Don't want to be 50 and fat :)

Okay, FAT might be a strong word but I will be turning 50 next year and I have let my weight get out of control. I was one of those "naturally thin" people for most of my life (don't hate me yet) who never concerned herself with dieting, but somewhere around my 35th birthday my metabolism slowed considerably and the weight started coming on. At this point I have about 20 or so pounds to lose. I am 5'6" and currently 149. I have a small frame and I think I could be happy at 130 or a little less but at this point that seems like a long ways away. Never dieting before I wasn't really sure what to do. I am a chef by trade so I know a little something about nutrition, but I am also obsessed with food and wine so although I eat well, I wouldn't say I always eat the right things. I joined WW and for the last 12 weeks I've been following that plan. Unfortunately, after twelve weeks I only lost 4 pounds (not exactly the numbers I was hoping for). I had read on their boards where a lot of folks were using MFP so I thought I would check it out. So far, I have been impressed with the database and ease of use. Also 1 week down and 1 pound loss so that I like! Anyway, I thought I would check in and introduce myself. Would love to have some "buddies" to help me be a little more accountable, but I should warn you, I am not a health nut and I don't mind a slow weight loss as long as I can indulge in my weekend cocktails and the occasional chocolate cake.


  • mgcme
    mgcme Posts: 21
    Welcome to MFP - you can add me as a support friend if you like.
  • tgibbons1935
    tgibbons1935 Posts: 85 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend if you like because we are in the same boat. I turn 50 next year and I am the heaviest I have ever been. I am 5'4 and started out weighing 171 and am down to 155 now. I don't want to be that same person when I turn 50 next year! My husband and I are doing the Medifast plan and it has really worked for us. The turning point for me was when someone posted a picture of us back in June and I was totally shocked by how big I looked. Good luck to you and maybe we can keep each other on track! :smile: