New "group"- petite n flabby

Ok so I've seen a TON of "groups" to fit a variety of goals and characteristics-but none of them really fit me and so now I'm wondering if there's others who might be in this category as well? If not, all good but figured it was worth putting the feelers out there. I only need to lose around 20 lbs, but I'm super out of shape, have to gain before I can lose and on my 5'1" frame, 135 is MASSIVE.... Especially when it all jiggles! But alot of people say "you couldn't possibly need to lose weight! You're SO tiny!" Look lady....! Ugh so exasperating, those assumptions.

In short, I have to start my entire dietary training from scratch which is going to present a mental/emotional challenge with step 1 being to gain. Figured if anyone else is in the same boat, it's a unique enough situation that a mutual support for this in particular might be a benefit. And, if not then that's ok too. :-)


  • tansyf
    tansyf Posts: 66 Member
    Can I be in your group? ;-) I know the feeling exactly, I am 5ft and 11 stone, and its sooooo hard to shift the weight!!! And as soon as you gain a little, it shows :-( xxxxx
  • Ang8178
    Ang8178 Posts: 308
    I may want to join. People tell me all the time I don't need to lose. I think because I'm only looking at a 13 pound goal :laugh: I've already kinda been in the first phase though. I gained a few pounds when I first started, now they are coming off slowly. Any support is always great. I'm really looking to gain muscle mass and lower my body fat % also. I'd like to weigh 120 so I don't have to throw out all my cute sumer dresses:smile:
  • marshakay77
    I'm right there with ya. I am 5'1 and 154. Can't wait to be at 130
  • latinapride389
    I'm on the same page, I'm 5'0 and at my heaviest was 150, I'm now 141 but have got to lose another 15 to 20 pounds. So I'm up for this group =) I do think it's funny how people think just cause you're short you're tiny when in actuality I should not weigh near this much at my height because when short people gain weight we start to look like walking apples! Anyway, gald I'm not the only short fatty =)
  • StaceG1986
    I would LOVE to join!!

    I'm 5 ft 1 in and weigh 202 lbs :sad: (so I do look HEEE-UGE!!!) My first goal is 168 lbs and then will see where I go from there!

    Feel free to add me on here!!

    I'm from Lincolnshire, England!
  • JuliaSoCal
    I'd love to join you. I have a story to tell you. I am five foot even... 4 11 and 3/4 if you must be exact. And, have gained 70 pounds with the birth of my 2 children. Translation 5 feet 165 ish at the time of this story. I am at my daughter pediatrcian. She is 2 and only weighs 18 pounds at the time. She ate TONS of food and just was active active active, and burned it off. The Dr was worried that I was starving her or something. She looked at me and said " I see you USED to be petite" WHAT????

    Gets my hackles up every time I think of that incident.

    anyway, down 10 lbs Yeah!!!! Since starting here on MFP, and have a long way to go... but know that petites and "used to be petites" have some unique struggles...

  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    FYI: there is a group out there like this. It's called Fit 'n Fun Sized. :smile:
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    I'm on the same page, I'm 5'0 and at my heaviest was 150, I'm now 141 but have got to lose another 15 to 20 pounds. So I'm up for this group =) I do think it's funny how people think just cause you're short you're tiny when in actuality I should not weigh near this much at my height because when short people gain weight we start to look like walking apples! Anyway, gald I'm not the only short fatty =)

    LMAO!! Walking apples... I love it!!!! Oh the visuals.... thanks for that chuckle!!! :-)
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    FYI: there is a group out there like this. It's called Fit 'n Fun Sized. :smile:

    I think the difference is fit vs. flabby. :-) Maybe when folks in *this* group get fit, they'll move over to "fit n' fun sized".. cuz ya' know - then they won't be flabby anymore. LOL
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    Wow - I knew I couldn't be the only one but I didn't anticipate this kind of response! Welcome everyone!! I guess this makes us a group then. :-) So - I guess it would seem the best thing to do now is do a kind of "get to know" session? I mean, we could all visit each other's home pages and all - but I don't know if that's the same as a more direct interaction.

    Some of you have already started and some of you may have read some of my other posts and may already know a bit about me from those - and for those that don't, here it goes. :-)

    I've almost always been small. When I was a young teen, I had a bout of over-weightness and some things occurred and being the anxsty teen that many of us were, I stopped eating. Over the course of a summer, I lost 25 lbs. I never really gained it back until now - 2+ decades later. That's not to say that there havent' been fluctuations - usually seasonal. But this time its different. On 12/1/09 - after 20 years - I finally quit smoking. That was a HUGE contributor to me staying within my weight range. However, I obviously wasn't consuming enough calories, my activity - as indicated by my weight fluctuations - was seasonal. Summer - lose, Winter - gain, roughly 15 lbs. This didn't always happen and not always 15 lbs, but that was the "norm".

    I have had 2 kids, suffered in this economy with alot of unemployment. Well, through another program, I was offered a position with an organization at my university with the caveat that I had to be a grad student to get it. I now spend a good chunk of my time on my tush. Anywhere from 12-18 hours a day. Let's see... slowed metabolism because there's no nicotine to help speed it along, metabolism that's already screwed up from years of inappropriate "dieting"/nutrition, whatever you want to call it and now all this inactivity? Yeah - not going to be pretty.

    I am now 131.8 (as of this morning). At my very best peak of muscular condition - 107. Doesn't sound like alot, right? But *WE* (us little people) know that 2lbs for US is like... 8 lbs for someone 5'4" and up. Whoa. What a suck. Those first two pounds are a BIG DEAL! Get this - I have to GAIN FIVE TO SEVEN POUNDS BEFORE I GET TO LOSE!!!!!! Yikes. This is going to hurt. Alot. But I'm determined to do this the right way - and you all are too or you wouldn' t be here. I have found myself an MFP junkie... lol.

    So that's my story (the shortened version). I think tomorrow, I'll start a new topic like... Where are we today and what is our daily mantra? Or something along those lines. What do you all think? No matter what, it'll be prefaced with "petite n' flabby". :-) This is exciting - I am so glad you all are on board with this idea. We are indeed a unique group of people in this category and I can't wait to hear everyone's stories and their successes!
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    Can I be in your group? ;-) I know the feeling exactly, I am 5ft and 11 stone, and its sooooo hard to shift the weight!!! And as soon as you gain a little, it shows :-( xxxxx

    Okay, so first thing's first - I don't see any reason to seek permission to join - I figure if you're under 5'4" and have some lbs to lose, ya' fit the profile of "petite n flabby". :-) It's just a unique circumstance and figured it was worth specifying.

    Next, I have seen the term "stone" a few times in other posts and I don't have a friggin' clue what it is!!! Would you mind defining what this is? lol.. clearly some sort of measurement of weight, but I don't know what it represents. 100 lbs? a ton? (ok, slight exaggeration there... lol).
  • noseovertail
    I'll join! I'm 5'2" and 125.5 right now... when I joined MFP I was 130. My stomach is like a huge beer gut, all flab. I recently had spinal surgery so I can't do sit ups or crunches or anything like that, just cardio, but I'd still love to join. I'm sick to death of people telling me that I don't need to lose weight because I'm 'already so small'.
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    I'll join! I'm 5'2" and 125.5 right now... when I joined MFP I was 130. My stomach is like a huge beer gut, all flab. I recently had spinal surgery so I can't do sit ups or crunches or anything like that, just cardio, but I'd still love to join. I'm sick to death of people telling me that I don't need to lose weight because I'm 'already so small'.

    I really think that the average individual just doesn't get the book-cover analogy. Fitness trainers might get it because they're trained (hopefully!) to understand such differences, but other than that - I have yet to find anyone that "gets it". Once in a while, I actually want to hit someone that makes this assumption. SMALL DOESN'T EQUATE TO FITNESS!!!!! jeeze!

    Yeah. Won't get that here! :-)
  • StaceG1986

    Next, I have seen the term "stone" a few times in other posts and I don't have a friggin' clue what it is!!! Would you mind defining what this is? lol.. clearly some sort of measurement of weight, but I don't know what it represents. 100 lbs? a ton? (ok, slight exaggeration there... lol).

    In the UK we usually say our weight in terms of stones and lbs, 14lbs = 1 stone of weight, so because I weigh 202 lbs I would say to my UK friends that I weigh 14 stones & 4lbs :smile:
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    Ahhhh.. well that helps alot - a stone = 14 lbs. Got it!! lol..t hanks!! :-)
  • jackshortstack
    jackshortstack Posts: 19 Member
    I can total relate to all of you!

    My mother and I are both 5'1" and have struggled with our weight forever. The hardest part is sticking to a 1200-1300 calorie / day diet - since we are shorter, we just can't eat as much. It's terribly frustrating and extremely difficult - I have 12 pounds to go myself. But, there is good news: Petite Women Always Look Young!