Have trouble seeing yourself clearly?

Does anyone else have trouble seeing themself clearly after losing weight? For example, my husband and I are the same height, and for quite awhile after having kids I weighed more than him (like 10ish lbs) and felt like I looked like a huge fat monster compared to him in pictures.

I've lost some weight, and today (literally, we both just weighed ourselves) I weigh 5 lbs LESS than him, but I still feel like I'm way huge compared to him. I feel like even looking in the mirror I look way fatter than him.

Am I just doomed to feel like a pudgy girl forever, no matter how skinny I get?

Does anyone else deal with this? And how do you break out of it & feel like you're actually smaller & proud of yourself & not gross anymore?


  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,248 Member
    Definitely. My mental image is stuck somewhere in the middle of where I am now and my highest weight. Which kind of makes sense, since I spent most of the past decade at about that size.

    One way I combat it is through photos. It's one reason I use the photos I use on here as profile pics, to get used to how I look now, because what I see in photos isn't what I see in the mirror. In the mirror, I focus on every flaw, dimple, lump and bump. In photos, I can be objective... as if I'm looking at someone else... someone else I don't judge as harshly as I do myself.
  • Ingraham4
    Ingraham4 Posts: 13 Member
    YES!!!! I know EXACTLY what you mean! Logically, since I've lost 74 pounds since January 8th, I *know* I look better. I feel better. I'm wearing MUCH smaller clothes. People mention it all the time. But MENTALLY and EMOTIONALLY when I look in the mirror I still see the person I used to be. How can this be? What is this mental block we have?! I mean, I can clearly see that the "spare tire" is gone and I don't have 4 chins anymore but... ugh, really?
    Just so you know... judging solely by your profile picture, you ARE beautiful! Really, you ARE!!! So maybe hearing those words resonate inside your head the next time you see the pudgy girl staring back at you will help.
    Keep up the great work!
  • katkrak
    katkrak Posts: 92
    I completely understand!! I still feel gross every single day! When I look in the mirror, I see pale pasty white chubby thighs, a pudgy and dimply butt, all of the cottage cheese on backs of thighs, a jiggly belly, and flapping arm wings!! But yet, as you can see in my pic, my size 12 jeans are literally falling off of me, and I can see my abs forming in pictures, and when I hold up my new size 6 jeans, they look tiny!! When I am lying on my side, and my hubby wraps his arm around me and feels my belly, I still jump and pull away, because I'm so used to all of the rolls that I was so self conscious of. Maybe I need to start reading self help books now to help build confidence or self esteem because clearly I have lost mine, along with the extra pounds :/
  • alisha232
    alisha232 Posts: 43 Member
    I understand. I used to be 120 lbs. After I joined the military, I gained 20 lbs. My husband has always been a small guy and weighs about 125 lbs. Once I got pregnant, I gained 60 lbs. I am back to the 140s but image of myself is pretty low considering I am constantly comparing my size to what I was, and my husbands small frame. I just want to get to a point where I love my body.
  • Onaughmae
    Onaughmae Posts: 873 Member
    You betcha. Everytime someone tells me how "skinny" I am getting my first thought is that they must be on crack! When I look in the mirror, I still see that 300+ pounds I was carrying on my 5'1 body. I *know* I am smaller....I wear smaller clothes, I feel better, etc....but...my eyes still see that same 300 pound body. My understanding is that sometimes it takes the brain quite awhile to catch up to the eyes. I hope it catches up soon!
  • You betcha. Everytime someone tells me how "skinny" I am getting my first thought is that they must be on crack! When I look in the mirror, I still see that 300+ pounds I was carrying on my 5'1 body. I *know* I am smaller....I wear smaller clothes, I feel better, etc....but...my eyes still see that same 300 pound body. My understanding is that sometimes it takes the brain quite awhile to catch up to the eyes. I hope it catches up soon!
  • One trick I used is to say I could not do..(ECT) 2 months ago.now I do more..I feel better.

    Easier said than done but you know I have had lots of practice.
    Of course most people see whats on the outside.
    I am proud of you not because you look skinny..but you have more healthier habits and motivation..
  • I still feel that I look the same, but my endurance is so much better.
    I can do about an hour of cardio exercises and still be able to stand.
    Couldn't do that a couple of months ago.