Help...Calories and Exercise??

Hi there, I am new and just confused about 1 thing. I filled out the initial form with my weight/height and activity level (which I listed in the lowest category). I am a stay at home mom who moves around a lot...but I also sit a lot. So that category seemed to fit me the best. I also did not list that I would do any exercise because I wanted that to be a bonus. My question is does the system already expect that I should be exercising and adding calories for me or do I have to put in the exercise and then receive the calories? I just don't want to think that I have more calories to eat in a day if I indeed do not. I walked 45 minutes and received an extra 177 calores to eat today, on a 1200 cal a day lifestyel, is that correct?

Thanks so much for any help you can give me with this. I want every calorie and mile to count! :smile:


  • Cassaaaaandra
    Cassaaaaandra Posts: 184 Member
    I think that just helps it more accurately calculate your BMR. I would have put the lowest category too. However I'm not sure how accurate it is anyway. I noticed waitressing was in a higher category than nursing. I'm a nurse and I fo sho don't get to sit, usually don't get to chart until the end of the day, and only sometimes get lunch. What nurse sits on her bum all day? Sorry....just a little rant :)

    That 1200 calories is what you get to eat in a day, plus you are supposed to eat your exercise calories.
  • kingnatalie
    MFP does not assume you are exercising - you would need to add any exercise you complete, then calories will be added for you to eat. MFP gives you a calorie deficit without exercising, which is part of the reason you should eat your exercise calories.
  • karoberto23
    Thanks so much! So, if I don't exercise one day...then I eat my 1200 cals. If I exercise I get extra calories to eat. That works for me...thanks for the help!! This was my 1st week, I weigh in tomorrow...can't wait!!