Worlds Biggest Wimp – burning during workouts (HELP!)



  • itsbakertime
    itsbakertime Posts: 85 Member
    Do you feel excited and accomplished when you start the DVD? You have to take the GOOD also :-).

    Why hold off? Just start the video and when you have to stop, you stop. But if the music is good you may find yourself dancing longer than you expected. I would also try a Zumba class. At my Y, the music is loud and the lights are low so no one knows when I'm off beat and when I need to take a "bathroom" break to catch my breath I take it- no guilt involved. I would stay away from classes that are slammed. Chances are the participants know the routines, the instructors, and the music and if you are just starting out you might become frustrated.

    Remember this about YOU! It is your journey and no one else's.

    You make a very valid point! I need to stop feeling guilty or ashamed because I can't finish right away. I need to get a good Zumba DVD!
  • purduegurl18
    You make a very valid point! I need to stop feeling guilty or ashamed because I can't finish right away. I need to get a good Zumba DVD!

    I have a 12 minute cardio DVD I like. It's short, but its about all I can do right now so at least it's something. Also, they have a Zumba game for the game systems if you have one of those around somewhere. I just got it as another thing to try. Machines are not my friend so I'm opting for these methods right now.

    I would agree with what a lot of people said. Slow down and build up. I've done the exact same thing you did and about died. Slowing down really helped me out.
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    I agree with everyone who says to slow down and take it easier in the beginning. We all need to start somewhere, Rome wasn't built in a day.

    I am not quite sure the "burning" feeling your feeling, but I know I get wiped out REALLY fast. By trying my hardest to do it at my pace has helped get me through things. When you feel too comfortable, push a little harder.
  • Julicat6
    Julicat6 Posts: 231 Member
    Zumba is great, if you can do an hour long tap class, you can do a Zumba class. Most moves can be modified for beginners, if you go to a class and don't like it try different instructors. I hated my first Zumba class, I couldn't follow the moves, but I tried again with a different instructor and love it. I promise no one is looking at you, they will be looking at the instructor to learn the moves too.
  • Marc713
    Marc713 Posts: 328 Member
    Just go for a walk. You will be burning calories and working on your cardio. See if you can walk for 20-30 minutes at what ever pace is comfortable. Slowly speed up the walks as you get used it them.