Losing my way



  • It happens to all of us. We just work and work and work and then we feel burned out. Its not an issue to have a rest day or weekend. Its fine to even have a day where you eat things you normally would not (with in reason of chores). However you still have to workout and/or monitor your calorie intake. If not then the result is expected to go in the opposite direction.
    Summer time in most commonly when people ease up or stop all together, its normal. But the key here it to keep a watch and still workout at least 30mins a day or do 3-4days a week at 1hr. Just keep moving forward. This is all a learning experience and you will keep progressing whether its thru number, thru the mind, or thru the experience. :D

    Thank you very much :0) . My exercise I have down pat. Its the nutrition and eating where I faulter.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Would you consider preparing your own meals from scratch instead of eating all the prepackaged stuff? Your diet is not good at all as far as health goes.

    There is no diet in the world that can do what eating healthy does, period.

    Good luck and if you need some help with cooking ideas, feel free to check out my profile, I have a healthy cooking page on facebook.
    Really my diet is bad? :( I thought I ate pretty clean during the week? I know that the last few weeks have not been great though. Its super hard to do ALL meals from scratch, but I would definitely be willing to try. Obviously what I am doing isnt working...

    LOL, ya know what? I am going to apologize as this lifestyle does not happen over night and to suggest to someone that is struggling that they should start cooking every meal from scratch is not appropriate.

    Start small, work your way up. Batch cooking is a great way to eat cleaner and faster. Weekend warriors tend to do this when they do not have time to cook during the week. Things like steel cut oatmeal, quinoa, baked sweet potatoes and chicken breast keep well during the week and only take minutes to heat back up.

    You can do this, but it takes baby steps to ensure life long happiness. I have been at this for 5 years, so it is second nature to me. If I can do this, trust me, you can to. I am 44 years old, it is never to late.
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    The things that I noticed while snooping your diary..

    Your sodium is through the roof! I would be surprised if you aren't retaining water like crazy - especially considering you aren't logging any. Also, you barely hit 1300 calories on average the past few weeks - which is fine if you are super tiny, really old and don't work out. If you are taller than about 5 feet and weigh more than about 130lbs you aren't eating enough - especially if you work out. This means that every little thing you eat is being held on to for dear life by your body ( and why you can't cheat).

    Obviously all we can tell from your profile is your age so It's hard to 'do the math'. You shouldn't have any problems cheating every once in a while. When you figure out your numbers you eat about 100 less every day and then at the weekend you can have a big meal with your 700 extra calories ;) I do this all the time.
  • peuglow
    peuglow Posts: 684 Member
    Over the past year I completely changed my life. I started exercising and eating right. I have made a lot of progress. But over the summer I have gained weight and lost motivation. But I still exercise 5 days per week faithfully. I'm angry because I feel like I should be able to cheat without gaining. Am I naive to think this? And by cheating I mean not watching my calories for a weekend. But I get right back on. Any suggestions or inspiration welcomed!

    You can't out-exercise a bad diet.
  • wow everyone's input has been great. THANK YOU! Now I need help with 2 things. Figuring out how watch my deficit, so I know exactly how much exercise I need to and how many calories I will burn. (feel free to message me if you want to know my numbers, BMR etc)
    2. How do I find comfort in foods that are good for me? Is this even possible?
  • Would you consider preparing your own meals from scratch instead of eating all the prepackaged stuff? Your diet is not good at all as far as health goes.

    There is no diet in the world that can do what eating healthy does, period.

    Good luck and if you need some help with cooking ideas, feel free to check out my profile, I have a healthy cooking page on facebook.
    Really my diet is bad? :( I thought I ate pretty clean during the week? I know that the last few weeks have not been great though. Its super hard to do ALL meals from scratch, but I would definitely be willing to try. Obviously what I am doing isnt working...

    LOL, ya know what? I am going to apologize as this lifestyle does not happen over night and to suggest to someone that is struggling that they should start cooking every meal from scratch is not appropriate.

    Start small, work your way up. Batch cooking is a great way to eat cleaner and faster. Weekend warriors tend to do this when they do not have time to cook during the week. Things like steel cut oatmeal, quinoa, baked sweet potatoes and chicken breast keep well during the week and only take minutes to heat back up.

    You can do this, but it takes baby steps to ensure life long happiness. I have been at this for 5 years, so it is second nature to me. If I can do this, trust me, you can to. I am 44 years old, it is never to late.

    No apology necessary. I need to hear the facts, and am not above the fact that I may not be as honeset with my self as I should be. I am going to the store this weekend and will make a conscious effort to gather oatmeal, sweet potatoes and chicken for during the week already prepped and ready to go :)
  • Here are 15 different ways to cook sweet potatoes:

  • another great site for healthy dinners"

  • http://www.myfitnesspal.com/photos/edit?picture=5565953

    Just keep remembering, this is always going to be something that we will be working on. Focus on your progress and your insides are sure thanking you right now, for all the changes you have made. You run, you jog, you spin, your weight lift, you boot camp, you hike, you have incorporated all these things into your lifestyle that were not there before. On the food side, yeah your going to hit bumps in the road, you are going to fall and you always get right back up, dust that cheese dip off ( which was delish BTW) and you go full steam ahead back into it...Before we both would have lost our way and got back on the path of making excuses. That life is NO MORE!! Now we are trying to figure out the puzzle and putting it together and it will always be forever changing. Our body will get used to something and we have to trip it up. Enjoying life and balancing it all out and just not focusing on that scale. Focusing on how we feel.... You are an AMAZING woman and I KNOW inspirational to A LOT of people. So, I am not sure if that picture will load up. But it serves as a reminder to all the progress you have made and your my partner in crime. This is never wasted effort and each day that you go, your heart, your mind and your spirit are all in line. LOVE YOU SWEETNESS!!!!
  • http://www.myfitnesspal.com/photos/edit?picture=5565953

    Just keep remembering, this is always going to be something that we will be working on. Focus on your progress and your insides are sure thanking you right now, for all the changes you have made. You run, you jog, you spin, your weight lift, you boot camp, you hike, you have incorporated all these things into your lifestyle that were not there before. On the food side, yeah your going to hit bumps in the road, you are going to fall and you always get right back up, dust that cheese dip off ( which was delish BTW) and you go full steam ahead back into it...Before we both would have lost our way and got back on the path of making excuses. That life is NO MORE!! Now we are trying to figure out the puzzle and putting it together and it will always be forever changing. Our body will get used to something and we have to trip it up. Enjoying life and balancing it all out and just not focusing on that scale. Focusing on how we feel.... You are an AMAZING woman and I KNOW inspirational to A LOT of people. So, I am not sure if that picture will load up. But it serves as a reminder to all the progress you have made and your my partner in crime. This is never wasted effort and each day that you go, your heart, your mind and your spirit are all in line. LOVE YOU SWEETNESS!!!!

    AWW you put our picture up <3 Thank you so much for the support and being on this journey with me. I think I have been lying to myself a little. I guess to get to the root of the problem I have to 1st admitt my faults. I can't wait to continue to figure this all out with you. LOVE YOU TOO MY SUGAR!!