
HonFoldingBike Posts: 9
edited January 1 in Introduce Yourself
Hello people,

I stumbled on this site after typing into the Google search field 'Am I the only one who don't own a smartphone'. After seeing some of the topics posted on health and nutrition here I decided 'oh what the heck' and join the site.

My problem, if you can call it a problem, is that I can't gain weight. Yes, I'm an ectomorph. I've never been able to get close to 110lbs. I'm eating more than ever before but still can't put on any weight.....And why is it that most of these TV shows like Doctors, Dr.Oz are always focused on weight loss....There are a segment of the population who have the opposite problem too.


  • I actually used to be the same way:) My metabolism was so fast that I could literally eat whatever I wanted and not gain any weight. In the past I was like you-I really wanted to gain weight! I would eat all kinds of unhealthy foods to try to do so. My biggest word of advice is eating healthy nutritious foods and make sure you get your calorie intake for the day. This is a perfect site for you too b/c you can track your calories to be sure you get enough. Maybe also if you did some weight training you would gain muscle weight. Once I had my 3 beautiful children everything changed for me and now I am in the process of trying to *lose weight*.
  • Hi beccannes,

    Thanks for your reply. I'll take your advice and incorporate some weight training.
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