Salt Flush

Hi all,
I did my first salt flush this morning, has anyone else ever done a salt flush before? Any stories successful or unsuccessful would be greatly appreciated.


  • nas061
    nas061 Posts: 256 Member
    What's a salt flush?
  • fortysixpounds
    fortysixpounds Posts: 419 Member
  • I have never even heard of it before today, but I might try it, I wouldnt be that regular, so its maybe work a try x
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    What's a salt flush?


    It basically cleanses out your stomach and bowels from all of the build up over the years. It won't clean out everything as there would be a lot of build up, but I can tell you that as my day progressed, there was a lot of weird looking stuff leaving my body LOL
  • nas061
    nas061 Posts: 256 Member

    It basically cleanses out your stomach and bowels from all of the build up over the years.

    What build up?
  • Did you use the pink salt as recommended? Where did you get this?

    Thanks x
  • fortysixpounds
    fortysixpounds Posts: 419 Member

    It basically cleanses out your stomach and bowels from all of the build up over the years. It won't clean out everything as there would be a lot of build up, but I can tell you that as my day progressed, there was a lot of weird looking stuff leaving my body LOL


    I'm weary of all these cleanses things, I have IBS I think this would be an extremely bad idea for me lol I spend my whole time trying to regulate my diet so as not to have any 'flushes' lol

    On another note though...I would worry about such a high level of salt intake...1 tablespoon 3-5 times a week seems extremely high (even if it is only temporary) I doubt any Dr would recommend this....especially for people who are overweight or have a heart's a little worrying really.
  • phildawson75
    phildawson75 Posts: 205 Member
    Sorry to put a downer on that but reading that link its complete pseudoscience, about as useful as any other "detox" and colon hydrotherapy. I guess if it makes you think you feel better etc that's a good placebo effect, but you have to remember it isn't doing anything useful to your body. Your're essentially doing it for fun* rather than any medical benefit.

    * I wouldn't call that fun personally :/
  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    The link doesn't give any reasons for why they think it will have the benefits they claim. The most bizarre bit to me was 'hold your nose as you take it down'! I can't even think of any possible reason for this. Holding your nose won't make the slightest bit of difference!
  • nas061
    nas061 Posts: 256 Member
    The link doesn't give any reasons for why they think it will have the benefits they claim. The most bizarre bit to me was 'hold your nose as you take it down'! I can't even think of any possible reason for this. Holding your nose won't make the slightest bit of difference!

    I think it is to stop you gagging!
  • RedWeb
    RedWeb Posts: 108 Member
    I think it is to stop you gagging!

    Surely gagging would only add to the cleanse i.e. remove even more of those dreaded toxins.
  • I did use organic pink salt, it has to be a specific type of salt otherwise it is just bad for you. Apparently, from what I have read, it helps with IBS, I don't have IBS though so I can't comment either way on that.
    It's like having a colonic basically.
    It is NOT a form of weightloss, merely a every now and then way to clean your colon of all of the waste that has stuck to the walls of the colon over the years.
    I won't be doing it regularly, by the end of the day the waste I was expelling was nearly clear so I think it has done it's job. I think I will do it once every few months.

    The flush doesn't absorb into the body, about half an hour to 2 hours after drinking the water it will ALL come out. It's a flush. It's all in the type and amount of salt that is used that makes it so effective.
  • The link doesn't give any reasons for why they think it will have the benefits they claim. The most bizarre bit to me was 'hold your nose as you take it down'! I can't even think of any possible reason for this. Holding your nose won't make the slightest bit of difference!

    I think it is to stop you gagging!

    LOL yes, this is exactly why. It is pretty hard to down 1ltr of warm salty water all at once. Some people cant cope with the taste and they can throw it all up.
    I didn't, nearly did but managed to keep it all down.
  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    The link doesn't give any reasons for why they think it will have the benefits they claim. The most bizarre bit to me was 'hold your nose as you take it down'! I can't even think of any possible reason for this. Holding your nose won't make the slightest bit of difference!

    I think it is to stop you gagging!

    Lol - I'm pretty sure holding one's nose won't stop a gag reflex!
  • Angiesolomon
    Angiesolomon Posts: 144 Member
    You can flush out your system just by eating clean foods.
  • MrsWilsoncroft
    MrsWilsoncroft Posts: 968 Member
    Goes to google types in "what is a salt flush" lol
  • MrsWilsoncroft
    MrsWilsoncroft Posts: 968 Member
  • Hambone23
    Hambone23 Posts: 486 Member
    Just get a big bottle of Miralax, a huge bottle of Gatorade to put it in, a bunch of fluids to drink, and move into your bathroom for the day. I had the squeakiest, cleanest colon after my colonoscopy that I'd ever seen--and they gave me pictures too. :p
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    Just get a big bottle of Miralax, a huge bottle of Gatorade to put it in, a bunch of fluids to drink, and move into your bathroom for the day. I had the squeakiest, cleanest colon after my colonoscopy that I'd ever seen--and they gave me pictures too. :p

    You got gatorade with yours?? Lucky!! I got lemon flavored gunk. :(