Skinny Girls- do guys like that?



  • RobfromLakewood
    Thank heaven there are 7 billion people on the planet, because we all have different tastes and we're all good looking to somebody (hopefully). I once said to family members I don't really have a type and much animated laughter ensued. I was then reminded I liked big boobs, with some curves, but without other curves was okay, as long as the big boobs were there. And they said, if they were Asian, all the better. This was years before I met my wife, my family so knows me. :laugh:
  • GuybrushThreepw00d
    GuybrushThreepw00d Posts: 784 Member
    Personally, I think curves are much more attractive and I aspire for a slim and muscular yet curvy physique.

    e.g. Give me this


    Over this any day!!


    But each to their own. It depends on a girl's natural physique. If I wanted to have the body of Keira Knightley I never could! Having said all this there are some lovely looking 'skinny' types who really suit it.

    Kiera looks great there... :).
  • sharonhauptman
    sharonhauptman Posts: 60 Member
    I think you make an interesting point - what men feel is socially preferable to "say" may not reflect their inner reality.
    Thanks for the thought provoking post.
  • blues4miles
    blues4miles Posts: 1,481 Member
    I think it comes down to people having different definitions of "skinny" or "curvy". I think a lot of guys will say they don't want skinny, they want curvy. That's likely because they are equating skinny with anorexic. When they say curvy they still want slender waists. (In fact, go watch "The Science of Sex Appeal" (I think still streamable on Netflix for anyone curious). In one study they have heterosexual men looking at women's body-type outlines, and they will continue to find hip/waist or waist/boob ratios attractive that are crazy and impossible and unhealthy for women.) But I also think that for most men they can easily find someone who is more skinny or less skinny desirable if there is a connection with that person. So, while they might express their "preferred" type, they are flexible and can be attracted to a wide variety of people.

    But in general no I don't think men are trying to be "nice" I think they are just clueless. I think an overweight woman can describe herself as "curvy" and she feels better to hear that. But that may not be the guy's definition of curvy. I think in general, due to low self esteem women have really warped views of their own body type (have seen women post on here about being curvy, and that's not how I would describe them!) As well as in general guys are pretty clueless, and generally can find a wide variety of women attractive, but otherwise have a warped view of women's bodies due to media infuence. Whereby curvy to a guy is not anorexic.
  • blues4miles
    blues4miles Posts: 1,481 Member
    Personally, I think curves are much more attractive and I aspire for a slim and muscular yet curvy physique.

    e.g. Give me this


    Over this any day!!


    But each to their own. It depends on a girl's natural physique. If I wanted to have the body of Keira Knightley I never could! Having said all this there are some lovely looking 'skinny' types who really suit it.

    I was about to say....that's not fair b/c that's BOTH their natural builds which are TOTALLY different

    Keira Knightley is naturally built that way and catches so much crap for it

    Also want to point out in those two photos (which are supposed to "curvy" versus "skinny") we are seeing Keira front on, in a bikini that is mostly covering her up. The other gal is standing facing to the side, with her legs apart, and arching her back. So she probably doesn't have more in the way of "curves" than Keira does, she's just posing in a way that makes her look curvy. She's clearly rather skinny (what is that, an AA-cup at best? and the top seems to be trying to have a push-up effect?). I think a lot of women (like me) would call them both skinny. The 2nd photo only looks so much more curvy because she is posing for that affect. Again, a woman can't just walk out of the ocean in a bathing suit and be considered attractive. She has to wear a tight push-up top, be sticking her butt out, and arching her back to give everyone the impression she's curvy but still has no stomach fat whatsoever. No muscle either.
  • Stephanie7873
    Lol @ all the comments n opinions
  • katsimas

    Also want to point out in those two photos (which are supposed to "curvy" versus "skinny") we are seeing Keira front on, in a bikini that is mostly covering her up. The other gal is standing facing to the side, with her legs apart, and arching her back. So she probably doesn't have more in the way of "curves" than Keira does, she's just posing in a way that makes her look curvy.

    Trust me Beyonce has much more curves then Keira, no matter what pose they are in...
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    So she probably doesn't have more in the way of "curves" than Keira does,
    Seriously, have you never seen Beyonce Knowles before? Yeah, she has WAY more curves than Kiera Knightly. Not that that's a good or bad thing--they have different body types.
  • joselo2
    joselo2 Posts: 461
    Lol @ all the comments n opinions

    '\opinions' what is that all about? People should just be all like awwaaaaahyiiiii, whatever i dunnoo, i don't care, i don't think nothin.
  • sugarlips1980
    sugarlips1980 Posts: 361 Member
    Personally, I think curves are much more attractive and I aspire for a slim and muscular yet curvy physique.

    e.g. Give me this


    Over this any day!!


    But each to their own. It depends on a girl's natural physique. If I wanted to have the body of Keira Knightley I never could! Having said all this there are some lovely looking 'skinny' types who really suit it.

    I was about to say....that's not fair b/c that's BOTH their natural builds which are TOTALLY different

    Keira Knightley is naturally built that way and catches so much crap for it

    Also want to point out in those two photos (which are supposed to "curvy" versus "skinny") we are seeing Keira front on, in a bikini that is mostly covering her up. The other gal is standing facing to the side, with her legs apart, and arching her back. So she probably doesn't have more in the way of "curves" than Keira does, she's just posing in a way that makes her look curvy. She's clearly rather skinny (what is that, an AA-cup at best? and the top seems to be trying to have a push-up effect?). I think a lot of women (like me) would call them both skinny. The 2nd photo only looks so much more curvy because she is posing for that affect. Again, a woman can't just walk out of the ocean in a bathing suit and be considered attractive. She has to wear a tight push-up top, be sticking her butt out, and arching her back to give everyone the impression she's curvy but still has no stomach fat whatsoever. No muscle either.

    I have to disagree, Beyonce defo has more meat on her that Keira, I don't really think that's debatable! And yeah as someone said not fair to compare them as they have different physiques. And another guy loves Keira, so each to their own.I LOVE Beyonce's figure though! I'm putting this pic up on my fridge for next I've I'm tempted to pig out!
  • healthyandlovely
    Everyone has different tastes but in general I do believe they like skinny or curvy yet slim girls (yes, it's possible to be a size 2/4/6/8 and have curves). Judging from what I see around me, skinny/slender girls will always get more attention from guys than a chubby or obese/overweight women. A thin but regular looking woman can still get plenty of attention from males if she appears confident and has a sociable personality that attracts others. A fat but confident woman might get some attention, but definitely not to the extent than the thin woman would. From my personal experience, the only overweight women that get plenty of attention from males (who aren't chubby chasers) are extremely stunning/pretty and only about 20-30 pounds overweight, never more. I had many nice and kind overweight friends who wanted to date the cute guys they knew but were immediately put in the friend zone asap, yet these guys that claimed they only saw them as friends, were more willing to date any regular looking but thin friend that liked them. It's shallow but I'd be hypocritical if I complained about men being like this - I could picture myself being more physically attracted to a nice but regular looking guy with an average, slender or even slightly chubby build rather than a very attractive and kind 350 pound man.
  • strawberrytoast
    strawberrytoast Posts: 711 Member
    Most people like skinny girls, that why most women on here are losing weight to be skinny.

    And before all the women come rushing to their defence of i want to be toned/muscular/curvy ect dont bother, the ultimate is to get rid of the fat thus being skinny- so shut it :P ha ha
  • csuhar
    csuhar Posts: 779 Member
    There is, of course, the challenge that adjectives like "skinny" and "curvy" are open to interpretation.

    I think, though, there might also be an issue of how the options are percieved when asking men what they find attractive.

    Myself, I don't necessarily find skinny women, even the really thin fashion-model types, to be UN-attractive. But I don't find them to be aesthetically any MORE attractive than someone with a higher, but otherwise still healthy weight.

    But then, I also don't go to bars to pick up women.