Junk: what's easier for you- moderation or none at all?



  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    i *must* eat junk food. if i don't, i rebound whatever i'm doing and eat nothing but junk food for months. but i'm pretty good at portioning and all that - a little dab'll do me, so long as i had a little dab yesterday or the day before, you know? if i haven't had my little dab in a few weeks...binge city, here we come!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,114 Member
    Great topic, BrendaLee! Keep it going, guys.

    It's all or nothing for me. If I start, a 500-800 calories free-for-all will ensue. Sugar "Bye-bye". Chips are okay, the baked ones - but six or seven are all I want.

    NO bakery sweets. Bigggggg problem. Even bread or crackers; I have to buy only occasionally. As far as grains go, I try to only eat ones I have to cook myself.

    I also stopped with the little low-cal (but still sweetened artificially) pudding cups and other sweet things. I still want several once I start, and then the artificial sweeteners mess with my digestion.
  • springgrl
    springgrl Posts: 168 Member
    I don't totally cut out bad stuff but I will not have bad stuff in bulk in my house. Too much temptation. I can buy a candy bar but not a bag of candy bars. Stuff like ice cream,cakes, and chips are only bought when I know there will be people to share it so I don't eat it all.

    I find it easier to focus on what I should be eating than what junk I should avoid. How can I eat enough fruits, grains, veg and get the proper amounts of fiber and protein while limiting sodium? If I focus on questions like that, I tent to eat better and avoid negativity about the process.
  • dujennifer
    dujennifer Posts: 162 Member
    Moderation, with the exception of Crack Scout Cookies.

    Ditto...they sit in the freezer and taunt me.
  • dawguw2010
    most of the time, its gone altogether. If i eat any of it, I'll just want more and more and more. ALso, if I do it in moderation, I tend to have the "one more bite" attitude- "I only had a bit, a bit more won't kill me." Then I end up eating the whole bag/box/container and that's that. Moderation is a slippery slope for me, so I tend to just avoid buying junk foods. When I do buy them though, I buy them one at a time - per week/every two weeks, depending on how many servings and how bad it is- and tell myself that it has to last for x days b.c that's all I get until then. Thats when moderation usually works. But if I have access to a large quantity or a variety, moderation gone. Also, my boyfriend has no idea what moderation means, so he tends to eat as much whatever whenever he wants, and seeing him do that its hard for me to just have two bites and then be done. :(
  • maurierose
    maurierose Posts: 574 Member
    It's definitely moderation for me - and mostly "planned" into my daily cals - if I skip it completely I feel like I'm missing out. :laugh: Works much better for me to just have a little here and there, and as the only person in a home of 5 who is watching my foods, sometimes that gets interesting. :noway: :bigsmile:
  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
    I can eat it now and then if it's not in my house. I can't have a batch of homemade cookies sitting there and me not eat 5 or 6 in a day. BUT, I can go to a birthday party or a BBQ and have just a little at events like that. Once it's out of site it's basically out of mind. I really wish they'd get rid of the vending machine here at school! I never craved chocolate until I had babies. I have to make sure not to have any money on me when I go to the teacher's lounge.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    I have a horrible sweet tooth, no ice cream tooth at night and find that if it isn't in the house I will get past it. I have substituted See's lollipops because they take time to eat and are sweet but only 80 calories.

    I have to keep the Ben & Jerry's Coffee Heath Bar crunch far far away though because for me that pint is a serving :wink:

    My other thoughts on this is if it isn't healthy I try not to keep it in the house, I will take the kids for an ice cream cone or sno cone or something like that every now and then because no one in the house NEEDS oreos or chips or whatever. Stock up on fruit and yogurt and nuts and my kids will have that instead of junk most of the time.
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    I'm 50/50 I have gotten myself to the point that I wont eat something if its not worth it: ex: palmers chocolates (you know they do all the holiday stuff like bunnies & chocolate eggs or those eyeball things at holloween?) its not good. I mean its chocolate, but there's a million better brands out there that taste waaaaay better. therefor palmers chocolate is not worth it and I can pass it up. Same with french fries: 5 guys fries are waaaaaay better than McDonalds or Wendy's or BK fries, so I wont waste my time on those. HOWEVER I will eat an entire order of 5 guys french fries in one sitting. Also I'll devour a pint of ben & jerry's Phish Food icecream because it is SOOOO worth it.

    I am not willing to entirely deny myself my favorite foods because they're high calorie so I make concessions. There's a 5 guys fries right across the street from the Red Cross that I donate blood at, I've heard that your body uses up about 600 calories replacing the blood donated so once every 56 days I get fries.

    Also I have found that knowing I would get a treat later on in the day makes it easier for me to say no to the treat in front of my face, so i plan in a treat for the evening like those skinny cow icecream bars (90 calories), or a chuoa choco-pod (55 calories or 1 ww point!) both are delicious and definately worth it :) and half the time I dont even eat the evening snack.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    My other thoughts on this is if it isn't healthy I try not to keep it in the house, I will take the kids for an ice cream cone or sno cone or something like that every now and then because no one in the house NEEDS oreos or chips or whatever.

    I agree, that's the way to do it. I don't believe in keeping junk in the house for kids. Parents think they're depriving their kids if they don't, but they're really doing them a big favor. :)

    It's much more special for them if they don't have it all the time, and they learn early that junk food isn't a part of a daily diet- it's a treat to have once in a while. I wish I had learned that!
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member