Caffeine! Great or hate?

Hey all, as I make coffee as part of my casual job, I tend to have a soy latte a day.
No problems there. Sometimes I get tired in the afternoon when I workout, and perhaps if I cut out caffeine I would have more energy.
Does anyone have coffee before their workout? Do you perform better? Do you feel dehydrated or dizzy?
OR have you perhaps cut out coffee? Why?


  • NoahandPresleysMom
    NoahandPresleysMom Posts: 763 Member
    I have an 8 oz red bull zero. Helps a TON. I had one yesterday and went running for 30 minutes!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    :heart: Love. :heart:

    I'm not big on coffee, though. I get my fix from Diet Dew.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    i don't think theres anything wrong with drinking coffee. ditch the soy garbage tho.

    i take caffeine before I train. not usually in the form of coffee.
    caffeine lowers your perceived exertion. So basically you can do more work in the gym without feeling dead.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I don't drink coffee, tea, or pop. My caffeine comes from chocolate... :drinker:
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    I love my coffee in the morning. Not sure if it's the caffeine fix, but I love the taste of my hazelnut creamer :)
  • paulywoo
    paulywoo Posts: 169 Member
    I'll drink decaf coffee but I don't do caffeine as it makes my heart race and makes me feel enxious :noway:
  • SurfyFriend
    SurfyFriend Posts: 362 Member
    That's great that you went running for 30 minutes! :)
    I worked out the hardest after having a doppio (double espresso) beforehand, I wanted to run forever, so to speak.
    I felt really, really lightheaded the next day though, I think due to dehydration, and lost my appetite which to me feels unnatural.
  • CkepiJinx
    CkepiJinx Posts: 613 Member
    That's great that you went running for 30 minutes! :)
    I worked out the hardest after having a doppio (double espresso) beforehand, I wanted to run forever, so to speak.
    I felt really, really lightheaded the next day though, I think due to dehydration, and lost my appetite which to me feels unnatural.

    Caffeine does have some appetite suppressing qualities, and just make sure if you exercise more than normal you hydrate more whether it's strait water or an electrolyte drink such as Gatorade .

    I love coffee!
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    the lightheadedness was probably dehydration or inadequate nutrition.

    I do get kind of light headed and out of it if I take in too much caffeine. but thats an immediate effect of being overstimmed. doesn't really happen the next day.

    Hopefully it doesn't happen again.
  • Echo_Dan
    Echo_Dan Posts: 316 Member
    Less talk....more giving me caffeine.......NEEEEEED caffeine !!!!!


    I try to limit myself to one coffee a day (I have it with sugar) and have tea the rest of the day (which I have without sugar) I don't notice any difference other than when my caffeine levels are low. I should probably cut back on the caffeine tbh :)
  • cappri
    cappri Posts: 1,089 Member
    I love coffee, I refuse to give it up.
  • moguline
    moguline Posts: 14 Member
    I love caffeine, but caffeine doesn't love me back. I used to have a lot of coffee and black tea - we have a very fancy machine in work that makes Lattes, Cappuccinos etc etc, even caramel or Chocolate mint flavour!

    But then I found out that caffeine is the main trigger for my IBS and my life has been so much better since I've cut it out. I have the occasional coffee at a friend's house still, but only once a week as a maximum - otherwise the IBS strikes (and you don't want to know what that does :wink: )
  • I have to have my coffee!! People wouldn't like me much without it.
  • Cheval13
    Cheval13 Posts: 350 Member
    It's scientifically proven (despite the overuse of that term this statement is still valid) hat caffeine helps boost cardio and strength performance. Something about getting oxygen to the muscles faster. It's all really interesting, and I definitely feel better after an hour on the road if I've had some caffeine beforehand. :)
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    I have to have coffee. I use powdered creamer (or 2% milk) and stevia so it is very low cal.

    Sometimes I will drink a Total Zero redbull (my hubby is a Redbull salesman) if I really need a boost.

    I also drink green tea occasionally. I am sure to get in all of my water though or I feel sluggish and dehydrated. :drinker:
  • I love coffee, I refuse to give it up.

    Amen to that .... I normally have at least a pot or more per day .... Black - No sugar or sweetners
  • Erienneb
    Erienneb Posts: 592 Member
    I used to drink a ton of pop and coffee and get just insane amounts of caffeine. I stopped entirely and after two awful days I can honestly say I feel SO much better than I ever did before. I don't have midafternoon crashes, I sleep better at night, etc. Now when I let myself have an occasional cup of coffee or glass of pop I bounce off the walls. Crazy.
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Working 3rd shift I drink quite a bit of coffee. But yes I always have a cup for sure a half hour before a workout and it does help. I don't crash during it either
  • I found that staying hydrated is as affective as coffee a lot of the time. I've been with and without coffee in the mornings and I seem to feel the same, so it could be different for you. I know that certain foods and drinks make me crash though, so I'd maybe watch what you're eating that makes you feel tired before you work out. Also remember the more coffee you have, the more often, the more your tolerance will go up and the more you'll have to have. That's your body fighting to block the toxin that is coffee. That said I know people love their coffee and it doesn't have hugely negative effects, but definitely stay away from energy drinks, there is so much bad crap for your body in those.
  • G__Force
    G__Force Posts: 280 Member
    I dont care for coffee but i do have a rockstar most days, 1 can and I drink it throughout the day. seems to do me fine.