How did you get your INSANITY results...

So I finally bought the set of INSANITY dvds today. I want to do it, but I didn't know it was every day, I thought it was every other day. My question is this-for my normal exercise routine I will lift weights (circuit training on my home gym) and either run/walk on the treadmill. I really don't want to go backwards with my weight lifting progress, but if INSANITY is everyday, I don't know that I will have time (or energy!) to do both in the same day. I've been running for over 2 years and lifting weights for about 5 months now.
How does everyone else do theirs? Any thoughts or suggestions?


  • curvykim78
    curvykim78 Posts: 799 Member
  • adamswife23
    adamswife23 Posts: 52 Member
    I did Insanity last Aug while training for a half. I think you can eastily still keep up with your weight training with Insanity since it is more cardio based. The first month the DVDs are about 30 mins and the 2nd month they are closer to 45 mins
  • slvrblt89
    slvrblt89 Posts: 4 Member
    Doing Insanity instead of weightlifting may be beneficial in the long run. Your muscles need to be shocked every 8 weeks or so. You do this by changing your workout regiment. If you do Insanity and then go back to your weightlifting program, you may see an increase in performance.
  • Christiejo88
    I just started Insanity as well and trust me, you are going to want to do only that. If you do it everyday then you will be done in two months and can go back to your wieght lifting. But trust me, you will feel like you are lifting weights after this is over.
  • curvykim78
    curvykim78 Posts: 799 Member
    I just started Insanity as well and trust me, you are going to want to do only that. If you do it everyday then you will be done in two months and can go back to your wieght lifting. But trust me, you will feel like you are lifting weights after this is over.

    lol I've been warned it's some serious kick your butt exercising, that's why i thought I'd probably fail at doing both together!
  • T1mH
    T1mH Posts: 568 Member
    Doing insanity itself isn't going to set you back. I doubt you'll have the energy to do both. Insanity is designed to push you to your limit. That's why they call it Insanity. It should easily replace your running and your running will be improved when you go back to it because of the increased cardio capacity that you should get from insanity. I'm not so sure on the strength training. If your really pushing your strength training workouts rest days are important. Trying to do to much is going to lead to burnout or injury. Either of which will be a major setback.
  • BetterCrazyThanLazy
    I did Insanity for about 2 months in the beginning of the year. My friend made copies of DVDs for me and I didn't have all of them, plus I didn't know the order of workouts so I was just rotating through DVDs I had taking one day off on Sunday.

    After about 2 weeks I started alternating Insanity with P90X and running.

    I didn't see significant results on the scale but I lost a dress size, toned up and I am much much stronger. I can do a bunch of push ups and I can jump high and I can run faster.
  • Sherrim13
    Sherrim13 Posts: 12 Member
    If you've been lifting weights for a while you might be able to do both. I used to do 45 min of cardio a day prior to starting Insanity. That stopped after I started Insanity because it is such a tough workout I was too exhausted to do anything else. I have 3 days left of Insanity and have done it daily at 5am(except for Sundays like the schedule says). My one piece of advice, if you are trying to lose weight while doing Insanity, is to count calories daily and even on weekends. I did great during the week but didn't track on weekends and I didn't lose a single pound in the last 57 days. I am quite a bit smaller and my waist has shrunk at least 3 inches but I was hoping for weight loss so I was a bit disappointed in myself.
  • curvykim78
    curvykim78 Posts: 799 Member
    If you've been lifting weights for a while you might be able to do both. I used to do 45 min of cardio a day prior to starting Insanity. That stopped after I started Insanity because it is such a tough workout I was too exhausted to do anything else. I have 3 days left of Insanity and have done it daily at 5am(except for Sundays like the schedule says). My one piece of advice, if you are trying to lose weight while doing Insanity, is to count calories daily and even on weekends. I did great during the week but didn't track on weekends and I didn't lose a single pound in the last 57 days. I am quite a bit smaller and my waist has shrunk at least 3 inches but I was hoping for weight loss so I was a bit disappointed in myself.

    I track everything all week and weekend long. I wonder how much of a difference just watching my calories vs.. following their exact meal plan would work...
  • nhug44
    nhug44 Posts: 10
    I would say to focus just on the Insanity! it will certainly not ruin your lifting and running progress in fact it will improve it i became so much faster and stronger w much better endurance...its good to mix things up anyway..the program is kick *kitten*! and it will kick you into a different kind of shape! I still would do the occasional run while doing the program but the results are amazing. Great choice
  • curvykim78
    curvykim78 Posts: 799 Member
    Bump...anyone else have any ideas?
  • lwoods34
    lwoods34 Posts: 302 Member
    I think it all depends on your fitness level and what you body can handle. I did a hybrid of Insanity and Asylum, while training for 2 half marathons. Insanity yes is cardio based but you are doing a ton of exercises that also require you to hold up your body weight. I don't think you will lose strength; if anything I think you will get stronger!!
  • zenchild
    zenchild Posts: 680 Member
    A friend (ex-Marine) told me he puked during a couple of the workouts. Now I'm terrified. I'm starting on Sunday and having Saturday be my rest day. I redid the calendar to have everything on the day of the week I'll be doing it. I also have a spot for my daily weigh-in and every Saturday morning I'll do my measurements and (if I can remember) take a progress pic. I'm pretty good about tracking my calories every day. I may go a bit over on Saturdays but I behave most of the week. I figure if I track both weight and measurements and take pictures I'll be able to see any differences as they happen. Seeing any change will keep my motivation up.
  • GeauxSaints2013
    INSANITY was all the exercising I needed! I did the Insanity workout in March 2012. It was the best cardio workout I ever had. It's rough (6 days a week), but it's worth it. You're not going to want to do anything else. When you get to Month 2 dvds, all I can say is BE READY! Just remember, you go at your own pace and push yourself a little more each day. That's what I did and I lost weight and inches. I'm starting Insanity again, but I'm only doing Month 1. I divided the days up with my Taebo classes, so it works out perfect for me. Good Luck!
  • zotnika
    Insanity kicks my *kitten* everyday :)

    Just do the workout for 60 days, see how it goes.. if you can do more than that, then do it. I always try and jam an extra run/yoga on a "good day"..
  • curvykim78
    curvykim78 Posts: 799 Member
    I'm going to give it a shot...when you guys/gals did Insanity, did you follow the meal plan or just count calories like on MFP?
  • savlov30
    savlov30 Posts: 233 Member
    I have an Insanity group on FB for support if you like to join at

    I am doing Asylum right now. I am on Day 15. I hope to do it again before starting Asylum 2.
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    I'm going to give it a shot...when you guys/gals did Insanity, did you follow the meal plan or just count calories like on MFP?

    If you want to see the best results, you can still use MFP but try to eat what is recommended by the plan (number of calories you can do your own meals).. you will probably see little to no results if you are eating 1200 calories a day during the program.. I am in the second month, its tough I stopped lifting during Insanity, but with the amount of pushups and squats as well as keeping my protein up, I really doubt I will lose much lean muscle... And I wouldnt even consider doing any added workouts.. already burning 400+ calories most workouts don't need any huge deficits.
  • saphfireangel
    saphfireangel Posts: 438 Member
    I'm doing INSANITY right now and am on day 10 I haven't followed the meal plan and am just doing my calorie counting on mfp. So far it's kicking my *kitten* and I don't need to do anything else. I find that my arms are working hard with the push ups and all the other exercises that require a lot of arm workout. It's tough and I find myself pushing harder than I have with any other workout program. Unofficially I've already lost 4lbs my weigh in date isn't till Monday. I'm liking the way I feel with this program though and am starting to see results right now my goal is just to get through the warm up with no breaks. it's like a workout all by its self without even starting the workout part of it. I wish you good luck and I say go at your own pace.
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    I am currently lifting and doing Insanity. I lift three days, then do Insanity on the alternate days. I find that if I do both on the same day, my lifting suffers - hence the alternate days. I'm extending both months of the Insanity workout to 6 weeks each, instead of just 4. That will allow me to get in a full round of Insanity and keep my lifting intact. Having said all of that, I like to keep my Sundays as a day of rest and on that day, I like to do a flexibiity/stretching yoga video.

    I don't follow the Insanity meal plan other than to try and eat exceptionally clean (so only from the top two tiers of "Michi's Ladder"), but I also try to have one - and only one - moderate cheat meal per week (usually Friday night) and even then, the meal falls within my calorie range and I still try to ensure that the cheat is as clean as it can be - ie: I still include lots of veggies with my burger!

    Also, don't think that you have to totally keep up during the Insanity workout, but do try to keep moving even if you are just jogging in place until you catch your breath and can jump back in again. You will notice that even the folks on the videos have to take breaks because they are out of breath! :)

    Hope this helps! Have fun! :)
