My weight loss is stalled....



  • robin68562
    robin68562 Posts: 116 Member
    Like me, you still have a lot of weight to lose; do you think that 1200 calories is sustainable long term? I know you eat more when you are more active, but bigger bodies require more calories even when sedentary. Contrary to other MFP "experts" I have personally experienced how weight loss can slow when I consume too few calories. My goal is currently 1550 and I weigh 204 and I've averaged a loss of 2.2 pounds per week for 10 weeks (rate is starting to slow down, as it should). At 226, I started out at 1650 calories, at 220 went to 1600, and at 210 went to 1550. My goal wouldn't be at 1200 until I'm under 150, which is below my goal anyway.

    Also, since you are very active, there is likely truth to the water retention, etc, that the others have mentioned.

    I'm not trying to race, but when I get on the scale and I've only lost a few ounces or even gained, it's very frustrating. Especially when I'm working so hard.

    It's not a race. If you foresee an end to what you are doing then you won't have long term success and you aren't on the right eating plan for you.
  • GomesDavid
    So you're all saying I should eat more calories, even on the days that I don't exercise?

    Yup!! go for it always maintain proper balance....just exercising and not taking enough calories r not going to work for u..
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    I've been bouncing between the same 10lbs since January =\

    It can be VERY frustrating but you have to keep going. Try to outdo yourself (having a hard time with that myself because I workout HARD most times). Def eat into your exercise calories, watch your sodium and get enough water.
  • atjays
    atjays Posts: 798 Member
    Definitely eat more! You're doing too much exercise for so few calories.

    This exactly. Bump up your daily average to 15-1800 and the rest will fly off with how much you're exercising. Your weight loss stalled because your body stopped breaking down muscle (which is some of that 35 lb you lost) because you're using them now and since you're not eating enough, your body is clinging to what fat stores it has left.

    You can also insert generic "muscle weighs more than fat" comment here as well. Just because the scale isn't changing doesn't mean you aren't getting thinner and looking better.

    Lastly, introducing exercise, even moderate stuff like you mentioned, can be quite the shock on your body since it's not used to it. This takes some time to adjust to. Once it gets over the panic mode of being thrown in the pool 3 days a week, it will relax and it's stress levels will go down.
  • barkervision
    barkervision Posts: 5 Member
    Some good advice on here so far but the question I have not seen asked, is what type of Calories are you taking in. I would follow the meter to a T and double check you are measuring calories burned right. But back to the Calories. I am not saying this is what you are doing, but If your 1200 Calories consists of refined Carbs, Saturated Fats and Sugar with little Fiber and Protein you are fueling your fat and it doesn’t matter how few Calories you take. In this case, the earlier comment that stated you may have lost a portion of your 35 lbs in muscle may be accurate. You have to watch all of the metrics that MyFitnessPal provides not only the calories. Which ones are you focused on? I would change it to track sugar and trans fat along with the Carbs and Protein. Then keep the sugar and trans fat completely out, keep the carbs slightly low and keep the protein slightly high. Once I did this I broke my plateau weight which I hadn’t been able to get below in 10 years.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I would say just measure yourself for a couple months and don't worry about the scale as much if the tape measure says you're getting smaller.
  • hughtwalker
    hughtwalker Posts: 2,213 Member
    You probably wouldn't want to listen to me anyway, because I don't believe in this so-called "Starvation Mode".
  • wahmx3
    wahmx3 Posts: 646 Member
    You need to eat more, 1200 is quite low, especially for anyone doing exercising. Secondly, and most importantly.... this is NOT a diet... it is a lifestyle change, a diet way of thinking is short term.... if you want to keep the weight off, think long term changes.... you can't live on 1200 calories forever. Keep up the exercise, there should be some strength training you can do, even with back problems, it doesn't mean you have to life 50 pounds or anything crazy like that. Are you eating good clean foods, watching your sodium? How much water are you drinking? Unless you have a HRM, eat back about half of your exercise calories but do this every day you exercise and seriously consider upping your calories every day.
  • Roseygirl1
    Roseygirl1 Posts: 196 Member
    Do not stop exercising! It's critical for long-term success AND good health.

    The first thing to remember is that plateaus are a normal, expected part of the weight loss process.

    There are a few things you can do to nudge the scale in the right direction:

    1. Improve the quality of your diet: decrease how much sugar, white flour, and other empty calories you consume and replace those calories with nutrient dense foods. (If you don't know what nutrient dense foods are, google "the world's 100 healthiest foods" to find out.)

    2. You can do strength training even with your spine condition. (I have similar spine issues, with fusions from C3 to C7) Try doing strength work in the pool using water weights. Working to build muscle, however gently, really helps with weight loss! Be mindful of breathing OUT when you move the weights through water so you don't increase pressure in the spinal canal with a Valsalva.

    3. Try to keep your carbs at 100 gms./day or lower and make those really high quality carbs, vegetables and fruits, grains like quinoa, starchy veggies like winter squash or sweet potatoes.

    You are doing so well....just don't give up!

    (Oh, and....reduce stress and make sure your sleep is restorative!)

  • Gramps251
    Gramps251 Posts: 738 Member
    You probably wouldn't want to listen to me anyway, because I don't believe in this so-called "Starvation Mode".

    So that just leaves under counting calories or over counting calorie burn.

    Logically that makes sense but I've been at a stall for 3 weeks and I've been consistant in my food and exercise. I've found it frustrating to do what has worked for me in past weeks and not see weight loss results, though I have been losing inches.

    I've been thinking about shaking things up to get some movement again and since I just had surgury and can't work out for a couple of weeks I'll use this time to see if my muscles are holding water to repair themselves. I've been drinking lots of water and keeping everything else pretty much the same. Tomorrow I'll see if my weight drops when I weigh in.

    OP (Robin?), are you eating below your MBR?
  • needamulligan
    needamulligan Posts: 558 Member
    If you never exercised before and you are now, and doing great by the way, your muscles are probably storing water and glycogen as they repair which masks any weight's still there if you check your measurements you might still see a change but it will take time for your muscles to get used to your new active life.

    I would suggest eating some of your exercise calories back if you're at 1200 chances are not eating them back puts you well below your BMR.

    I haven't read through all of the posts yet....but this happens to me, too. Every time I increase my activity level. The last stall/plateau I put on 5 lbs and it took 2 weeks to level out. I did eat back most, if not all of my exercise calories, too. Don't get discouraged! Just keep eating right, exercising, eating enough, logging and drinking plenty of water. It will come off! This is the point that I usually get frustrated and quit..NOT THIS TIME! I've learned from all the good people on MFP that this happens and why. I am prepared to wait (trying to make the pun there) it out!

    Be patient and don't give up!!
  • needamulligan
    needamulligan Posts: 558 Member
    Perhaps you're overestimating your calories burned through exercise?
    I'm beginning to think that, too. I go by what MFP says I'm burning.

    Just started using a HRM (yesterday) and one of my exercises burns HALF :frown: :huh: as many calories as MFP said it does! Good thing I didn't believe those MFP numbers and underestimated! Can't wait to see how the rest of my exercises add up!
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Some good advice on here so far but the question I have not seen asked, is what type of Calories are you taking in. I would follow the meter to a T and double check you are measuring calories burned right. But back to the Calories. I am not saying this is what you are doing, but If your 1200 Calories consists of refined Carbs, Saturated Fats and Sugar with little Fiber and Protein you are fueling your fat and it doesn’t matter how few Calories you take. In this case, the earlier comment that stated you may have lost a portion of your 35 lbs in muscle may be accurate. You have to watch all of the metrics that MyFitnessPal provides not only the calories. Which ones are you focused on? I would change it to track sugar and trans fat along with the Carbs and Protein. Then keep the sugar and trans fat completely out, keep the carbs slightly low and keep the protein slightly high. Once I did this I broke my plateau weight which I hadn’t been able to get below in 10 years.

    Oh, believe me, I wanted to mention the benefits of eating healthy fat and protein and lowering carbs, but just get tired of getting attacked by the "it's only calories in and calories out" crowd. I'm living proof that that is NOT the case for everyone. I have a good, steady weight loss, am shrinking, feel awesome, have no more health issues... all while eating a diet based on FAT, moderate protein and very low carbs.
  • barkervision
    barkervision Posts: 5 Member
    Oh, I'm new. I guess I didn't know a "it's only calories in and calories out" argument would be pending. Like I said, counting the types of calories helped me and countless other people I know break through some big barrier so I'm ready to defend the concept. Besides, being off the sugar and breaking free of the glucose cycle has given me a lot of extra energy I have to use somewhere.
  • robin68562
    robin68562 Posts: 116 Member
    Perhaps you're overestimating your calories burned through exercise?
    That seems to be a running theme. But even if I'm only burning half as many calories as MFP says I am, I would still be breaking even, which means I should be losing weight.
  • robin68562
    robin68562 Posts: 116 Member
    Definitely eat more! You're doing too much exercise for so few calories.

    This exactly. Bump up your daily average to 15-1800 and the rest will fly off with how much you're exercising. Your weight loss stalled because your body stopped breaking down muscle (which is some of that 35 lb you lost) because you're using them now and since you're not eating enough, your body is clinging to what fat stores it has left.

    You can also insert generic "muscle weighs more than fat" comment here as well. Just because the scale isn't changing doesn't mean you aren't getting thinner and looking better.

    Lastly, introducing exercise, even moderate stuff like you mentioned, can be quite the shock on your body since it's not used to it. This takes some time to adjust to. Once it gets over the panic mode of being thrown in the pool 3 days a week, it will relax and it's stress levels will go down.

    "Thrown in the pool three days a week" --- I like that.
  • Feisty_Red
    Feisty_Red Posts: 982 Member
    I would advise you measure and weigh everything you eat.. You may think you eat 1200...but once you start will be surprised how much you actually intake...once I started measuring...I was off..example? I thought I was eating 2 oz of meat for sandwiches? It was actually 4... it was like that for many things...

    This is from a 5 month stall on weight loss person....

    No weight loss plan works for everyone...some can eat more to lose...others can not.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Not sure if this has been asked - so I may have missed it. How long has it been since you have seen no weight loss?
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    Perhaps you're overestimating your calories burned through exercise?
    I'm beginning to think that, too. I go by what MFP says I'm burning.

    considering you're not eating back ALL of them anyway, this is kind of a moot point.
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    Do you plan to "diet" for the rest of your life? Or are you going to learn how to eat right?