what to watch carb or calories

i ssen a lots of people losing with myfp im not sure
how what you guys see this is easy to do to lose weight
can someone help me
im 5,3 161
my bmr 1530 calories a day
should i eat 100 carb or less
how doi know how much carb and fat good or bad for me
im lost
my menu
B two eggs omlette with chadder chesse spinch
tuna spring mix mayo olives pita bread whole wheat
chicken breast 4 oz
mix vegetables
rice r pasta
plain greek yogurt
64 oz water
45 treadmill walk 3.5
is this the right way to lose weight


  • ausf
    ausf Posts: 51
    sorry me no good english :)
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    so why do you want to eat low carbs? Are you gluten intolerant or something like that? If not, there is no reason to keep your carbs below 100.....
    Just make sure you get enough protein and fat and good carbs, and stick to your calories...
    good luck!
  • kuntry_navy
    kuntry_navy Posts: 677 Member
    if you decide to cut carbs, remember that if the food has fiber to subtract 1g carbohydrate for each 1g fiber.
  • jealous_loser
    Some people swear by low carb. I watch my calories, and try to keep my carbs reasonable (around 200 g).

    It looks like you are eating pretty well, but you don't get up to your calorie goal a lot. Why is that?
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    Calories. You don't have to keep carbs under 100g.
  • Keiras_Mom
    Keiras_Mom Posts: 844 Member
    I only watch calories, and let my other macros fall wherever they may. If you want to do a low carb plan, there are so many out there that you'd have to choose which one fits with your lifestyle and that will determine what carb level you should stay at. I know that's not much help, but that's all I've got. ;-)
  • AmeChops
    AmeChops Posts: 744 Member
    First off, welcome to MFP! Second, well done on your loss to date!

    Right - carbs: if you have no medical reason for keeping them low (diabetes, pcos etc) and have not been instructed by your doctor (or dietician) to do so then don't worry about counting them. Just make sure they come from good sources like fruit, vegetables, wholegrains etc.

    Calories - you need to find a calorie level that works for you...how many has MFP said to eat? Also, if you select to lose at a rate of 2lbs per week then it'll put you around 1200 calories (from what I understand) and sometimes that doesn't work for some people. You've said you're 5'3" and 161lbs with a bmr of 1530 - what is your activity level like - do you have a job where you are on your feet all day or do you sit at a desk most of the time?

    Good luck!
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    Watch calories. Life style changes are about eating the way you want to live the rest of your life. If you don't want another carb the rest of your life, then cut them.
  • thoseblueeyes
    thoseblueeyes Posts: 812 Member
    Hi, I watch both meaning I try to aim for carbs to be net 60-75 while trying to stay within my calories. ( sometimes I do go over and to be honest some days I might be slightly low ) but this doesn't happen to much. I have PCOS which its hard for my body to use carbs. If I have any carbs I try to have then more in the day time for breakfast and lunch but I try not to have them for dinner ( or as much. If it comes from Veggies or fruit thats fine but I do not do pasta or starch items in the evening .

    Per the medical field and health field when your looking at carbs in the food your fiber has to be 5g or more before you can subject it from the total carb. I know there is alot of people that do it 1g per 1g but my husband is a diabetic and his doctor says fiber has to be 5g or more before can subtract from total carbs. Below 5 g of fiber you do not get to minus it off carbs. I don't know if its different if your not a diabetic but I would believe it would be the same for diabetic or non diabetic.
  • julieagross
    I'm doing both low calorie and low glycemic ( a.k.a. low carb ). The Atkins and South-beach type diets work well but its easy to fall into bad eating habits. My brother lost over 100lbs eating steak, sausage etc. with no carbs at all. I was impressed with how unhealthy that approach was as well as the results, so I read up on it. Good quality carbohydrates ( low glycemic index ) are things like green beans, cabbage, broccoli or high fiber grains like Oats or Fiber 1 cereal. If you keep you calorie intake on track with MFP and you eat only good things, you can expect good results.

  • ausf
    ausf Posts: 51
    no i hate low carb diet i just want to eat healthy and lose weight
    so it dosnt matter if i eat 200 carb as long my calories is 1530
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    no i hate low carb diet i just want to eat healthy and lose weight
    so it dosnt matter if i eat 200 carb as long my calories is 1530

  • ausf
    ausf Posts: 51
    thanks everyone
    thank you 100lat
    that really help