People with sit-down jobs



  • Diet is more important for weight loss, but if you don't want to further reduce caloric intake then Increase NEAT (Non-Exercise Activity). Fidget while sitting there, tap your foot, flex muscle, when on the phone stand up and pace, get up and take a walk to get water, the bathroom, take stairs up and down instead of elevator, etc.
    ^^^ Good ideas!
    LALOCHA34 Posts: 340 Member

    Or you can always get this ^

    Personally, I just have to get my workouts in before/after work. Best of luck to you.
  • flabulous4
    flabulous4 Posts: 599 Member
    My job doesn't allow for free exercise either - I'm always either sat at a desk or driving to a meeting...where I sit at a table. I did Couch to 5K and now I run around 20-25 miles a week. That takes care of the exercise.
  • doggiesnot
    doggiesnot Posts: 334 Member
    How far away from your office do you live? I have a sit-down job and have been bike commuting. It's 8 miles each way, half of which is nature trails. Also, try this site:
  • mell6355
    mell6355 Posts: 171 Member
    One thing no one's addressed so far (not that I saw in my quick scan) is your comment that your weight loss has slowed down. This is totally normal, especially for those who are quite overweight. The first 10-20 really melt off because it's mostly water weight and some weight you may have gained right before you decided to make a change. After that, a reasonable healthy weight loss goal is 1-2 pounds per week. Don't be in such a rush - trust me, if you stick with your new habits, it will keep coming off!

    Also, I agree with those that are saying the weight loss is more about diet than exercise. Make sure you're eating properly (not too much, not too little) and continue being as active as you are. You could mix things up during your normal workout times though. Make sure you're pushing yourself on your walks. If you have a fairly flat route, try to find a different way that might be hilly. At the very least, pick up your pace and maybe think about adding in running intervals (just for 30-60 minutes at first then more as you get accustomed).

    I just started walking backwards while I am at work. I take my 2 -15 minute breaks and go for a walk, while walking (when I am not in plain sight :blushing: ) I walk 1 minute forwards and then 1 backward, and so on. Its weird once you get used to is, you use all kinds of different muscles.
  • hb817
    hb817 Posts: 53 Member
    you could try one of these

    just google mini desk bike

    I was just going to suggest this. I sit at work all day too so were on the same boat here...I work out as much as I can whether it's before work, after work, during lunch, breaks...whenever. Even just standing here marching in place by my desk...
  • hb817
    hb817 Posts: 53 Member
    Diet is more important for weight loss, but if you don't want to further reduce caloric intake then Increase NEAT (Non-Exercise Activity). Fidget while sitting there, tap your foot, flex muscle, when on the phone stand up and pace, get up and take a walk to get water, the bathroom, take stairs up and down instead of elevator, etc.
    ^^^ Good ideas!

    great ideas!!
  • Someone might have said this alreay but walk around your office, instead of emailing a co-worker walk to their office. Also, wall push ups are great.
  • dayotte33
    dayotte33 Posts: 80 Member
    Very good idea. Thanks!
  • dayotte33
    dayotte33 Posts: 80 Member
    Really good point. Thank you!
  • dayotte33
    dayotte33 Posts: 80 Member
    Thanks for the pointers. I like the 4oz of water per hour. I'll do this. :happy:
  • dayotte33
    dayotte33 Posts: 80 Member
  • dayotte33
    dayotte33 Posts: 80 Member
    Thanks so much for the advice. I'll try it. :happy:
  • dayotte33
    dayotte33 Posts: 80 Member
    Sorry for all the "replies" on here. Thought they were going to the people that sent them to me. Can you tell I'm new around here??
  • edge_dragoncaller
    edge_dragoncaller Posts: 826 Member
    This may not be much, but it's just a little thing I do since I'm stuck in a "Soul Sucking Gray" cubicle as well. I have two of the Grib strengtheners that I use like a stress ball. Not sure if that's the name of them, but they look lik this //*\\ .

    They may not burn a lot, but any amount is good :)
  • I made a rule that every time I go to the bathroom I have to do at least 50 jump-in-jacks or 50 squats or 50 lunges. I have recently also started doing push-ups on the wall. I really do think it helps and I try to change out the exercise often to keep my body guessing.
  • I walk for at least 20 minutes every lunch. I also have a resistant band at work and some exercises to do a couple of times a week.
  • Good Idea. If you climb that stairs in your office it willl give you a work out to your body and feel energized.