Sugar Free Foods

bjs06 Posts: 316 Member
Just wondering if anyone has any surprising foods that are sugar free or suggestions for me. I recently posted about how i was starting a sugar free diet and I'm definitely having some struggles it seems like everything has added sugar! anyone else on the same kind of diet? what foods do you really enjoy that have no added sugar?


  • elleslyn
    sure , sugar free jello and puddin, also dont forget sees sugarfree candies
  • silentsiren
    sugar free jello isn't bad. i found that the sugar free baskin robins hard candies / soft chews are excellent, gives you that ice cream taste when you need a small fix!!
  • AKosky585
    AKosky585 Posts: 607 Member
    sugar free reeses cups! They taste almost like the real thing.

    Sugar free frozen pops....they are really good.

    Sugar free gello

    ummm...thats all I can think of besides sugar free cake mix (make the diet soda cake out of it...low cal, low in fat, and no sugar!)
  • epoeraven
    epoeraven Posts: 458 Member
    Is Crystal Light a food? I like a glass of that now and then - especially on the days that I don't feel like drinking my eight glasses of water.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    If you are trying to go sugar-free....................I would think twice about adding in sugar-free, chemical filled foods such as sugar free pudding, jello, candies, etc................

    Watch the breads, crackers, etc................most all have added sugar too. The best way to go is all natural.

    Fage yogurt
  • AftonP
    AftonP Posts: 15
    My mom is a diabetic and she has a Splenda cookbook that has several good recipes in it. They also have a website that you might find interesting. Hope this helps.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    My mom is a diabetic and she has a Splenda cookbook that has several good recipes in it. They also have a website that you might find interesting. Hope this helps.

    I am shocked that your mom's doctor advocates the use of Splenda being that she is a diabetic. For most diabetics, Splenda raises the blood sugar just like regular sugar.
  • AftonP
    AftonP Posts: 15
    Not sure either. She has told them that she uses it and her sugar is staying at a good level each day. She hasn't had a bad check up and knock on wood I hope she doesn't.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    If you are trying to go sugar-free....................I would think twice about adding in sugar-free, chemical filled foods such as sugar free pudding, jello, candies, etc................

    Watch the breads, crackers, etc................most all have added sugar too. The best way to go is all natural.

    Fage yogurt

    Agree. It's best to eat the most natural foods that you can (if this includes natural sugar than that's fine). I do not eat fat free, sugar free, or limited carb anything. Eat what God gave...not processed crud. If nature didn't make it I try to avoid it, that's not to say that I don't enjoy the occasional bag of chips or a debbie cake every now and then...but it's maybe 1-2 times a month.
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    What foods do you really enjoy that have no added sugar?

    These are the snacks that get me through:

    Fuji apple sliced and dipped in a tablespoon of Simply Jiff Peanut-butter

    Whipped cream cheese stirred into Cool Whip and berries. Use equal parts berry and cream cheese, twice as much Cool Whip. This is high in antioxidants and low in carbs I use 1 Tablespoon of cream cheese n blueberries and 2 Tablespoons of Cool Whip.

    When absolutely nothing but something chocolaty and sweet will do I make chocolate pumpkin cupcakes using a REDUCED SUGAR devils food cake mix, a can of pumpkin and cup of water. The pumpkin is high in fiber and you'll never taste it. No oil or eggs makes it low fat.
  • bjs06
    bjs06 Posts: 316 Member
    If you are trying to go sugar-free....................I would think twice about adding in sugar-free, chemical filled foods such as sugar free pudding, jello, candies, etc................

    Watch the breads, crackers, etc................most all have added sugar too. The best way to go is all natural.

    Fage yogurt

    Agree. It's best to eat the most natural foods that you can (if this includes natural sugar than that's fine). I do not eat fat free, sugar free, or limited carb anything. Eat what God gave...not processed crud. If nature didn't make it I try to avoid it, that's not to say that I don't enjoy the occasional bag of chips or a debbie cake every now and then...but it's maybe 1-2 times a month.

    I'm never going to be able to maintain just protein, fruit, nuts, veggies and fage yogurt (whatever that is) forever. If I'm giving up chips, chocolate, candy, soda, cheese whiz, peanut butter and a lot of other things I like including fibre 1 bars and things that I really enjoy having once in a while I'm not going to feel horrible about eating some sugar free jello. I think I'm making a great first step in general

    thank you everyone for the suggestions and advice, i appreciate it either way! im on day 6 i think and it's not super easy but it's not super hard either. i think it'll definitely help me in the long run, even if i do eat sugar once in a while. to know i don't have to eat it all the time will help me for sure.
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    I agree with those who said natural is best. aspartame, splenda, sweet n low, sucralose, equal, ect... none of them are natural, all of them are chemicals or chemichally changed (splenda is closer in chemical makeup to bleach than sugar!) and all of them can cause problems. aspartame for example can cause headaches, forgetfulness, fuzzy vision (we thought my grandmother had dementia till a doctor finally told her to stop using aspartame and within a few days all the issues went away). Also significant studies have been done that show that eating & drinking artificially sweetened things result in cravings & weight gain. Your body is tasting sweet, and expecting calories, when it doesnt get the calories it was expecting you get hungry.

    So I would suggest sticking to natural foods, read all your labels. nuts, veggies, cheese, yogurt (unflavored) & meat are going to be your main foods. satisfy the sweet cravings with foods like sweet potatoes & squash. use stevia instead of sweet n low or splenda to sweeten things (one of my favorite ways to eat greek yogurt is mixed with stevia & cinnamon)

    good luck!
  • bjs06
    bjs06 Posts: 316 Member
    what is stevia?
  • Twinmommy13
    Stevia is a natural no calorie sweetner. It is not chemically created. The FDQ just approved it as a sweetner this past summer and since then many stevia products have appeared like Truvia. I buy mine from though. It is great with no harmful side effects.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Stevia is a natural no calorie sweetner. It is not chemically created. The FDQ just approved it as a sweetner this past summer and since then many stevia products have appeared like Truvia. I buy mine from though. It is great with no harmful side effects.

    If you buy the liquid or the white powder stevia, then it is highly processed and not advised to be used. I just found this out and threw out the stevia packets I had in the cabinet.

    I am now in search of a stevia plant to start growing my own.
  • TwentyTen
    I never could stand any artificial sweeteners, but hearing so much about stevia i thought i'd have a taste. Blech, I could never eat that, I had to spit it out.
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    I never could stand any artificial sweeteners, but hearing so much about stevia i thought i'd have a taste. Blech, I could never eat that, I had to spit it out.

    what brand did you use? the newer ones don't have the anisey aftertaste like it used to have, you just have to watch what the additives are in it. I use stevia in the raw or sun crystals (sun crystals is mixed with sugar though so it wouldn't work for a sugar free diet). maybe try another brand? although I have a friend who's tried several and just doesn't like it.... I swear people have different taste buds because I don't notice any aftertaste at all... maybe I have less sensitive taste buds :)
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Its been my experience that the less sugar and other simple carbs you eat the sweeter fruits taste. Some are so sweet you can barely eat them... like bananas for instance. And dried fruits taste like candy!
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I used to eat artificially sweetened foods to make up for the 'treats' I was giving up.

    THen I started reading package ingredients :noway: . So out went the sugar free syrups, jellies, puddings, jello, breads and sweeteners. WHat I've decided to do is to eat the real thing, but unprocessed, and very, very sparingly. For example, I bought 100% pure REAL maple syrup. And I have it with waffles occasionally. I eat all natural, steel cut oatmeal with a pinch of raw, brown sugar in it. Nature's Own makes sugar free bread with nothing artificial added (no hfcs, preservatives, etc.). My diabetic husband uses Stevia for his coffee, but otherwise we don't use white sugar for anything. I even eat ice cream with no sugar added (ice cream is my weakness).

    I think the bottom line (for me) is that I'd rather have less of the real thing than fill up on fake chemical sweets. I'm not saying that everyone 'should' do this, but that this has become MY choice after much experimentation and research.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    If you are trying to go sugar-free....................I would think twice about adding in sugar-free, chemical filled foods such as sugar free pudding, jello, candies, etc................

    Watch the breads, crackers, etc................most all have added sugar too. The best way to go is all natural.

    Fage yogurt

    Agree. It's best to eat the most natural foods that you can (if this includes natural sugar than that's fine). I do not eat fat free, sugar free, or limited carb anything. Eat what God gave...not processed crud. If nature didn't make it I try to avoid it, that's not to say that I don't enjoy the occasional bag of chips or a debbie cake every now and then...but it's maybe 1-2 times a month.

    I'm never going to be able to maintain just protein, fruit, nuts, veggies and fage yogurt (whatever that is) forever. If I'm giving up chips, chocolate, candy, soda, cheese whiz, peanut butter and a lot of other things I like including fibre 1 bars and things that I really enjoy having once in a while I'm not going to feel horrible about eating some sugar free jello. I think I'm making a great first step in general

    thank you everyone for the suggestions and advice, i appreciate it either way! im on day 6 i think and it's not super easy but it's not super hard either. i think it'll definitely help me in the long run, even if i do eat sugar once in a while. to know i don't have to eat it all the time will help me for sure.

    Just eat natural foods. Fage yogurt is a brand of greek style yogurt. Also...I'm a vegetarian and I still manage to eat a pretty clean diet...and July24Lioness is doing either Atkins or Paleo (meat based and she eats pretty clean). It's possible not matter what direction you go. As I said I didn't give up sweets-I have never enjoyed sugar-free crud. I've always tried to eat sweetened products in their natural state- honey, molasses, natural sugar, and stevia.