I just dont know how to more foward

It's been a month since my last workout. I'm usually highly motivated, I'm the one thats motivating others. Now I'm stuck and dont know what to do. I think I injured my ACL, I have no medical insurance and with only one income and three kids I have no extra cash to see a doctor. I've rested and rested iced and taken advil but still my knee is not getting better. I WANT/NEED to workout but I'm afraid to make it worse. I've mantained my weight so far and thats a good thing but I'm not losing. I just dont know how to move past this injury. I've still got about 70lbs to lose to hit my goal and I'm losing hope.

***Sorry for the mess ups in my topic header LOL it should read as "I just dont know how to move forward"


  • lkdad_nagy
    lkdad_nagy Posts: 44 Member
    No supporter's out there? No one been through or going through the samething?
  • healthyKYgirl
    healthyKYgirl Posts: 272 Member
    Losing weight can be done without exercise - 80% of weight loss is in the kitchen. So you may need to look at calories and/or nutrients to make up for the fact you aren't able to workout. And with that said, do things that don't require your knees. Shadow boxing sitting down. Upper arms weights, single leg lifts using your other leg to make it stronger. If you tore your ACL then working it won't fix it and it does just take time.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    call around for free medical clinic in your area

    if your ACL is tore or really damaged, it MIGHT get better over a long time but MIGHT not

    if worse comes to worse, go to a emergency room

    your income may be low enough to get some financial assistance with emergency medical care
  • Suni3276
    Suni3276 Posts: 25 Member
    i had a knee injury about 2 months ago.. but I only got it looked at in September and was told to keep off of it until it healed (which I already knew...).. (basically self diagnosis confirmed by a fellow doc.. I have not finished my exams to practice in the US yet... aka no insurance yet...) and I didn't keep off of it until Oct since i was training for a marathon.. so it did get worse... but since Oct I've stayed off and have been trying to do things that do not put a lot of weight or stress on my knees.. such as bicycle or joining the spin class at the gym.. slow walking the elliptical... I also recommend stretching as well as continued icing (even though i hate doing it..) but at least twice a day, even if there is no swelling.. you can also look up strengthening knee exercises online which i recommend doing 3 times a day (I might be difficult at first, but it will get easier... I ran a mile yesterday in about 4 weeks.. but I am suppose to not doing anything until Nov... so no more running for me until then.. I want this knee to be healed.. and I shall pray your knee heals too or recovers at least because if you have a tear, it does depend on the degree of tear as to how well it will heal..

  • sloanie1
    sloanie1 Posts: 276 Member
    I'm so sorry to hear you are going through this, it would be hard to stay motivated, I swear I would die if I couldn't exercise!! BUT I agree with what someone else said, its all in the eating, as long as you are eating well you will still lose consistently, people say 80-20 I say 90-10, I'm a food addict, I exercise more for mental reasons as even though I work out a lot it doesn't stop me gaining weight if I eat too much....take care, you can do it!
  • lkdad_nagy
    lkdad_nagy Posts: 44 Member
    Thank you everyone for your kind words. I feel much better now and more motivated. And you've all have given me great ideas to work on. Thanks again~