Stuck at a plateau

Ive been stuck at a plateau for weeks now. My eating habits have went to heck and my exercising has almost become none. My motivation level was gone for almost a month. I have been plateauing between 159 and 163 for the past month and a half. I tried to low carb, that didnt work. I have lost almost 60 pounds since April. SO I know that this is a long healthy Journey!!! My point today is to try and get some advice. I want to get past this plateau, the healthy way of course. What are some low impact excersises that I could do at home. ( Had prior knee isues) I do have a treadmill, I tend to try and walk to fast on that, but when I Do it is a great calorie burner. BUt if I walk slow, still burns cals and easy on the knees. ANyhow, Im also looking for some tips on how to stay fuller longer. Any advice would be greatly apprecxiated!!!! Thanks
P.S sorry its so long sometimes i like to ramble :D



  • wants2travel
    wants2travel Posts: 32 Member
    You're great at tracking! In my opinion, you're eating way too much processed food and therefore your sodium levels are too high. Cut out the processed food and high calorie snacks and get back to basics. Lean meat, fruit and veggies...

    Don't eat back all your exercise calories. I think MFP over calculates them.

    Keep it within your calorie range and eat simple foods.
  • camelgirlmn
    camelgirlmn Posts: 226 Member
    Yes, Sodium intake is my problem as well. Have chronic kidney stones. Im kindof going by budget as well. I have my family to feed as well. But any tips or advice to non processed foods would be great as well!!! Always looking for advice!!! Thanks
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    It's not a popular notion around these parts but eating whole fruits and veggies and cooked beans are great for losing weight. Also as everyone mentioned the processed foods have got to go. I didn't look at your diet but some big ones are cheese, bread, crackers, ANY snack food. Go for real veggies, real fruit. Dry beans that you cook yourself.

    I do Eat to Live ( for health reasons. I lost my last 10 pounds much more quickly than my first 10 and I've lost 71 pounds to date! I can't say enough about healthy eating!
  • Jalyn77
    Jalyn77 Posts: 45 Member
    I had ACL surgery in April, so I can totally relate to your limitations with exercise. For me, biking has become my main cardio exercise. I bought a cheap $40 used mountain bike and rode it to the ground! I also have an elliptical at home which is great on the knees.

    As for everything else, I started Jamie Eason's plan a few months ago and am seeing great results. Her program is free - just google it. It focuses on taking you through a phased approach: eating clean, building muscle, and losing fat. Her program is meant to be done at a gym, but I modify it using my dumbbells at home.

    Hope some of this helps! It sucks being stuck - I've totally been there many times. You just have to keep moving forward and find what works for you. This was key in me starting to really succeed. =)
  • LipSmackingFun
    LipSmackingFun Posts: 24 Member
    As far as your treadmill you can walk at a slow pace but put it at an incline. You can also alternate from no incline to high incline if your knees start bothering you either way this will still burn calories. Good luck!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Just take a diet break for 2 weeks then resume cutting but at a reasonable deficit.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Not sure what the poster means by "not popular around these parts"... many of the "IIFYM" even say eating cleaner foods is a good bet.

    And tracking sodium is pivotal.

    Anyway, without looking at your diary quite yet, I want to say I was completely on a plateau for 1-2 months. Had been stuck at 158. Lost maybe 1 inch total during that time period, so not very big losses (when I'm still looking to lose almost 20 more lbs).

    I upped my calories from 1200 to just about my BMR at 1400-1500. One month later, still hadn't lost a pound, but definitely lost more inches. People started commenting on me losing weight (finally, after a 13 lb loss previously).

    I got ~sick~ this past Tuesday, so I've done neither cardio or strength training since then. I've still eaten at maybe 1400-1500 everyday. Lost a pound. Pretty sure I've lost more, but I'm going to weight again tomorrow.

    So... all those people that say "up your calories and wait it out" or "take a little breather from exercise"... if these responses fit your plateau of being too low calorie/too much exercise, here's some anecdotal evidence to say it worked for me!

    EDIT: Also, I realized you have been "fluctuating" weight... that's not quite the same as a plateau of being STUCK. The weight fluctuation screams "water retention" to me, especially because YES, your sodium is very, very high. If that's a problem/budget, just cut out one of the items a day that spikes your sodium (like those Weight Watchers meals/bars!) and up your water to 8+ cups of water. I'm realizing my earlier info is more for a diet/exercise plateau, but I really think your issue is water retention.

    Also, congratulations on your recent wedding!
  • katevarner
    katevarner Posts: 884 Member
    You can google low impact exercises or search on youtube. Tons of stuff out there, most of which can be done at home.
  • LIswimmer51
    try yoga as an exercise... it's easy on the knees. barely anything, Pilates also is great. As for the processed foods, i've looked up some stuff, sodium does not help weight loss, i agree... salty is fantastic lol but it is so bad, salt sucks...literally. Drink a lot more water as it follows and helps the bloating go away in time.
  • Fit_ClaudiaQ
    I've been stuck between 158-160 since April-ish, it's frustrating but I've lost 70lbs already & the way I look at it is as long as I keep eating healthy, exercising, and not gaining I'm fine. Granted I haven't exercised as much (went from 2-3hrs, 5-6 days per wk to 35min-1hr runs 3 days per wk) anymore but I picked up running & it's helped tone my legs ALOT! I'd say increase your calories, and change your exercise routine a little. Good luck!
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Just take a diet break for 2 weeks then resume cutting but at a reasonable deficit.

    ^^^^ I agree with this.
  • wgn4166
    wgn4166 Posts: 771 Member
    Walk Away The Pounds by Leslie Sansone has great low impact DVD's. I used to have knee issues, and I could do these walk DVD's with no problem.
    Good luck to you.
  • Coaster99
    Plateaus are normal and can last for weeks which try the minds capacity to stick to healthy eating.
    I have trouble with my feet and enjoy sitting on an otoman with my feet on the floor and do sets of sit ups and use small weights to exercise the arms.
    To help you keep full and reduce the chances of stroke drink 8 oz water when hunger hits. one 8 ounce upon wakeup. one each before meals and one at bedtime, it keeps toxins reduced in the body.
    Hope that helps
  • kooltray87
    kooltray87 Posts: 501 Member
    Not an expert of course but I would say first check out your macros and make sure you have your intake where its supposed to be. I love the scooby's calculator for that. As far as working out, sounds like you could use some weight training. Build up you muscles so you can burn more fat. I have horrible knees but I can still handle weights.
  • sroby7
    sroby7 Posts: 1
    I haven't been with MyFitnessPal that long, but have lost almost 40 lbs since first of year. I actually started MyFitnessPal because of plateaus. Plateaus are normal with any weight loss or gain. Don't get discouraged, it will only lead to giving up, you just have to keep going. When I hit plateaus I try changing something in the routine. My most recent plateau was 217, stuck there for over 4 weeks. Eliminating all foods after 830 PM and finding out I'm better with cardio at night and workouts in morning has got me back on track.

    For low impact you say you walk but fast, just try to moderate it with changes in speed. Going fast for 2 minutes, and then slowing for 2 minutes, then back to fast until you have completed desired time. I use cell phone app called HINT Interval Timer that adjusts to any interval you wish. Also try a joint supplement to help with your knees.

    As for staying fuller longer, I use two simple methods. First try snacking on raw broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, celery, tomatoes, and sometimes almonds. I keep a bowl of these mixed vegetables in frig and eat when I get hungry, but shouldn't really be eating. One cup has only 160 calories that is walking for 30 minutes. Twenty-eight raw almonds are 170 calories, but breaking them down into half serving helps. Second, drink hot fluids such as teas or broths; they trick your body somehow, especially when it gets late and you really shouldn't be eating. Gook luck.
  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    having same problem - would like to stick around to see some advice. I'm stuck between 179-183. Can't seem to break that 180. And it's hard for me to use exercise to break that plateau with exercise because I'm 1/2 crippled lol