I'm stuck and really need help.

I can eat healthy, keep control of my diet, and exercise, and i don't loose anything!
Or I can eat not so great, and I stay the same, I don't gain. I feel like i've come to a stop!
Anything anyone can suggest to help me loose those extra lbs or shall i cut my kcal intake down even more, it's 1200 at the minute x


  • UpBeatMaria
    UpBeatMaria Posts: 49 Member
    Aloha! I would like to help you out, but first I need you to answer a couple of questions so I can better understand your situation and provide the appropriate response depending on your specific situation. 1) How much more weight are you trying to lose? 2) What type of workouts are you doing, how many times per week are you working out and how long of workouts each day? 3) Are you doing any type of strength training? Thank you :)
  • Sweetie_Sammy
    I can eat healthy, keep control of my diet, and exercise, and i don't loose anything!
    Or I can eat not so great, and I stay the same, I don't gain. I feel like i've come to a stop!
    Anything anyone can suggest to help me loose those extra lbs or shall i cut my kcal intake down even more, it's 1200 at the minute x

    You look pretty small, so i am sure you can cut a few hundred more calories. Make sure you have been stalled out for a month before you lower calories.

    Another option is what I have one of my clients doing and what I am doing is a form of ADF(Alternate Day Fasting). You can eat 1,500 one day, and 500 the next, averaging at 1,000 calories a day. We both like this method, because we ca pretty much eat freely on our eat days.

    That sounds soon your fasting day but what kind of foods do you have on your fasting day?
  • Sweetie_Sammy
    Aloha! I would like to help you out, but first I need you to answer a couple of questions so I can better understand your situation and provide the appropriate response depending on your specific situation. 1) How much more weight are you trying to lose? 2) What type of workouts are you doing, how many times per week are you working out and how long of workouts each day? 3) Are you doing any type of strength training? Thank you :)

    Hello and thank you.
    1) I want to loose 19lbs. I had a baby nearly 24 weeks ago and have just 19lbs to loose to I'm back to my starting weight.
    2)Because I have a baby, it's hard to exercise. if I am up before him i will do 40 minutes of zumba. 2/3 a week. If I can't do zumba i go for a power walk with the pram and the dog for 30minutes +
    3)I'm not doing any type of strength training no x
  • UpBeatMaria
    UpBeatMaria Posts: 49 Member
    Aloha! I would like to help you out, but first I need you to answer a couple of questions so I can better understand your situation and provide the appropriate response depending on your specific situation. 1) How much more weight are you trying to lose? 2) What type of workouts are you doing, how many times per week are you working out and how long of workouts each day? 3) Are you doing any type of strength training? Thank you :)

    Hello and thank you.
    1) I want to loose 19lbs. I had a baby nearly 24 weeks ago and have just 19lbs to loose to I'm back to my starting weight.
    2)Because I have a baby, it's hard to exercise. if I am up before him i will do 40 minutes of zumba. 2/3 a week. If I can't do zumba i go for a power walk with the pram and the dog for 30minutes +
    3)I'm not doing any type of strength training no x

    My suggestion would be to add some strength training, simple body weight stuff (you can find great videos online for free). This is going to increase your lease muscle mass and hep your body burn more calories because the more muscle you have, the more fat you will burn. If you begin to add some strength training about 2-3 times a week and up your cardio to 4-5 per week for about an hour, you can also slowly add calories to your diet (about 50 cal per week) and see if you start to see a drop on the scale. If you are eating too few calories, your body is going to hold on to your extra fat... I completely understand that you are busy and do not have that much time to workout, but your problem seems to be that you are not working out frequently enough. Also, I would try adding some high intensity interval training to your routine to amp up your cardio because your body may be used to the type of cardio you are currently doing. Please let me know if this helps :)
  • Tilran
    Tilran Posts: 626 Member
    I agree with adding strength training into the mix...body weight exercises (push-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups) as well as weighted lifting.

    This will condition your core and tighten everything up. I would also figure out your BMR and TDEE and eat at TDEE - 20%. droping calorie intake is not always the answer...figure out your TDEE and go from there.
  • Sweetie_Sammy
    Thank you, i've started the 30 day shred now, and i'm going for 30 minute walks a day so i am getting 30 minutes of just cardio and 25 minutes of circuit training
    I have also upped my kcal into from 1200 to 1510 due to my BMR