MFP Runner's Club May 22



  • pam0206
    pam0206 Posts: 700 Member
    As I was reading I was thinking (no really..I was) that you blew it off today. Good job!!! :drinker:

    How often do most of you run a week? I try to go 3-4 times a week, but most weeks it's just 3 times. I need to increase that, but it's hard with mine & hubs schedules.
    :laugh: Thanks, Shannon. I almost did blow you guys off. Mind over matter, though. I know if I can get myself dressed and going, I will feel a lot better when I finish. I always convince myself that I will go for three miles, then I can quit. Usually after I've gone 3m, I say what the hey, I can go two more.

    I like to run between 3-5 days a week. It depends on how the babies are sleeping, how I'm sleeping, etc. My summer schedule is gonna be crazy because now I have downtime while my youngest one sleeps, but my older daughter will be home then, too. So, we'll work out something, because I'm not willing to give up at this point!

    Oh! I also meant to share with you guys that I downloaded some new songs on my iPod. That always gets me going. Some old/some new/some Idol inspired.

    Lovestoned: Justin Timberlake
    I Thought I'd Seen Everything: Bryan Adams
    Freedom '90: George Michael
    New Soul: Yael Naim
    Party People: Nelly
    Geek in the Pink: Jason Mraz
    Summertime: New Kids on the Block (Yeah, I did it......)
    No Air: Jordin Sparks/Chris Brown (a little slow, but I still like it.)
    Mercy: Duffy
    First Time: Lifehouse

    Not sure how I feel about all of them yet. I usually try to listen to them a few times to see if they'll fit in my groove. KWIM?
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member

    How often do most of you run a week? I try to go 3-4 times a week, but most weeks it's just 3 times. I need to increase that, but it's hard with mine & hubs schedules.

    I run 5 days a week b/c I am training hard for an upcoming race. Then, I'll go back to my usual 4 days a week. I meet a running buddy 3 days a week at 5:45 am to avoid scheduling conflicts. I know... I am NOT a morning person either.:ohwell:
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member

    How often do most of you run a week? I try to go 3-4 times a week, but most weeks it's just 3 times. I need to increase that, but it's hard with mine & hubs schedules.

    I run 5 days a week b/c I am training hard for an upcoming race. Then, I'll go back to my usual 4 days a week. I meet a running buddy 3 days a week at 5:45 am to avoid scheduling conflicts. I know... I am NOT a morning person either.:ohwell:

    Sa-weet!! How long is the race?
  • bunnyr
    bunnyr Posts: 275 Member
    Jules -Thanks, the quote was given to me by the coach of my running club. It's great - it's like getting out there no mattter how you feel is the new normal! I love your quote! So true!
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member

    How often do most of you run a week? I try to go 3-4 times a week, but most weeks it's just 3 times. I need to increase that, but it's hard with mine & hubs schedules.

    I run 5 days a week b/c I am training hard for an upcoming race. Then, I'll go back to my usual 4 days a week. I meet a running buddy 3 days a week at 5:45 am to avoid scheduling conflicts. I know... I am NOT a morning person either.:ohwell:

    Sa-weet!! How long is the race?

    I'm doing the 5K for the ta-tas!:drinker:
  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
    I've only done half a mile due to being addicted to my Wii Fit (did an hour on it today).
    Great job ladies!!!!! I admire each and every one of you.

  • pam0206
    pam0206 Posts: 700 Member
    I've only done half a mile due to being addicted to my Wii Fit (did an hour on it today).
    Great job ladies!!!!! I admire each and every one of you.


    Is that your new pup??? Soooooo cute. What is his name?

    Tell us more about the Wii fit.....what types of activities do you do, calories burned, etc......
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member

    How often do most of you run a week? I try to go 3-4 times a week, but most weeks it's just 3 times. I need to increase that, but it's hard with mine & hubs schedules.

    I run 5 days a week b/c I am training hard for an upcoming race. Then, I'll go back to my usual 4 days a week. I meet a running buddy 3 days a week at 5:45 am to avoid scheduling conflicts. I know... I am NOT a morning person either.:ohwell:

    Sa-weet!! How long is the race?

    I'm doing the 5K for the ta-tas!:drinker:

    Run for the ta-tas!!!! Bwahahahahahahahaha!!! :laugh:

    Nice! :laugh:
  • kerikitkat
    kerikitkat Posts: 352 Member
    Whew... due to the outrageous Texas heat and the misbehavior of one of the dogs, we only ran 23 minutes today... about 2.5 miles. Oh well. Last week we probably over did it, so this week can be our recovery. :wink:
  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
    I've only done half a mile due to being addicted to my Wii Fit (did an hour on it today).
    Great job ladies!!!!! I admire each and every one of you.


    Is that your new pup??? Soooooo cute. What is his name?

    Tell us more about the Wii fit.....what types of activities do you do, calories burned, etc......
    Yup, we got him about 2 weeks ago.
    His name is Buster.

    The Wii Fit is very addicting!
    There are several exercises: running (jogging in place), yoga (Love it!), strength training ( leg extensions, pushups, situps, jackknife, lunges, squats & more), hula hooping (very good for the core), aerobics using the Wii board as a step, it teaches you how to improve your balance & posture (it detects your stabilty and teaches you how to correct it) and so much more!

    It was hard for me to get an actually calorie burnt total since I don't have a HRM yet so I entered it one by one (wasn't sure on the amount of time on each so I might be off on some). I burnt 136 calories in 45 minutes. Doesn't seem like much but I'm positive it was way more than that. Can't wait to get a HRM to know exactly how many cals I burn.

    I can definitely feel soreness in my abs & thighs.

  • ekirton
    ekirton Posts: 10 Member
    I've also had trouble with my siatica caused mainly by running.

    In my case, and in a lot of runners, it is caused by overtight glutes and leg muscles. That's why a lot of physios and chiros recommeded a lot of stretching and ab exercises. If you can build your core muscles and loosen your leg and butt muscles it tends to come right.

    I think like most people I never truly stretched before or after running or doing any exercise. Like someone else I also found that Pilates was good - as it just became another more fun way to stretch.
  • mkeithley
    mkeithley Posts: 399
    I've also had trouble with my siatica caused mainly by running.

    In my case, and in a lot of runners, it is caused by overtight glutes and leg muscles. That's why a lot of physios and chiros recommeded a lot of stretching and ab exercises. If you can build your core muscles and loosen your leg and butt muscles it tends to come right.

    I think like most people I never truly stretched before or after running or doing any exercise. Like someone else I also found that Pilates was good - as it just became another more fun way to stretch.
    Hey Shannon and pmkelly did you catch that? Stretching....hmmmmm seems like I have heard that somewhere before....let me think, why yes I have heard that before....but from who???:laugh: j/k with you guys:laugh:
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    [Hey Shannon and pmkelly did you catch that? Stretching....hmmmmm seems like I have heard that somewhere before....let me think, why yes I have heard that before....but from who???:laugh: j/k with you guys:laugh:

    lalalalalalalalala....look a birdie up in the sky.......{{fingers in ears}} I....can't....hear....yooouuuuu.......
  • mhsrnmz
    mhsrnmz Posts: 86 Member
    I finally got to run today after a 3 day marine biology camping trip with my son and @ 70 other 6th graders. I went 3 3/4 mi in 40 min. Talk about stress relief!
  • alimassa
    alimassa Posts: 275 there a secret hand shake to join the MFP Runner's Club or is anyone welcome to join? I read your posts all the time and would love to take part if I can.....

    :smile: :smile: :smile:

  • mkeithley
    mkeithley Posts: 399 there a secret hand shake to join the MFP Runner's Club or is anyone welcome to join? I read your posts all the time and would love to take part if I can.....

    :smile: :smile: :smile:

    No secret handshake, just membership dues which can be sent to me-JUST KIDDING!!!
    We are an open group, anyone and everyone is welcome:smile: Be forewarned some of us are nutty:laugh:
  • pmkelly409
    pmkelly409 Posts: 1,646 Member there a secret hand shake to join the MFP Runner's Club or is anyone welcome to join? I read your posts all the time and would love to take part if I can.....

    :smile: :smile: :smile:


    Welcome! of course you can join us - Rule #1 - there are no rules - just RUN!

    and forget what you have heard here previously, all dues are sent directly to ME! :laugh:

    Tell us all about your running - what's your story! tell us about your successes, your not so successes, your questions, your answers, your needs, your wants...oh, sorry got carried away with myself! :laugh:

    :heart: Tricia
  • mkeithley
    mkeithley Posts: 399
    I've only done half a mile due to being addicted to my Wii Fit (did an hour on it today).
    Great job ladies!!!!! I admire each and every one of you.


    Is that your new pup??? Soooooo cute. What is his name?

    Tell us more about the Wii fit.....what types of activities do you do, calories burned, etc......
    Yup, we got him about 2 weeks ago.
    His name is Buster.

    The Wii Fit is very addicting!
    There are several exercises: running (jogging in place), yoga (Love it!), strength training ( leg extensions, pushups, situps, jackknife, lunges, squats & more), hula hooping (very good for the core), aerobics using the Wii board as a step, it teaches you how to improve your balance & posture (it detects your stabilty and teaches you how to correct it) and so much more!

    It was hard for me to get an actually calorie burnt total since I don't have a HRM yet so I entered it one by one (wasn't sure on the amount of time on each so I might be off on some). I burnt 136 calories in 45 minutes. Doesn't seem like much but I'm positive it was way more than that. Can't wait to get a HRM to know exactly how many cals I burn.

    I can definitely feel soreness in my abs & thighs.


    You might want to enter it in under:Calisthenics (pushups, sit-ups), vigorous effort, a lot more calories burned. :smile:
  • bunnyr
    bunnyr Posts: 275 Member
    I ran for the first time today in my run/walk club. We are training for a 5K. I joined thinking I would never be able to run but today we did 4 miles and I ran one mile! I'm so excited! :happy: Hope you all have a great weekend. Thanks for the inspiration!
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