Any non-drinkers between 25 and 35 there?

I am 27 and I was in a bad car accident 8 months ago because of drinking. I since have stopped drinking, see a counceler and am working on straightening my life out. My bf still drinks and it can be really tough. Just out of curosity is there any body thats mid 20s to mid 30s that do not drink at all and why??

Edit>>>I appreciate everyones responses...I guess I should of thrown in there I do love drinking and I miss it daily. Its been very hard for me to give it up but I know I have to. Being around my bf and anyone for that matter that drinks makes it even harder. I like the way it tastes and I am not religious. I just need to quit because of the severity of the wreck and the fact the it was a problem for me. Please keep responding!!


  • CassiusKnox
    CassiusKnox Posts: 305 Member
    I didn't drink at all for 7 years for religious reasons. Since then I've been trying to catch up.

    Oops... wrong age bracket. Ignore this post.
  • BelindaDuvessa
    BelindaDuvessa Posts: 1,014 Member
    Yup. I personally don't like the taste of it. I can drink select alcohols in tiny amounts, but for the most part, I just can't. I also come from an alcoholic and substance abuse family. While none of my family is abusive, I still find it disgusting that they do this to themselves on a daily basis. I have a hard time letting my kids go to my parents house because neither of them will be sober (alcohol) to drive the kids to the hospital in an emergency, and they live in the middle of nowhere.

    My husband used to be a big drinker before he got with me. But his was more social and since I don't really drink, he doesn't either. He does maybe once every 3 months or so, which I'm perfectly ok with, assuming we have the money. He doesn't generally drink alot at these times, but if he does drink, we both prefer harder liquors over beer. Neither of us can stand beer. That being said, I drink maybe once a year...and have only been "drunk" once. I didn't like the feeling.
  • Broejen
    Broejen Posts: 413 Member
    I can't say I don't drink at ALL, but I only drink 1 cooler maybe every few months. I don't think I've had one since May or June. The reason is because drinking is usually a social thing and it makes me sleepy. I don't want to feel like going to bed while I'm out with friends. Plus most of the time I just don't like the taste. :P
  • arosethorn
    arosethorn Posts: 41 Member
    I've never drank in my life. I don't drink because I am a Christian. In addition to my religious convictions, I've also seen so many people hurt as a a result (physically and emotionally). I have no desire to drink.
  • FiestyIrish
    I'm 33 and don't drink. I don't really have any reason except that I just don't like it. The only ones I like the taste of are the fruity ones, but I usually get a headache after one or two so I would rather avoid it. My grandparents were killed by a drunk driver when my dad was only 9, so it could be a subconscious thing. Who knows?
  • sharonnovak72
    I weaned off drinking because I was always ending up the designated driver and I like eating more than I like drinking so the extra calories go to a healthy diet and not downed in a few seconds with drinks which are so high in sugar. My brain just wrapped around it somehow as I was a big drinker but now... not. Also my husband has become an alcaholic in the last 10 years so I guess that doesn't help either.

    If you are feeling deprived put a drink in a nice wine glass to give it a bit more of a pick me up. Try mocktails and experimenting so you feel like you are still having some fun. Drinking is not the be all and end all. You can also laugh at those who do and have a clear head in the morning.
  • BigDaddy0825
    i'm 35 ... i have never drank. there are many reasons why, but here are some of the main ones. (1) i am a pretty happy person. i don't need some chemical to make me happy ... i am one of those people who is "high on life" ... the world is too dark to NOT choose happiness!! (2) i have seen too many people look for answers in the bottom of a bottle, and things always end up worse. (3) i'm a BIG guy, and i worry about becoming an "angry drunk" and hurting someone or being the guy who always ends up fighting. (4) i've seen too many people make incredibly stupid choice while drunk ... no thanks, i mess up enough sober!! (5) i don't understand doing something that is going to make me feel like crap in the morning ... no thanks!!
  • triplettamy
    I'm 32 and I have never drank alcohol in my life. I am a christian but also my dad was an alcoholic and I have seen how it destroys families. It's never been a temptation and I want nothing to do with alcohol or drugs. My husband is 32 and he does not drink at all either. Actually most of our friends don't either.
  • walkwithme1
    walkwithme1 Posts: 492 Member
    I'm 35 and in the past 11 years I have drank twice. Once in Germany about 3 ounces of wine to make my sister happy and then April 2011, went out with employees and had way to much. I just don't want to be the bad example to my kids. Having alcoholics in the family also helps make the choice not to very easy...I've seen to many lives destroyed.
  • SunshineRowe
    I'm 32 and have never tasted alcohol and my husband is 37 and never tasted it either. We made a commitment when we were young not to drink (even though we did not know each other) Don't think it's wrong just found it to be an addiction that I did not want to get involved in and decided to make that covenant to God... Now that I am over 30 the thought has crossed my mind but I've heard this statement a few times "no good thing comes from alcohol" and I can think of nothing so I will stay in the dry and hope this will be a good testimony to friends and my kids that IT IS POSSIBLE! Cause so many people think that it is impossible.
  • zebisis
    zebisis Posts: 157
    I have been sober 5 yrs. Feel free to add me if you would like. :)
  • hausofnichele
    hausofnichele Posts: 531 Member
    I am 25 (26 in a month) and rarely ever drink. I'm a mom and I'm on a lot of medications which are both reasons to not drink, but I just don't really care much for it. Guess I got that phase out of my system years ago?
  • deenaspell
    deenaspell Posts: 227 Member
    I don't drink. You know, alcoholic father and all. I figure being a positive part (not a worrisome problem) to everyone in my life is worth way more to me than a good time.
  • amyrebtx
    amyrebtx Posts: 27 Member
    Wrong age bracket but I stopped drinking when I was 29. I did not like what it was doing to my life and didn't want to end up like the numerous alcoholics in my family. I wanted to raise my kids in a house where it wasn't normal to keep beer in the fridge, and I want them to grow up understanding that it's just as easy to NEVER start!
  • GreatSetOfBrains
    GreatSetOfBrains Posts: 675 Member
    I'm 24, but I live much older. I don't drink or smoke and I've never touched a drug. I'm not one of those goodies that people hate though. I actually used to hang out with the not so healthy crowd. I find people who are more like myself tend to be very judgmental and I'm not a huge fan of that. I have helped a few friend who decided to turn their life around and I'm happy they made that choice, things were not so great at home, but things only chance when people put their mind to it. I think you can do it. I think having you by his side is a good thing. If he is not making the choice to stop at least he has you there to look out for him. Not much ever comes good from alcohol. Bad things happen after midnight and life is too short to allow bad things to creep in. You can do it, good luck!
  • SomeoneSomeplace
    SomeoneSomeplace Posts: 1,094 Member
    I'm an addict/alcoholic so I no longer drink as of two week ago! Doesn't lead to anywhere good for me plus if nothing else its a bunch of empty calories! I'm 24
  • mikey1976
    mikey1976 Posts: 1,005 Member
    been sober for 3 years at the end of the month i haven't been drunk in over ten years. i don't fancy drinking any more because from the age of 18 to 22 i was a drunk slipped some when i was 24. but yeah i don't miss it i feel a lot better
  • blakejohn
    blakejohn Posts: 1,129 Member
    I'm not at the age your asking but I've been sober 6 years this time
  • palmerig88
    palmerig88 Posts: 623 Member
    I rarely drink and could easily give it up. I don't like the way I feel the next day and I don't need it to have fun.
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    I'm 33 and havent had a drink in nearly 9 years. Been clean and sober since Feb 12 2004