

  • Marc713
    Marc713 Posts: 328 Member
    True motivation comes from within....

    you have to want it badly enough to make it happen...

    You really do.

    Good luck and find it deep within.

    What she said, you have to want it, to get it. And the best way to get it, is by going after it, not some surgery or lipo. YOU can do it. Go to the Success Stories section and you will see LOTS of great inspiring stories of people that lost as much or more than you want to lose. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/forums/show/15-success-stories

    Another good tip, if you have a bad day, guess what, the "wagon" circles back around every day, just hop back on it, don't get all guilty and beat yourself up. Just start every day like a new day and leave the past in the past...and that actually applies to so many other facets of life....
  • ktweld
    ktweld Posts: 28 Member
    I'm new too and quite lazy but I am in love with MFP. First - I log....it is addicting. I love it. It has opened my eyes to what I have been eating. I also read diarys all the time - to get ideas on meals, snacks, etc. because I did not know HOW to eat healthy. I still slip up or give in (chocolate) or make a bad choice such as at the ballpark...can you say chili fries but I immediately get back on track. I am also walking and bought a gazelle to try and exercise. My faults right now are still not enough exercise or water but I will get there and that is the key. I just had to get started. Feel free to add me if you want to work at this together.
  • amydee714
    amydee714 Posts: 232 Member
    It is so incredibly hard to get started, but you have already taken the hardest and most difficult step there is.... YOU CAME HERE.

    You made the decision. That is WAY harder than going to a gym. Start with your diet and make small changed to your physical routine. Park a little farther away at the grocery store. Go to the mall just to window shop and walk around. Take the kids to the park and walk around while they play. Take the stairs when you can. Those little things start to make you feel GOOD about moving.

    To be perfectly honest I really hate to exercise. I hate going to the gym,so the FIRST thing I do in the morning when I wake up is take my dogs for a walk BEFORE I can talk myself out of it (because I will). Once I have done that, I find that fitting other activities in my day feel so wonderful. Hell at work I do squats in the bathroom stall because... well... I CAN. :)

    I have at least another 100 pounds to go. I have sent you a friend request. We can do this together. All these people here will support you on your journey.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    This reminds of something I've heard: Change comes when the pain of staying the same becomes worse than the pain of changing. No one can motivate you, really. We can cheer you on as you do it, but motivation, or determination can only come from within.
  • I'm new and have same weight to loose and I'm 34...add me if you like:)
  • angelique_redhead
    angelique_redhead Posts: 782 Member
    I'm 54 and have health issues. I need to lose over 100 pounds. If I didn't have some great friends motivating me by exercizing all the time I would probably not exercize as much as I do but they inspire me! I started at .5 mph for 30 minutes. I'm up to 2mph for 30 minutes now. I may have to start at .5 mph but then I move up to 2mph when I'm ready for that 30 minutes. You can do it! I was up to 228.8 but left the weight from when I first logged in in July so it doesn't show that I've lost 9.6 pounds but I have! We can all do this together! Feel free to add me.
  • Priincess_Natalie
    Priincess_Natalie Posts: 367 Member
    It's easier to wake up early and work out than it is to look in the mirror each day and not like what you see.

    Just fake it until you make it. Get up and walk around the block. Next week, do two laps instead of one. Start small and work your way up. Go to the gym and do a few minutes on the elliptical or treadmill. You don't have to master it over night, just do what you can. The motivation will come.

    I lack motivation almost daily. I just do it anyway. I don't want to, I don't feel like but I do it anyway because I want to look and feel good. It's the only way for me, just faking it until the next thing you know I'm half way through the workout and feel great!
  • I was exactly there a couple of months ago - for me it took learninig someone close in my family had terminal cancer at 49...lung cancer I didnt even think that was possible that young. At that point I knew I had to do something because it saddened me she whould not be here to watch her daughter get married or have kids....and then it hit I was making choices that were risking me not being able to be here form my son, and share in those moments with him. Signed up for the gym the next day. I joined the Y - which offers free child care and I pick him up after I get off of work, and take him with me. He enjoys what he refers to as play class and mommy gets a kick *kitten* workout in (literally taking kickboxing classes). Started counting calories, and quit smoking....and could not hve been more please with how I feel today. While the # doesn't always move like I want, the inchs seem to be melting off :) Just got into my preppregnancey pants today - only took me 5 years, to make this changes, and some hard life lessons but ....I DID IT....you can too!

    I am determined and commited to make these life style changes, and seeing the woman I once was looking back at me in the mirror. I will send you a friend request - we can support each other in this journey if you would like!
  • eidc
    eidc Posts: 79 Member
    You are not lazy! You are doing a job were you are on your feet all day! You move your arms tons, blow drying, straightners, curling irons! That's burning more calories than someone sitting at a desk! Like everyone has said start small...a walk around the block, lifting soup cans!
  • ImperfectedBeauty
    ImperfectedBeauty Posts: 124 Member
    Hey Amber,
    My name is Christina, im 22 and i need to lose another 92lbs to be at my goal (healthy weight). I know how you feel.. i am a nurse, so im usually always the biggest girl in scrubs, I feel disgusting about myself, and i have no idea how i let myself get this way.
    I am always looking for more friends to help motivate and vice versa, so if your so inclined to add me then please do.
    The best suggestion I can give is find out your daily calorie goal through MFP, and stick to it. start with cardio at least 30min a day or as much as you can do. Try to eat as healthy as possible (and yes, i know this is hard when your not the only one living in your house and you have cravings like a mofo.. but try).. and biggest tip of all.. dont deprive yourself. If your craving something then have a small taste. If you are too strict your more likely to give up and start binging.
    Just know that your not the only one that feels the way that you do, and there are tons of us here who are willing to help.
  • Come on Amber, you can do it :smile: :heart: x
  • jezy_jass
    jezy_jass Posts: 328 Member
    Hi Amber, my name is Jesse and I am 26. It sounds like you have the right attitude to accomplish all that you want to, just need a little push. I'm not exactly new to MFP, but haven't acquired too many friends so far. Feel free to add me and together with a lot of mutual support and motivation we can both be losers!!! Good luck, you can do it girl!!
  • runnerjenn0708
    runnerjenn0708 Posts: 400 Member
    ur in the right place darlin!!!
  • ezlbs
    ezlbs Posts: 5 Member
    I too just joined and have more thoughts about motivation than actual action! Please feel free to add me as a friend as we can all support each other!
  • one, to be honest, you have to be ready for discipline. You have to get your mind ready, or you wont be ready. I suggest talking it over with your doctor to see about some medication at first to get you going, but they will require monthly checks to weigh you in to make sure your not abusing the pills, but it might be a start and, not sure how old your kids are, but have them start doing laundry or your husband, put you first, especially when it has to do about your health, your kids and your husband will either understand or well, time to re-evaluate. Your have to still put you first when it comes to your health. Hope this helps.
  • hughtwalker
    hughtwalker Posts: 2,213 Member
    So, people come to you, maybe feeling not so good, and you do their hair and they go out feeling top-of-the-world , like a film star. So now it is time to have someone do the same for you.

    On the positives, you are very honest - been there, done that: got the t-shirt that says "When I've just do this "essential" bit of (whatever) I'll go to the gym - if there is still enough time to do a 'proper' work-out. Oh dear!" (It is a big t-shirt, obviously)

    If anyone tells you they never do this then either they are a scoundrel, in denial, a paragon of virtue or, maybe, one of those who post photos of their navel in here (but never their faces, which I find just a bit odd).

    It is hard. but it does actually get easier. I thought people would laugh when a tub-of-lard like me turned up at the gym - but they didn't, and I found that what I lacked in speed I made up in stamina AND I COULD DO IT!

    AND people noticed when l started make less of "a presence"

    I have a long way to go yet but those endorphins beat any amount of pills. Go give 'em hell but don't expect too much of yourself at the start - you'll build up the routines (or get bored out of your skull with the same old thing over and over)

    Good luck and best wishes
  • Hi Amber, and everyone else here ! I am in the same boat as Amber, except I am 52 years old! I am needing to also lose about 100 pounds not only because of the health benefits but also because I feel terrible and embarrassed about my appearance. Please add me so we can support each other, and anyone else here!
  • Melionfire
    Melionfire Posts: 343 Member
    Hey, I have struggled with my weight for 18 years now. My doctor put me on a diet at 13 because I had high blood pressure and I have been up and down on the scale ever since. I have gained and lost 70 pounds twice. I put on 50 in the last two years and was back above 200 pounds for the first time in almost ten years. I don't have children so I can just imagine how hard it can be to find the time but I do have 3 jobs and am taking courses through correspondance. I finally realised that health and fitness have to be a priority just like anything else that is important in my life. Like some have said here you don't have to go crazzy you just have to make small changes that add up in the end. Find an activity you love to do and schedule it into your day. One of the things that helps me here is that I put my workouts into MFP when I wake up and then I feel I have to stick to it because it is already on here. I do the same thing for the food diary. If I already know what I'm going to eat I punch it all in in the morning and then I feel obligated to stick to that menu. It really works for me. I would love for you to add me as a friend so I can help you on this journey. Just know you r worth it and nothing feels better than attaining your goals. When you can fit in regular store sizes, when you have the energy to take on anything, when you smile at your reflection, when youy can keep up to the kids. These are all worth it. It is never easy and it always takes time but it does happen if you stick to it.
  • Nice to meet you,I have a similar journey with medical conditions and nearly 50 kg to lose,I found it motivating to do one entry in your log for weigh ins before you started with the total ammount you lost. You can add a log one off prior first entry and then you have the total loss to motivate you on your ticker:)