Running friends!



  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    Veteran of a slew of 5k's and just signed up for my first half (next year) and always welcome running friends!
  • nateardle
    nateardle Posts: 4 Member
    I'm also a runner. Took it up 7 years ago after doing no exercise for years. Slowly worked my way up from just running down the street, to being able to do a few miles at a time, to a 10 mile race, then half-marathon and then a full marathon. Now I've run 2 marathons, a few halves, and the Tough Mudder.

    Feel free to add me as a friend! Losing weight and keeping motivated to exercise is best done in community.
  • tanya1899
    add me!
  • befitbre
    befitbre Posts: 12 Member
    Runner here! Just did my first half marathon in September and I'm gearing up for a full in April!

    I've gone through and added a few of you--feel free to add me, I need more runners!