Ladies, what is your workout routine?

As in how often do you go to the gym and what do you do, for how long when you are there? I am curious. I am just getting started and am trying to both lose weight and tone up..

Thanks for any responses..


  • juliec33
    juliec33 Posts: 238 Member
    :smile: running and bootcamp. I can't do the gym. I find it very boring. Bootcamp is like recess for adults. I've made some great friends and we get to have "play dates" 3 times a week
  • girlie100
    girlie100 Posts: 646 Member
    heavy lifting 3x a week normally about 45mins then 20mins HIIT
    football training 1x a week, all cardio
    then a football game 1x a week as well

    (with football I mean soccer, lol)

    on days off i try to fit in a little steady state cardio
  • Weebs628
    Weebs628 Posts: 574 Member
    Run 3x a week, Zumba 2x a week and dance (ballet and modern) 2x a week. I try to squeeze in some Pilates here and there too.
  • DenyseMarieL
    DenyseMarieL Posts: 673 Member
    Right now I run at least 3 miles every other day and do 20 min of weights once or twice a week. Once the weather gets icky I'm going to switch up my runs on the treadmill with the 'Insanity' workouts.
  • olerolls
    olerolls Posts: 70 Member
    Boot camp Tu/Thu/Fri
    Cardio class at gym M-Th
    Yoga Sa/Su

    Once I've lost some more weight and generally improved my conditioning, I'll drop some cardio and replace with lifting. For now, I think improving my cardiovascular health is more important than improving my strength (though we do quite a bit of strength work at boot camp - but it's bodyweight and 15 lb handweights, so not lifting heavy).

    Boot camp and cardio are an hour each and yoga is 75 minutes.
  • I LOVE to go to the classes that my gym offers. I do step aerobics, zumba, kickboxing. Grab a friend and try a class. I am a very social person so having some others who expect me to be there helps keep me motivated.
  • sarahg148
    sarahg148 Posts: 701 Member
    Tennis 2-3x/wk...sometimes it's a mixer which lasts for hours, or matches which can be 45-120 minutes...depending upon how fast I/we win lol.

    Gym doing cardio 2-3x/wk and weights 1-2x/wk...need to keep up the weights...I tend to do them for weeks then take weeks off. I tend to start where I ended, but get that initial soreness after the first few workouts after a long hiatus. Wanna get back into free weights because I'm getting bored with the circuit.
  • P90x and my cardio-core home 5 days a week instead of 6 now....anywhere from 1-2 hours a session
  • FinallyFit2010
    FinallyFit2010 Posts: 4 Member
    I lift weights 3x per week. I try to go as heavy as I can and still keep good form.
    Workouts are generally 45-60 minutes.
    Sunday = legs
    Tuesday = Back, Biceps, Traps & abs
    Thursday = Chest, Shoulders, Triceps

    I also do cardio 3x per week (Monday/Wednesday/Friday) - approx 45 minutes on the treadmill or stationary bike (depending on my mood).

    I have not yet tried HIIT, but plan to try it soon.
  • krisalexine
    krisalexine Posts: 78 Member
    CrossFit WODs
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    Mon-Fri I do double workouts: AM is usually a FIRM DVD (like Get Chisel'd or Total Body Time Crunch) then PM I hit the gym to really workout:
    Mon & Thursday is 15min cardio then Upper body (shoulders, back, biceps, triceps, forearms)
    Tuesday & Friday are 15min cardio then Legs & Core (squats, dips, calves & deadlifts on the Smith Machine then sled machine, hams & ab-ducter & ad-ducter machines plus core-routine which includes several different ab & lower back strengthening excercises)
    Wednesday is Cardio & Core Strength

    If I can get out to the gym Saturday and/or Sunday I do a combo with lower weights, higher reps on full body with 30+mins cardio (fav cardio is the Arc Trainer) - if I don't make it out I do either Kickboxing or another FIRM DVD.

    The key is to ease into any new routine. 3 years ago I wouldn't be able to keep up with what I do now, now I push harder each day. Cheers & good luck to you :smile:
  • I do ChaLEAN Extreme which is 5 nights / week (3 weight lifting sessions, 2 cardio & abs)
    I also do Zumba and/or Turbo Jam 4 x 30 mins at lunchtime with the girls at the office.

    I prefer working out at home I'm kind of a shy person .. no gym for me :)
  • kmillers
    kmillers Posts: 144 Member
    P90X 3 days a week
    Insanity 3 days a week
    Sometimes run some HIIT or hills after
    Some sort of stretching once a week
  • microwoman999
    microwoman999 Posts: 545 Member
    Cardio Kickboxing 4 days a week, walking 6 miles almost everyday and Saturdays hiking in the woods with a friend :)

    Where I walk in the woods is called Squires Castle, that is the picture that I have, sooooo pretty there
  • dsc32209
    dsc32209 Posts: 40 Member
    I am 61 years old and I do strength training 2x a week for 1 hour each. I also to water aerobics 5 x a week for 1 hour each
  • DeMarraDontStop
    DeMarraDontStop Posts: 342 Member
    Recently I workout 5 days a week, with 45 minutes of cardio and 15 minutes of strength training. Good luck on your journey!
  • drusilla126
    drusilla126 Posts: 478 Member
    I go to Curves 5 times a week. It in itself is a 1/2 hour workout and then I do 300 reverse crunches and some other stuff then their streches mixed with some yoga. Whole thing takes me about 1.5 hours.
  • waterwing
    waterwing Posts: 214 Member
    I used to just do running 3x a week with the odd day of yoga and/or some sort of high intensity short burst workout (bodyrock).

    Now I run 3-4x a week, Zumba 3x a week and TRX 2x a week. I try to do a major workout 5-6 days of the week.
  • Shrelana
    Shrelana Posts: 248 Member
    I try to go to the gym at least 5 days a week - push for 6.

    When I go to the gym, I do AT least 30 minutes of cardio. If I'm not pressed for time (i.e. working a double at work with only 1.5 hours in between) I actually do 15 to 20 minutes of strength training before the cardio.

    Granted, this might be changing around November 1 because I have my next appointment with the trainer at my gym to do a follow up and see if I need to change my routine (I want to learn to use the hip abductor so I can begin re-training my muscles for riding horses :) - trainer didn't want me to do that yet when I started due to slight hip issues...).

    Good luck in your's quite a trip, even at the beginning!
  • tacticalhippie
    tacticalhippie Posts: 596 Member
    Rush Fit and C25K