In need of new MFP friends!

When I began MFP a couple years ago my friends were active on MFP. One baby and a year or so later many of my friends have been MIA. I have a newfound motivation and I am trying to surround myself with other motivated people who are active almost daily on MFP. I have lost 50lbs since having my son in January and need that extra push to make my next goal of dropping another 30-40lbs to a healthier BMI.

Please add me if you feel we would benefit each other for motivation and accountability. THANKS! :-)

*forgot to mention that I do body pump, 30DS, and have started C25K but need to start running more again!


  • Sharlene113
    Sharlene113 Posts: 52 Member
    Hey! I'm on MFP every day and love Jillian's 30 DS. I just started looking into the Couch to 5K program and will be starting that when my bronchitis goes away. Would love to be friends!
  • JessFromEngland
    JessFromEngland Posts: 30 Member
    Hello! I'm on MFP every day too and am starting 30DS today (hopefully).
    Feel free to add me :)

    Keep up the good work!!
  • beckyboop712
    beckyboop712 Posts: 383 Member
    I'm on MFP everyday (though I missed Sunday...grrrr), feel free to add me!

    Keep it up!
  • PrettyMindy14
    PrettyMindy14 Posts: 70 Member
    Feel free to add me :)
  • Iansmommy123011
    Iansmommy123011 Posts: 872 Member
    Feel free to add me if you like :)
  • ChaoticMum
    ChaoticMum Posts: 115 Member
    :) Another newbie to seriously USING, not just being a registered member of MFP and also to eating Primal/Paleo if that gets anyone's attention too! :)
  • IzzyBmydog
    IzzyBmydog Posts: 58 Member
    Hi Wannabe. I am on every day and try and comment on all of my friends sucesses. Add me if you'd like..I'm on this journey too.
  • HealthyMe46
    HealthyMe46 Posts: 226 Member
    I'm quite a bit older than you, but feel free to add me after you check out my profile.
  • MaintainCats
    MaintainCats Posts: 222 Member
    Go ahead and add me if you want! I need a few too.
  • darisey
    darisey Posts: 228 Member
    Hi I'm on MFP every day also. I'm planning to lose about 80lbs after having my two daughters (ages 1 and 3) and I'm looking for friends too :)
  • WanabeHotMama
    WanabeHotMama Posts: 102 Member
    Thanks all who have replied so far! I'm working on adding y'all! Feeling the love of the MFP family :-)
  • jparks341
    jparks341 Posts: 216 Member
    Feel free to add me as a MFP buddy, I've been on MFP since the first part of the year. I have reached my goal and continue to log to keep myself in check. I enjoy providing motivation, support and the occasional "butt kicking into gear" post. It helps make the journey easier having MFP buddies. I wish you all the luck in your quest.