

  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    First off is a 1200 calorie diet right for you?
    Probably not.
    Secondly how much therapy have you had on your ED?
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Stop "dieting" and you won't feel deprived and binge. Simple as that.

    The failure of dieting is that people stop dieting and they put the weight right back on again. It's not a sustainable plan. Change your eating habits to healthy foods with proper portion control and weight management becomes far less difficult.
  • shyeban
    shyeban Posts: 121 Member
    What I tell myself is Nothing taste as good as THIN FEELS!!!
    sounds like a pro-ana quote lol
    A super model said it. I just cant remember which one.

    they all say it. they have to! its their job.

    It was Kate Moss.
  • floridagirl7264
    floridagirl7264 Posts: 318 Member
    What is really helping me is to remember the reasons why I want to lose weight. I may be going for some cookies, but I stop and stand there remembering all of the reasons that I want to lose weight and I find it stops me in my tracks.

    Also, this is a lifestyle change and not a diet. If you're like me and have tried every diet imaginable and failed, then you know you can't "diet" successfully. I allow myself treats. I need to or else I would binge. I'll grab a hand full of yogurt raisins and that's all I'm allowed to eat. I keep all food in the kitchen so it's really a PITA to keep going back and forth. I keep an eye on my calories throughout the day. It really helps me.

    Dieting is 90% psychological. Keep at it and you'll succeed. :flowerforyou:
  • You need to broaden your time horizon. No more of this, I dieted for 4 days, then fell off the wagon for a week business. You are almost guaranteed to fail with that approach. Work towards having a good solid week of clean eating. Then do it again, and again. After a month, or two, you will have a cheat meal, or day along the way. Just limit the damage. BTW, that includes eating at special occasions like weddings, Bar Mitvahs, Birthday parties, dates, girls night out, football games, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukah, and Kwanza. No excuses. Life happens, and you will need to figure out how to not sabatoge your efforts. At the wedding, have a slight cheat day, but don't feel obliged to eat an entire 5 course feast. Eat a little of each course, and spend the rest of the time socializing with friends and family. Have a drink, or two, but don't go crazy. Big calories in alcoholic beverages. And log your food. Give yourself permission to go over a little. So you won't lose weight that day, but don't damage your program, either.
  • what r u craving? why do you need to binge? can you binge on salad or 0 calorie soup or tomato soup or something that'll cut the hunger but not add to many calories? think of why you want to lose the weight - visualize your goal - drink a lot of water - go for a walk - I've been trying since March to lose weight and it still won't come off - don't give up. ValiCat.
  • I don't know about you, but if I eat too many carbs, I get killer cravings. If I eat enough veg and protein, it's not a problem. (I just found out I am pre-diabetic, which may be related -- so maybe if you have the same pattern as me, a blood test would be worth asking for.) Well, and if I take my vitamins -- I get cravings when I am short on something, too.

    If it's just a passing urge, drinking a glass if water may help. Or eating a grapefruit or brushing your teeth, after which food tastes funny. Or chewing a piece of gum. Did you know, there's chocolate-mint sugar-free gum?

    If binging is a big problem for you, though, it might be better to work on that first: raise the calories, eat a lot of fruit and veg, cut out most of the junk and some of the carbs, and get stabilized first, instead of trying to do it all at once.

    For now, remember: feast coming up at the wedding. It's almost here!

    Good luck!
  • yeshualovesme
    yeshualovesme Posts: 121 Member
    What I tell myself is Nothing taste as good as THIN FEELS!!!
    sounds like a pro-ana quote lol

    It is a Weight Watchers quote.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    You're really thinking about this wrong - in a way that's self-defeating.

    Cheat and binge v. diet and suffer - who can make that choice every day for the rest of your life?

    Find healthy, filling food that you really like and EAT IT. Eating is one of the great pleasures of life.

    You don't have to eat a lot though to enjoy it. I just spent a week traveling and had some magnificent meals - with lots of little tiny courses. It doesn't taste better if you stuff yourself. That's what fine dining is all about.

    If you can't stick to your goals, lower your expectations. Try half a pound a week and stick to that.
  • olores
    olores Posts: 257 Member
    Hold on, YOU DON'T have to binge!!!! Plan ahead of the wedding on what you're going to can still taste everything, just portion control!!! YOU can do it! Life happens, don't deny yourself, plan & portion control! Also, get in more activity before the wedding to cover the intake of calories! Remember why you started, you're worth it! :)
  • Try to stay in the moment, in the day you are in. Don't tell yourself that you are going to binge on Friday or have a cheat day in the future. For me, if I just do one day, one hour, one minute at a time, I don't talk myself into thinking that cheating or bingeing are inevitable. Keep you eye on your goal! Anyone can do this one meal at a time. Hang in there! Victoria
  • lalipoon
    lalipoon Posts: 11 Member
    I stay within my exercise calories and if I go over I go outside and walk until I have burned enough to have earned to eat what I ate! :smile: To make this lifestyle change sustainable you MUST be able to live a normal life. Choose what to eat that day, even if it is a small portion of desert. Sometimes I tell myself "I deserve this high calorie item" then I catch myself and say "I DESERVE to be healthy and weigh what I want to weigh!
  • sweet friend,don't stress out and don't worry.because it affects your hormones and weight if you need to,take some alone time for yourself.breathe freely and be happy.even try some yoga.anything that relaxs you and things that you will feel better about your successes and you will see great things happen.much of luck to you.:blushing:
  • relax and take it easy.remember you are stronger than this demon,called overweight.he will no longer have power over us.he tries to throw temptations and sabotagers in our way to derail us,from everything we are trying to are strong,you are more than a conqueror,and you can do this!!
  • just entering my information on here helps me..