Has anyone taken Lupron?

SDMS Posts: 36 Member
I have just started taking Lupron shots and will be on them for 6 months total. I have just started experiencing the lovely (being sarcastic) side effects. Along with the hot flashed and dizziness, I am also gaining weight. I think it is water weight since my rings are getting tight over the past 2 days and I have gained 3 lbs.

Has anyone taken this medication? If so, how did you avoid gaining weight (if that is a realistic thought).

I am thinking that if I stay with my calorie range and keep working out, then I should not gain weight. It is not even possible...unless it is water weight.

Please help! I am terrified to have my weight start creeping back up.



  • janet0513
    janet0513 Posts: 564 Member
    I took the shots and it does put you into a temporary menospause with all the symptoms. I would watch your sodium and your diet, get plenty of exercise during this time and it IS possible to not gain weight. Best of luck. I hope you have better success with the shots than I did. :)
  • I took Lupron and got all the great side effects too. I had a really hard time controling my weight when I was on it. I really found that the shots were not worth the side effects and made the decision (after a long visit with my Dr.) to stop them. I am glad I did! Good luck with them!
  • CrisN99
    CrisN99 Posts: 159 Member
    I have. And I gained- also had some nasty breakouts. Good luck with it! It did help all my other symptoms, so its not a total bust, IMO.
  • i have had lupron shots 3 different times in my life and I didn't gain to much weight. it does put your body in menopause so my dr told me to eat lots of lowfat dairy. I think it was because of watching my calcium since it was putting my body in menopause. I took the advice and ended up loosing a few pounds the first two times I was on it! good luck and the best thing I can tell you about the hot flashes is wear layers, when you feel one coming on put your hands under cold running water and drink green tea! good luck!
  • softballerchik1
    softballerchik1 Posts: 65 Member
    I took them when I was in high school. I had all of the crazy side effects and gaining weight was unavoidable for me :( I ended up getting extremely bad chronic migraines and had to come off of it.
  • My sister takes them and her doctor gave her a hormone patch, she hasn't experienced any side effects.

    Wishing you the best of luck,
  • blueye17
    blueye17 Posts: 8 Member
    I had to take them and had great side effects as well. Could not seem to stay on top of the weight gain, but I did find that viberation therapy ( turbosonic is the best) was great in helping with all the side effects and it helped me loose weight. Amazing!!! Look for viberation therapy it is a wonderful thing.
  • blf20
    blf20 Posts: 97 Member
    I took it about ten years ago (with all of the lovely side effects, including wild moods swings) for about six or so months. Although I can't recall if I gained or lost, I suspect that any weight issues were because of being tired and irritable. As my brother keeps reminding me, calories are all math - if you stick to the MFP 'plan' things will eventually even out.

    In my case, a combination of the drug and a really great Dr. had the desired effect.

    Hang in there!
  • BBEAU88
    BBEAU88 Posts: 35
    I was on Lupron for about 5 years, and I did gain quite a lot of weight while on this. I believe the main reason for the weight gain was the fact that I never exercised and had terrible eating habits before I started taking it, but I was never the type to gain weight. However, the change to my body from the Lupron triggered the weight gain. I believe that it could have been avoided if I had paid more attention to what I was eating. So if you're already eating right and exercising, I think that you have a good chance of maintaining. :) Upping the calcium is definitely a must. And depending on the reason for the Lupron, you might want to see if your doctor could prescribe you a hormone replacement. I took one along with the Lupron, and that helped in regards to the side effects.

    This is all based off of my own personal experience, and I'm sure that the affects of the drug is different on everyone. Best of luck!
  • MNchick
    MNchick Posts: 371 Member
    I was just started on this therapy about 2 weeks ago...5.5 months left :/

    I was given the hormone add-back therapy from day one and while I haven't experienced any hot flashes (thank gooness!), I did have a couple of dizzy spells and noticed that the add-back therapy pill makes me pretty tired.

    I am training for a half marathon and have continued all of my training runs, and kept eating healthy and while I was up .6 lbs last week, I was down 2 lbs this week.

    I'll update this if anything else comes up!
  • MNchick
    MNchick Posts: 371 Member
    I'm heading in tomorrow to get my 3rd shot. Definitely getting the hot flashes, which completely blows while living in GA in the summer, but I haven't had anymore dizzy spells and it hasn't seemed to halt my weight loss!
  • SDMS
    SDMS Posts: 36 Member
    I just finished with my lupron. We went with four months instead of the proposed 6 months. Thank goodness! During June and July the hot flashed were miserable. We live in Las vegas, so hot flashes during 110ish degree weather is unbearable.
    Since my last shot was in July, I am awaiting my cycle to start. Then we are going to try to conceive.

    As for my weight, I proceeded to loose about 20 lbs during that time frame (since mid- April). YAY!!! I just stuck to eating sensibly, not eating past seven pm,and cardio and weight training 6 times a week. I also started running (or in my case "jogging") which really pushed my weight loos.

    If anyone else is going thru lupron shots, please know that weight gain can be avoided!!!!
  • I just completed my 6 month lupron injections also...no weight gain, but not much loss either.
  • I finished my second month of Lupron two weeks ago. In the first month I gained 15lbs. Went from a size 12/14 to a 16/18. Only seemed to be gaining in my stomach area. Have an appt with my Gyno in a few days to see what to do. I started Zumba and Weight Watchers as well - hoping to stabilize anymore gain!
  • thutch40
    thutch40 Posts: 26 Member
    I'm going to be starting Lupron next week and i am really nervous about the weight gain. Sure there are going to be other side effects i will have to deal with but the weight gain worries me the most. I am now at 1400 calories should I reduce it to 1000?
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I'm going to be starting Lupron next week and i am really nervous about the weight gain. Sure there are going to be other side effects i will have to deal with but the weight gain worries me the most. I am now at 1400 calories should I reduce it to 1000?
    This thread is pretty old. :smile: Please don't reduce your calories to 1,000, that's way too low. Please talk to your doctor about your concerns.
  • I just got my 4th injection of Lupron. I'm working out and eating right, but i'm gaining weight. any suggestions?
  • thutch40
    thutch40 Posts: 26 Member
    I getting my first of six on Wednesday. Really nervous about the side effects.
  • thutch40
    thutch40 Posts: 26 Member
    Just now noticed ur response. Thanks. I am planning on having a good chat with my doctor on Wednesday.
  • jstei016
    jstei016 Posts: 1
    I just finished my 6-month course of Lupron. For me, the side effects were well worth the benefits. I had a HUGE decrease in pain related symptoms, as well as diminished IBS symptoms. With the Lupron, I had moderate hot flashes and insomnia. I chose NOT to do medication to help with side effects and managed them with benadryl/unisom at night time and a fan blowing on my side of the bed during the night. However, I gained 20 lbs within 6 months on this medication. Now coming off of the medicine and restarting birth control, I hope to stabilize my hormones and work my butt off to get my extra weight off. Other than that, Lupron was a magnificent drug. Will most likely take another 6 month course later in life since we are waiting quite a while before starting a family. Hope this helps. Respond with any questions you have. :smile: