Thanksgiving 6 week Challenge

This challenge will run for 6 weeks! Starting today and ending on Turkey day!

The number one rule is NO negative talk.

Set one goal in lbs to get rid of for good and another goal that has nothing to do with the scale!



  • gish676
    gish676 Posts: 16
    Hello! My Name is Nicole! I started this mini challenge (and plan to have more in the future) because I need something to do that will help keep me and anyone else that would like to join in focused. Baby steps!

    Staring Weight: 181.8
    Goal Weight: 175
    Non-Weight Goal: Complete the 5 mile Turkey Trot Thanksgiving Morning

    Please use this thread to share anything you would like. If sharing your menu helps go for it! Whatever will help keep you motivated and on track! Feel free to share tips, exercise, new ideas, etc.
  • angelhop72
    Hello, my name is Angel.... I'm in this with you Nicole...
    i just need to refocus... i know what i need to do, i just need to do it.

    Staring Weight: 219.6
    Goal Weight: 210.0
    Non-Weight Goal: Follow Drew Manning workout's 5 days a week + control portions.