail growth, it's been working great for me for years.
  • ractayjon
    I have a thyroid related automimmune disease and hair loss is a side effect of that - have you consulted a dr?
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Hi - Any big changes in diet or medication can play havoc with hair and skin. I would recommend a prenatal vitamin and a gelatin pill each day. Also, there are a few great products out there that can help. Nioxin is great, just be sure you use the line that is specific to women. Also, Alterna has a line called LIFE, it is pricey but my clients have had great success with that, and it is for men or women.
    Hope this helps a little :) Good Luck!!!

    oooh will look into "Alterna LIFE". Which product wud u recommend? they have the clarifying shampoo, scalp therapy shampoo, scalp and follicle treatment, etc....

    I have used **nioxin and it does help with hairloss if u stick to it and don't combine with other products. However I felt that as soon as I stopped using it my hair started to fall out again.
    lool for it online cuz salon prices are higher than online.
  • Ang8178
    Ang8178 Posts: 308
    I'm doing a high protien low carb diet. Not losing any hair either. Stress can cause hair loss also. Last year my hair was falling out in handfulls!!!!!!!!! It was awful! Yeah, I'd go see a Dr if you're really worried about it, just to rule out any health reasons.
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    Are you doing a low-carb diet? This is an unfortunate side effect of many low-carb, high-protein diets like Atkins.

    protein and healthy fats are good for your hair and skin

    not eating enough will cause hair loss. I looked at your diary and seen your goal is at 1,200 cals a day. How tall are you and how much do you weigh?
  • selmacotto
    I have a thyroid related automimmune disease and hair loss is a side effect of that - have you consulted a dr?

    I was going to mention the same thing. A friend of mine was just diagnosed with 2 autoimmune diseases, and she had NO idea the hair loss was a symptom of something more - she just figured she was stressed.
  • Jerzeebabie04
    I wanted to ask a question and maybe someone can help me. My hair is falling out!!!:sad: I have been on my diet since oct and just this month I started taking a daily vitamin. I thought maybe it would help. I usually go over sometimes on my proteins. Is there anyone eles who may be having this problem? Is there something I am missing?:grumble:

    A lady I work with had gastric bypass surgery and afterwards she had to have a lot of protein, chicken, fish, and protein shakes. She started losing her hair also and had to let her doctor know. I won't see her for a few days, but next time I do I'll ask her what the Dr had her do to help it. She is fine now so whatever she started doing must have helped.
  • BamaRose0107
    Unfortunately weightloss and changing diet can cause hairloss and also brittle nails. If you want to make sure that is what it is you can always see your doctor. I started taking prenatal vitamins and they have really helped both my hair and nails.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    for those of you who are suggesting to speak to ur dr. about hairloss, do u mean a general doctor or a specific one like dermatologist? I was thinking of seeing a dr. about my hair loss cuz it has been going on for years now! I'm only 23 and have very thin hair and very visible too!

    any suggestions on who to speak to about it?
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    I would see a GP first as you'll need a referral to a specialist (dermatologist) if that's who you end up needing. A few things to check (to sum up):

    1) nutritional intake in general
    2) stress levels
    3) water intake
    4) hormones - if you're on BC of any kind, high androgen can cause hair loss & acne (either/both).
    5) genetics - if anyone in your family has had significant hair loss/thinning/balding.
    6) pattern of hair loss - where is it? women tend to "thin", all over. If you're coming up with visible patches of skin, then I would definitely propose that this is a sympotom of something bigger - but the possibilities are endless so I wouldn't guess if I were you.
    7) any other physical symptoms appearing in conjunction with the hair loss.

    I too am thinning at a fairly young age (not as young as you though!) and I've always had super thick hair. I believe, in my case, it is hormone related (BCP's) and that is in conjunction with other symptoms I've had that would indicate such. If I were experiencing hair loss only with no other symptoms then a doctor's visit would be required. I would anticipate a full work-up. In fact, demand it. Hair loss is pretty sucky, but imagine if it were a treatable cancer that went undetected because the symptom is so generic? That would be absolutely awful! Not saying this is the case - saying it's worth looking into as a precaution.

    Good luck!
  • BamaRose0107
    I went to my regular doctor who ran some tests to make sure my thyroid was not the cause or some other cause. He put me on prenatals first and if that did not help he would have refferered me to a specialist. Thankfully it has been working and was not caused by any medical problem. IMO I would start with a regular doctor and go from there.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Thanks. I will definately book an appointment ASAP.

    I shud mention that my hair was always plenty but since about high school its been falling out and thinning. My mom and sister are the same so genetics is definately there. My two older brothers have also had a lot of hair loss ( ages 27 and 30) but even before that. I have gone to dermatologists before on several occasions but they just prescribe vitamins, biotin, etc, medicated shampoo. My last visit to the derm. was in December and she really didnt seem too concerened. in fact I was a little disappointed but ur rightr I shud demand a full work up.

    Thanks ladies!
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    It can be overall calories. Did you slash your calories drastically when you started? Going from 3000 cals to 1200 is a major shock to the body. The hair and skin will be neglected in a calorie shortage.

    I was hyperthyroid and lost my hair. But now it is growing back faster than I want it too. I eat a LOT of fat though and have never gone below 1500 net calories.
    I'm doing a high protien low carb diet. Not losing any hair either. Stress can cause hair loss also. Last year my hair was falling out in handfulls!!!!!!!!! It was awful! Yeah, I'd go see a Dr if you're really worried about it, just to rule out any health reasons.
    Thanks guys for all the answers. I really didn't think I was on a low carb high protein diet just only what mfp gave me. I did lower my carbs some. It was allowing me 165 gr a day then I pushed it down a little lower. That has been the only change. I will check into the prenatals and I go and see my doctor in march so I will ask. Thanks. Will let you know.