Breafast: fuels my fire

Ok so i've been reading a lot about breakfast and how if you eat the right amound of proteine and carbs yahdy yahda you will feel full longer etc etc. But it never fails that breakfast makes me MORE hunrgy! i consume a solid amnt of calories for bfast and i feel hungry an hour later. for example i had 2 slices ezekial bread with egge white and reduced fat shredded cheese, half a banana with little peanut butter and a glass of silk choc. milk. and of course by 1030 i'm hunrgy. I;ve also been drinking tons tons of h20. I'm just wondering if anybody else has this problem when it comes to breakfast....? I almost wonder if i'm better off waiting to eat bfast till 10 to avoid snacking trouble. but i've also been reading alot about the effects of bfast on your metabolism, increasing it so i don't know if that's a good idea. I have so much trouble with snacking :( i eat healthy snacks, almonds, yogurt, apples etc. but it all adds up! any advice?


  • jmdolan
    jmdolan Posts: 128
    what if you split your breakfast in half? Eat the bread egg whites and cheese with the milk when you wake up. then when you get hungry again you could eat the banana with peanut butter? This way you are still giving your body fuel when you wake up and by the time you finish your mid morning snack you havent killed your calorie count for the day.
  • Fit4Vet
    Fit4Vet Posts: 610 Member
    Snacking is good for your metabolism too. My nutritionist (for what it's worth) encourages healthy snacking. She says that it keeps your body in the zone...(as in "come on boys, she's eating again - gotta burn some cals" her words not mine) :wink:

    She also says cut your meal cals & snack more throughout the day. I have a problem with snacking too but if I PLAN my snacking (i.e. 5-6 "meals" a day) then there is less room for over eating (except with almonds - I have no will power with them - I have to leave the bag at home!).

  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    If you're hungry, then eat! I eat breakfast, then a snack at 10, lunch at noon, snack at 3, dinner at 6... you should be grazing throughout the day. As long as you are making smart choices and working hard (exercising), you should follow your body's cues.
  • maxlua
    I split my breakfast. I usually have eggs and whole wheat toast before work (7:00ish) and I take a a piece of fruit to work with me and eat it around 10 (when I start to get hungry again). Then I have lunch around noon and eat a snack around 3:30 to give me energy for my workout at 5:30. It's important to get your metabolism going in the morning, but if you split your meals your metabolism will be going strong all day!
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    You're hungry because breakfast kick-started your metabolism, so good job! :) I sometimes have a little snack around 10 (yogurt or granola bar) to tide me over until lunch. Yum yum breakfast!
  • mayhem1969
    mayhem1969 Posts: 27 Member
    No, you are not better off waiting to eat breakfast. You should eat something as soon as you wake. It's not called "break fast" for nothing. Arguably you have not eaten in 6-8 hours or longer. You are also correct that breakfast jump starts you metabolism, which is probably what you are feeling when you are hungry so soon after. You will find that if you eat breakfast you will be hungry sooner, because your body is burning energy, which it needs to replace. Delaying breakfast or not eating breakfast is the quickest way to sabotage your weight loss goals.

    Everyone has offered good ideas, but I think the best is too break your meals into 5-6 smaller ones throughout the day. I usually try to eat three meals along with two or three snacks. This idea mirrors various diet plans that suggest this keeps blood sugar moderate throughout the day, keeps your metabolism revved up all day, etc.
  • kingnatalie
    If I eat right away in the morning then I am hungry again in about an hour. But if I wait to eat breakfast until 8:30 - 9:00am, I can comfortably make it through to lunch, snack, dinner, snack - and my day is fine. I am also usually not very hungry when I wake up - I have things to get done, so my focus is elsewhere. I save my cream of wheat hot cereal for work with a cup of hot chocolate - works wonderfully - and I never even used to be a breakfast believer, but I am now.
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    I do that to. I usually eat breakfast at 6:50 so about 9 I eat a 100 cal or less snack 11 i have lunch at 2 i eat a small snack then about 5 or 6 I have dinner. I eat my snacks even if I am hungry or not. That keeps me from getting to hungry. It works.
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    You never said what time yoru having breakfast, just that you were hungry by 10:30.
    Like others, split your meals into 5-6 in a day.

    I have breakfast from 7:00-8:00 - by 9:30-10:00 i'm having my first snack.
    Every couple hours,eat to bump up the metabolism.
  • souralice
    I eat breakfast around 8:30 and lunch around 11:30. Breakfast does kick start your metabolism, and I think its normal to get hungry after a few hours! If you can't do breakfast and lunch that close together, I don't think there's any harm in having a snack. Sometimes I will split my breakfast if I have to wait a while for lunch.
  • Samantharose8akaDebbie
    You are consuming too many carbs....that is what makes you feel hungry. Try the egg with some protein, skip the bread and have just a little fruit. If you do that for a few days, I bet you won't be as hungry. I was on the South beach diet for awhile and they have some good phase 1 recipes on line. Good luck.