Whats your go to bfast and lunch?



  • busywifehealthylife
    I typically eat a packet of plain instant oatmeal (cooked), with 1/4 cup of pomegranate seeds or blueberries or raspberries, coffee, and a hard boiled egg white. On weekends I like to eat 3/4 cup peanut butter or chocolate cheerios (same calories as original cheerios and they are multi grain) with 1/2 cup 1 % milk and coffee.

    Sometimes I make a smoothie which is plain greek non-fat yogurt (about 1/2 cup), 1/2 a banana, 1/2 cup berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, any combo) and a 1/4 cup orange juice with calcium added. Blend it all together and it's fantastic! Plus the greek yogurt provides a good amount of protein to start your day.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Breakfast is usually a bagel. Lunch is usually a turkey, lettuce, tomato sandwich.

    I ain't afraid of no carbs.
  • angiechimpanzee
    angiechimpanzee Posts: 536 Member
    Breakfast, OATMEAL!!! This is the way I've been making it as of today:
    1/2 cup instant oats
    1/2 cup vanilla soymilk
    half a mashed banana
    two tablespoons granola
    one teaspoon brown sugar


    Lunch, grilled chicken sandwich that I typically get from Chickfila because I'm in college.
  • angiechimpanzee
    angiechimpanzee Posts: 536 Member
    If I remember, I eat a banana for breakfast along with 24oz of h20. Lunch is my fav meal! 2 pieces of organic home made sprouted wheat bread toasted, with a whole organic sliced tomato, and a half or organic avocado. I put a little vegenaise on the bread and eat it open faced..
    Wow you're not hungry on that?
  • kimberliiw
    kimberliiw Posts: 242 Member
    Cereal and milk with a piece of whole grain toast. I keep a box of cereal and some bread at work and go in at 4 am, so when I take my "lunch" break at 9 it's easy and fast. Breakfast at home varies and sometimes doesn't happen.

    Lunch is usually a turkey sandwich, salad or leftovers.
  • allymacary
    allymacary Posts: 54 Member
    I recently discovered I love smoked salmon so I'll have a piece of wheat toast with a Laughing Cow cream cheese wedge, a slice of smoked salmon and a few capers, YUM! OR I'll always love my over easy egg with rye toast.

    Lunch is usually homemade soup or leftovers.

    Ok, now I'm hungray...
  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    B-Fruit and cheese, oatmeal, egg white/bacon bit sammie with thins and laughing cow, yogurt and fruit

    L- Trader Joe egg white salad with pop chips (like a dip) or veggie strips and fruit, any type of sandwich with fruit

    If you like tuna I cook my own tuna steaks, cool and mix with Trader Joe salsa verde, spinach and pepperoncini slices and a bit of low calorie mayo, pumps up the healthy and down the calories.
  • zrmac804
    zrmac804 Posts: 369 Member
    Breakfast: Hot cereal with milk & honey, 1 egg and 1 egg white cooked in 1 tsp margarine, fruit, coffee with milk
    Lunch: Whole wheat spaghetti with tomato sauce and meatballs and 1 tbsp romano cheese on top. 2% yogurt for dessert.
    Other lunch: Curry (beef, pork, or chicken) with vegetables and whole wheat bread.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I usually have 2 poached eggs, 1 slice of toast and a spoon of baked beans for breakfast. Sometimes I make scrambled egg instead.

    Lunch is often some sort of salad - chicken or tuna. Sometimes I just have some crackers with peanut butter and a banana.
  • redhousecat
    redhousecat Posts: 584 Member
    usually yogurt or cereal for breakfast

    6oz salmon and cup of rice for lunch
    steamed veggies and protein bar - lunch

    those are the ones I eat the most
  • ClementineGeorg
    ClementineGeorg Posts: 505 Member
    In the weekend I always try new stuff, like different kinds of sandwiches and omlettes and so on.

    But during the weekdays my go-to breakfast is Olympus 2% fat greek yogurt and the BelVita biscuits from Kraft (the milk version, I don't like the others). Sometimes I add beries in my yogurt.

    I do not have a go-to lunch, I try be as diverse as possible, considering mostly healthy foods. There is always plenty of choice. :D
  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member
    My go to breakfast is 2 eggs over easy, 1/2 cup 1% cottage cheese and either 2 slices of turkey bacon or a whole wheat english muffin. I also put salsa on my eggs instead of ketchup.

    If I'm working an early shift or am in a rush I'll eat high fibre cereal(or oatmeal), a piece of fruit and some yogurt.

    I usually aim for a 500 or more cal breakfast though, that's a bit high for some people.

    My go to lunch is a huge veggie salad (green leaf, spinach, cucumber, zuchinni, celery, tomato, carrots, radishes...basically any veggie that's around) topped with either nuts, beans, tuna or chicken breast with light italian dressing.

    Although, it's already -5 where I live (Ontario, Canada) so lunch time may soon become hot soup time. :)
  • amycb03
    amycb03 Posts: 68 Member
    2 egg whites on a whole wheat english muffin with 1/2 avocado or slice of gouda cheese.
    oatmeal (plain old fashioned or steel cut from the bulk bins at whole foods, not the packaged stuff) with add-ins- either a banana, pumpkin/pumpkinpie spice/maplesyrup, apples/cinnamon, shredded coconut/slivered almonds, dried cranberries or raisins

    I make a different soup every sunday in the crockpot-something really heavy on the veggies so i can have a giant filling portion for low calories...then a piece of fruit for dessert
    sometimes i make dinner for lunch- chicken/broccoli/sweetpotato or similar
    giant salad beast- lots of veggies, a good protein...rarely use dressing- either use eggs over easy as the dressing or mix up some honey and mustard together...vinegar and oil if i'm in the mood
  • busywifehealthylife
    I forgot! Sometimes I also mix in a quarter cup of Trader Joe's Honey Sesame Cashews into my oatmeal. Sooooo good.
  • busywifehealthylife
    breakfast - 2 eggs scrambled with canadian bacon

    lunch - chicken breast, raw fresh veggies (lots), apple, and 14 almonds (yes, I count them).

    Boring, yes. But it works for me.

    I count my almonds too :)
  • AlissaFL
    AlissaFL Posts: 80 Member
    Breakfast: 2 eggs and 1 piece of whole wheat toast
    Lunch: Tuna. I used to make with eggs, mayo and relish, but my friend talked me into having it with just mustard. I am not a big mustard fan, but honestly it makes the tuna taste like chicken salad. So I have that with some steamed peas or green beans.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    1 scrambled egg with cheddar
    salsa fresca of sorts...fresh avo, tomato, onion, cilantro garlic
    steamed squash
    greek yogurt

    Steamed broccoli
    protein of choice (often greek yogurt again--I'm an addict:blushing: )
    tortilla chips and salsa fresca again

    This is my thing lately.
  • LCgymnast
    LCgymnast Posts: 258
    Cereal and milk( high fiber) for breakfast. Or lots of fruit in the am. For lunch an egg turkey sandwich for some protein.
  • kimmireads
    kimmireads Posts: 66 Member
    My go to breakfast lately is a one egg ham and cheese omlette (1 large egg, a little splash of milk, 1 slice of ham luncheon meat and a piece and a half of 2% American cheese).

    As for lunch I don't know that I really have a go to for lunch. I go in streaks--sometimes I make salads other times have leftovers, or a 1/2 or a whole sandwich. Love to have soup and 1/2 a sandwich--but tend to not want soup when it's warm out --that's when I seem to crave salad and fruit.

    Now if you asked my go to "midnight snack" that would be a small bowl of cereal (about 3/4 of a cup with a 1/2 cup of 1% milk)--Honey Nut Cherrios and bite size Mini-Wheats are a couple of my favorites!
  • 1_day_at_a_time
    no..im kinda surprised myself. I have to force myself to eat over 1200 cal..but I really don't work out because I have a busted knee. I eat A LOT of veggies though.