ok so, my name is Amber and i need to lose about 100 lbs. However, I HAVE NO MOTIVATION WHATSOEVER. i am one of the "biggest" girls at my job, i am a hairdresser, and appearence is important. I am tired of needing "plus sized" clothing, and i HATE looking at myself. i feel sometimes that i am an embarassment to my husband, and kids. it bothers me that i wear "body shapers" but i feel as though it makes me look better. I have the right state of mind to lose this weight, but when it comes to physically getting off the couch and into the gym, it's not there. bottom line, I AM LAZY. i have a membership at my local fitness center, i just find excuses y i can't go, for example, i have laundry to do, the house needs to be cleaned, i have to feed my cat, etc. i am 30 years old, and i have no energy, or motivation, can someone help me out? or at least let me know i'm not the only one feeling like this?
sorry about all the incorrect-ness, i am trying to get my sleep back on a descent schedule.
Thanks!!! :smile: :heart:


  • ReeRun77
    I can only imagine how much of a struggle it is to want to feel good about yourself. Please don't hesitate to add me as a friend. I would love to help motivate you to feel much happier with yourself and your weight. It's very hard to will yourself to work hard and to put yourself in pain, but once you do get in that gym, and after the first few times when your sore, it starts to feel real good. It makes you start to feel SO MUCH BETTER about taking the steps to improve your weight, because you actually ARE improving your health and body by putting it through a little stamina-inspiring exercise. :-)
  • robinkhn
    robinkhn Posts: 12 Member
    Hi, Amber! i just joined this group and yours was the first post I read. It IS hard to get started. I have been trying to lose for a year. What has helped me the most was a friend going through this journey with me. We share our failures, our successes. I started out walking only 5 minutes a day. I walked 5 minutes until I felt I could go further. I moved up to 10 minutes, or one block more. If you dive in rat full speed, you will not finish. My husband would walk with me and encourage me all the way. I now walk every day. I walk before work for half hour with colleagues (at a snail's pace for one of the ladies). I walk after school or evening with my friend for a minimum of 30 minutes to 1 hour. We check in with each other EVERY day and share what we did or didn't do and also what we ate. I would be happy to include you in my list of support. I wish you the best. My motto is NEVER give up, NEVER surrender!
  • Hulk0511
    Hulk0511 Posts: 407 Member
    Feel free to add me I am always willing to help.
  • vvanm
    vvanm Posts: 157
    I take a walk around the park every day for as long as I enjoy it. Don't get overwhelmed thinking you have to start out with a huge lifestyle change. Watch portion size and move every day. Just don't quit and you will be transformed in a year!
  • Gongfu_Life
    ok so, my name is Amber and i need to lose about 100 lbs. However, I HAVE NO MOTIVATION WHATSOEVER. i am one of the "biggest" girls at my job, i am a hairdresser, and appearence is important. I am tired of needing "plus sized" clothing, and i HATE looking at myself. i feel sometimes that i am an embarassment to my husband, and kids. it bothers me that i wear "body shapers" but i feel as though it makes me look better. I have the right state of mind to lose this weight, but when it comes to physically getting off the couch and into the gym, it's not there. bottom line, I AM LAZY. i have a membership at my local fitness center, i just find excuses y i can't go, for example, i have laundry to do, the house needs to be cleaned, i have to feed my cat, etc. i am 30 years old, and i have no energy, or motivation, can someone help me out? or at least let me know i'm not the only one feeling like this?
    sorry about all the incorrect-ness, i am trying to get my sleep back on a descent schedule.
    Thanks!!! :smile: :heart:

    Hi Amber!

    I've been where you are....For me, the first step that worked was to work on eliminating all negative thinking and speaking from my life.

    I refuse to say anything negative about myself, and go out of my way to talk to myself in a positive way.


    Focus on the good, visualize yourself slim...You WILL succeed.

  • chemalurgy
    chemalurgy Posts: 48 Member
    I'm more overweight than you are, so I understand what you're going through. I can assure you that you've come to the right place. It's hard to get motivated when you're carrying the equivalent of 15 gallons of milk in weight around every day. Don't beat yourself. up. It takes time. My advice? Add some friends. They keep you honest, cheer you on and provide an incentive to do your best every day.

    And as for exercise? You don't have to be a Richard Simmons on this plan. Just be honest in adding your food including cooking oil, drinks and condiments and if you go to the store and shop for an hour, log it. If you walk your dog, log it. It's the little things that count.

    You can add me if you'd like.
  • thethingirlinside
    You can add me
  • chemalurgy
    chemalurgy Posts: 48 Member
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    It is hard to start when it feels like there is so much to do. Start simple. Log your calories. Just get used to logging. Then work on getting a daily deficit. If you want to eat more earn it with a walk. You can lose weight easy in the beginning, just make sure to keep adding a new small goal. As you see results you will get more motivated. Work at making good habits a ruitine. Small changes and celebrating the little victories is what gets you to your goal.
  • blakejohn
    blakejohn Posts: 1,129 Member
    if it was easy everyone would be in great shape, it's hard work, but in the long run it's well worth it 6 years ago I was 250 with a beer gut.

    Start small. slow and steady wins in the end
  • Cherp18
    Cherp18 Posts: 224 Member
    Hi Amber! Thanks for being so honest! How many of us feel this way but don't share it? Really, it sounds like you have TONS of motivation! You said it all (lazy, body suits, family etc) ... You've got all the right reasons.

    Sometimes I find I have to do things I don't want to and THIS is one of those things (sometimes). Just do it! Leave all the mental stuff sitting on the couch, doing what you usually do. Make the "new you" get up & move! Do anything! Just do it! Daily. Give your "new" self even 1/2 hour of exercise or moving. The old you will still be sitting on the couch, waiting, when you get back.
    After a week, you'll want to be the "new you" every day ... and you'll look back at that couch person and wonder who they are? Was that really you?

    Just try it. You'll like the new you!
  • Cervantest
    Cervantest Posts: 31 Member
    Hi Amber, I too am where you are. Feel free to add me. Always looking for friends! teresa
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Hi Amber!

    I've been where you are....For me, the first step that worked was to work on eliminating all negative thinking and speaking from my life.

    I refuse to say anything negative about myself, and go out of my way to talk to myself in a positive way.


    Focus on the good, visualize yourself slim...You WILL succeed.


    Some good words of wisdom right here!

    You know you want to make the change, you just have to get off your butt and start. We all found/find it difficult to begin with, but it does get easier.

    You are smart enough to know you wont lose weight if you continue the way you are, I just hope it doesn't take a serious medical issue to force you to make changes to your lifestyle.

    Don't be under the illusion that you have to live in the gym to lose weight either, diet is THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR. Use MFP, enter your foods and start to get a real appreciation for what you can and should be eating, including portion sizes. Don't be super strict on yourself and only eat salads or do some stupid liquid diet, just make small sustainable changes. That is how you turn your life around!

    If you follow through, find a way to make exercise a routine part of your life (even if its just a short walk each day) and get those calories down a bit, I assure you you will see results - and that will motivate you to continue.

    Hundreds of us here have been through and are still going through this process, and you will find all the advice and support you need.

    The choice is yours, how much do you want it?
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    True motivation comes from within....

    you have to want it badly enough to make it happen...

    You really do.

    Good luck and find it deep within.
  • bsuew
    bsuew Posts: 628 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome Amber! You have so came to the right place. This web site is totally awsome. I have lost 43 lbs and have about 60 to go +/- a bit. Add me and we can reach our goals together. Log everything and start with walking 5-10 minutes if you have to and build on that. It will make you feel better, I promise! I've been where you are and still can't stand what I see in the mirror, but I know that one day at a time and putting one foot in front of the other we can achieve our goals to a new healthier person!!
  • DirtyStacks
    DirtyStacks Posts: 179 Member
    Amber - YOU are AWESOME! YOU are here and that means you want to fix it. I have been where you are and I know the struggle, but I can tell you that MFP will save your life, it did mine. All the things you want, you can have, they are yours for the taking. YOU CAN DO THIS!

    I wrote some tips that helped me, maybe it will help you too.

  • mmarie8305
    Hey there. I am so sorry to see you struggle. No, you're not the only one feeling like that at all, though. I think everyone feels unmotivated at times. What you need to do is remind yourself how important it is for you to be healthy and why. Remind yourself how much better your kids would be with a healthy mom. As far as making excuses, cut it out! Just like saving money, pay yourself first. Every time you work out, (even if the laundry has to wait another hour) you are making an investment in yourself and in your family. Remember that.

    And feel free to add me! I'm brand new here and looking to make friends for support and motivation!
  • bevsdietfor2011
    bevsdietfor2011 Posts: 361 Member
    Hi Amber, I am so proud of you for taking the first couple of steps by joining MFP and for being SO honest. We have all been where you are. I am 55, have had 3 back surgeries and thought I could never exercise so why bother. I cannot go to a gym but I am a member of Curves for Women and I love going now.

    You need to start by just walking for a few minutes or more and work up to it maybe. You don't have to go to the gym and try to go all out.....baby steps is what you need. The laundry and everything will be there when you get home. You have to put yourself first sometimes and BELIEVE ME that WAS SO HARD for me to do at first

    I hope that you or anyone else that would like to check out my profile and add me will do it. I love to support, motivate and encourage others. We are all on this same journey and WE CAN DO THIS!!!!!

  • Rowena02148
    Rowena02148 Posts: 32 Member
    You already started to working on a better you. You know what is wrong, and you joined MFP. It didn't take a day for you to be 100pds overweight. It took a while Same thing with losing it. It will take time and dedication.

    But first thing, STOP BEING NEGATIVE ABOUT YOURSELF. It doesn't matter if you're 300pds or 100pds. If you don't change how you feel and think about yourself, no weight loss will feel good enough.

    Know that you are worth it and you matter. That's a good mantra, actually. Just keep saying it over and over and own it. So, get up and start moving. Start slow. That's where everybody started, not just you.

    Good luck!

    Add me as your friend. I would love it!
  • suckerlove
    I understand where you are coming from, I have gained about 85 lbs over the last 5 or 6 years. My mom is on me all the time about it. I always told her yeah I am working on it, when I really never was. I still find any excuse to not work out. I am lazy and also scared of failure. About once a year I work out for about 2 months and lose like 10 lbs but then lose motivation. I have found here to be very supportive and caring environment. I just hit day 175 of logging every day. You CAN do this. You ABSOLUTELY CAN do this. If you need friends who have similar weight loss goals and are on here everyday, please add me. Best of luck to you. :smile: