New here :)

Hi everyone! I have been using MFP for just over 2 months now and have lost 13 lbs.! This is a really big achievement for me too.

A little history...I am a stay at home mom of 7 kids, 6 boys ages 17, 15, 13, 9, 6 and 3 and one girl who is 12. I have never had a hard time losing the "baby weight" until my 6th was born. At the time he was born I was 30 , almost 31, that's when I noticed I wasn't going to just drop the extra weight without help.

I decided to try WW as I only had about 20 left to go but it just wasn't coming off. Well, I loved WW, dropped the weight and got back down to my per-pregnancy weight from baby #1 of 118 lbs! I was great! Unfortunately, I gained all of it back within 2 years. Never had that happen before. Then I became pregnant with #7. I ended up having a high-risk pregnancy, and went from 138 to 186lbs. I had massive water retention at the end and was just huge for my small 5'4" frame. I was so uncomfortable in my own skin.

Well, After a year or so, stuck at 145lbs. I decided it wasn't going to come off without help again. Tried WW, tried, suggestions (there were a TON) from my vegan parents. Tried everything. I was even riding my bike 6-7 miles everyday and it didn't help. I'd lose maybe 5 lbs only to gain it back every other month. I was so frustrated. It was like my entire metabolism had just shut down. So, finally 2 months ago weighing in at 150lbs, I found MFP. It worked. I can't believe it. I set my first goal to lose only 5 lbs by Oct. Well, here we are in Oct. and I'm down 13! Things have slowed down a bit and I'm trying not to get discouraged so I've decided to join the forums to help keep me motivated, especially though the up coming holidays and all of my kids birthday parties, lol.

I'm not looking to get to 118 again, I am 40 after all, lol. But, I would like to see 125 again. And I've set my goals far away. I would love to be there by June, that's when my husband and I are taking a week long cruise to celebrate our 20th anniversary. And I would really like to look nice in a swimsuit, for pics, etc.

Anyway, I know I don't have a dramatic or inspiring story but thanks for reading anyway!


  • ReeRun77
    You have a very inspiration story because even to have lost weight at ALL is quite an achievement. I would love to be friends with you and I sure hope that with motivation and encouragement from friends, you will without a doubt reach your goals, :-) Glad to have you here! :-)
  • acidosaur
    acidosaur Posts: 295 Member
    13lbs is a fantastic achievement and a great first step! well done and welcome!
  • dreding45

    I saw your story and could totally relate. I am 45 had my 3rd child now eight years ago and have slowly over the years put on more and more weight. I am now at 155 lbs but was 140 when my daughter was born. I am hoping MFP can help me with losing the weight. I was 127 lbs when I got pregnant with my last daughter and have really struggled trying everything to lose the weight but end up just gaining more. It is horrible. I can't stand to look at myself in the mirror. It's gross. Best of luck to you. I too have set a goal to lose thirty lbs my next June 2013. Any tips let me know. It is so hard and I eat when stressed. Thanks