Scared to eat



  • stuntpilot51
    stuntpilot51 Posts: 53 Member
    I started this journey the same way you are and paid the price for the first 2 months.

    Please read Dan's post and try to take a more conservative approach. 3 lb's a week is way to aggressive.
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    I think its OK to be scared of returning to a lifestyle where you eat pizza, bar food, and 800 calorie sandwiches on a daily basis. Having those things on an infrequent basis is fine. You don't want to put yourself in a position where you are not eating anything because the only food around you is junk. So, make sure you have plenty of healthy things to eat at home. If you are going out to a bar, its fine to skip the drinks (someone's got to be the DD anyway, right?) but make sure you have something to nurish yourself. I keep a single serving of nuts and trail mix in my car in case I'm ever in need of a healthy snack.

    If you are afraid of eating even healthy foods and are not hitting your calorie goals, you may want to speak to a professional. Its very easy in this society to develop an unhealthy relationship with food. Best to address this before it gets out of control.
  • jenlouise4
    jenlouise4 Posts: 48 Member
    Sometimes the best way, as people have said, is to view it as a lifestyle change. Don't deprive yourself of the odd treat but balance it out. Also, it's amazing how many wonderful healthy recipes there are online- you could find some might almost rival pizza, i promise!
    Here are a couple of my favourites- (broccoli isn't everyone's cup of tea, I know, but these are so good!) so good served with fresh roasted veg - for the veg I tend to use courgette, aubergine, tomatoes and mushrooms but you can mix it up and it requires so little preparation if you bag up the chicken fillets with the marinade in advance and then chill/freeze them for when needed.
    hope that helps! I'm a terrible cook myself but trying out new healthy recipes has helped my motivation, especially when my flatmates get a takeout!
    Make sure as well that you surround yourself with healthier food in your own cupboard and dont build up a stock of junk food if you can. That's why I love doing my own shopping now as when I lived at home my mum had a homebaking business- it was tough on the old self control. But if the temptation isn't there for you personally, you wont be tempted.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    9 and a half months into my lifestyle change, I can tell you I am amazed at all the benefits beyond what I set out to get. Working with a nutritionist is an excellent idea, and I hope you allow your Doctor to set that up for you.

    Remember, it's your lifestyle change - not your mom's or friends. I eat differently now and love it. I went from 174 to 131 and didn't think I could get to 140.

    I have to eat out a lot of business. I can readily by pass mindless eating now of such things as the bread basket that the waiter brings or the chips at mexican restaurants. I no longer crave sweets and only have had them at a few celebration meals with family, (October is my birthday month)... but I did record those and I am within my goal range of 129-135. I believe the activity I add contributes. I make meals within my plan, and have extras for my family (healthy extras)

    I have added more walking and standing, yoga and barre 3 to my activity. I use a Nike Fuel Band and my husband uses a fitbit. I have a desk job, so it is a sedentary life style so I have to push for more activity in my day. I don't have an hour to work out all at once, so I take in activity in 10- 30 minute times.
  • tdp575
    tdp575 Posts: 55
    Thanks again to all that took time to comment! The thing with me is, I gain weight super easily, but I lose it super easily as well. One time, I calculated what I was eating everyday and I didn't exercise at all. I was taking in around 6,000 calories or more. I'd eat until I felt like throwing up and would do it every hour or so for the whole day, everyday. I remember this one time I made these pizza bagel bites, I took one bite and didn't want anymore. Do you know what I did? I forced myself to eat the whole box. I didn't even enjoy eating it, want it, and I wasn't hungry. It was almost like I was punishing myself. I was always thin as a child/preteen. In my teens up until my early 20's, I was skinny/curvy. I stayed around a 7/8 pants size and weighed between120lbs-125lbs. I'm just shy of 5'2. Then, around 21-22 I started slowing gaining weight. I went up to 145lbs and thought I was huge! So, I put myself on a diet, that was a mistake right there. I did take it slowly and lost 27lbs in about 6 months. Well, I started a bad relationship with someone who's now an ex and went downhill from there. I gained all the weight back in 2 months and packed on an additional 37lbs. I've been yo-yoing since. I've added more calories today to my intake. I want to do this the right way and make a lifestyle change....No more dieting for me!
  • hathor1943
    hathor1943 Posts: 57 Member
    Those low-cal flavor paks aren't good for you and I think they just make you thirsty. I found this "spa" water recipe on Just a Pinch recipe site and it is really great. I have a Zero water pitcher to filter our tap water. Our water is horrible and has a lot of lime and other minerals in it, so I got this filter and it works great. All you do is core an apple and cut it up in thick slices and put it in a gallon (which is how much I make as I drink this in a day) or quart pitcher add 1 cinnamon stick and refrigerate overnight. This is a very refreshing drink and you won't believe how good it is. If you can't take cinnamon or have an allergy to it, just replace the cinnamon with some fresh mint. This is not heavily flavored but has a hint of flavor and is really refreshing. They have other flavored "spa" water recipes but I like this the best.
  • ubermensch13
    ubermensch13 Posts: 824 Member
    Do you exercise? If you don't, you should. Even if it is only walking a mile a day 3x a week, that is a great start. That will do 2 things: 1. It will give you extra calories to work with and you can eat more of the foods you love and 2. It will get you used to being more active, so you can eventually amp it up. I would also recommend getting your TDEE figured out and then eating 20% below that instead of the numbers MFP give you(especially if you start exercising). Think of this as a way of changing your lifestyle and relationship with food, not as a short term diet.
  • MemphisKitten
    MemphisKitten Posts: 878 Member
    I hear ya! I get paranoid too, and take in most of my calories in liquid form. If your thoughts become really obsessive and you can't concentrate on anything else, and this food issue begins to consume your life, that is a warning sign. Please seek help if this is happening so you can avoid the dark abyss of an eating disorder. EDs can creep up on you unsuspectingly; and they ruin your life!!! :sad:
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    If your diary's any indicator, you're seriously depriving yourself of food. EAT. If you can't do that, go see a doctor.
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    As long as you are around folks who are eating junk all the time, it's going to be a temptation, but as long as you are at LEAST eating 1200 calories per day and making sure you eat the color of the rainbow weekly (lots of fruits & vegetables) will be losing weight in a healthy way.

    You could ask you bfs mother to make vegetables without the butter for you. My MIL always makes things special for some of the DILs b/c they are very picky eaters. When we go, I just eat a lot of salad (even though she makes it with ice berg lettuce and tomato....that's a very lame salad)...I also try to fill up on any vegetables she makes and only take a tablespoon of the "dressing" (stuffing) and things I shouldn't be eating...thereby not appearing to be picky while being picky :smile:
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    I stick with what I said before...make sure you eat at least 1200 which is the minimum the American Heart Association says is needed for you organs to function (unless you are bed ridden which I assume you are not). And EAT MORE VEG!!! They are good for you, very filling and VERY Low in Calories.
  • bridgelene
    bridgelene Posts: 358 Member
    I know that some days I'm under by a lot, but I'm not trying to eat that little. My food just adds up that way I guess.
    It might help if you plan your day's menu in advance, so you won't find out too late that you went over or too severely under. :)

    I think this is very good information. My girlfriend was in treatment for anorexia and they did will also serve a dual purpose of not only not going over, but also you plan your meals to provide your body NOURISHMENT and energy to function and if it's planned in advance for that purpose, is what it is. This is what my body needs, and this day of meals is already planned. Can't change it.

    It makes me sad when people start to feel so guilty and bad about providing their body with nourishment, because it can end up a really slippery slope. It's hard though because food CAN end up an addiction, but unlike other addictions -- drugs, alcohol, etc -- it's not as easy in *some* ways because you can't just give it up. You have to learn how to live with that element still in your life.

    I hope you can find a good balance and if it's too much for you alone, please talk to a professional about it (I didn't look at your diary).....even if you're eating well, but are still so overwhelmed with this :)
  • sew_princess
    you cant be afraid to eat. you need food to live. so its not bad for you to eat. and if you dont take in enough calories your body goes into stavation mode and actually holds on to whatever it can get. which can cause you to have problems loseing weight. so please eat. just pick healthy foods. but if you like pizza have one piece and a salad. if you want to have a beer when you go out theres a beer called miller 64. its has a good flavor and its only 64 calories. cant beat that. life is to short to live in fear. relax a little enjoy your life.
  • reenielovesthebeach
    I understand what you're going through. You can have some not so healthy food- just in moderation. I am much older than you are and at my age your metabolism virtually stops. I have lost 34 pounds since the beginning of August. I still need to lose another 30 pounds or so. I allow myself to eat junk food on occasion. I look at the calories and allow myself to eat a little bit. This has to be a lifestyle you can stick with and not so restricted that you beat yourself up over every little thing you eat.

    This past Saturday, I was walking out of a shop and there was a Chik-fil-a restaurant and boy did the chicken ever smell good. Instead of getting it, I went to another shop and tried on some clothes. That's a huge motivator for me to stay on track with this. I have dropped two sizes and it feels awesome. Just remember this is for your health. Don't totally deprive yourself. Make sure overall that you stick with the healthy stuff- save a Saturday to eat junk food, but only have two pieces of pizza versus four or a handful of chips and salsa versus a bunch. I also work out four to five days a week. I actually like working out now...Make a deal with yourself that you will start working out, if you don't already. I can relate with thinking about everything I put in my mouth, but more along the line as to whether it's worth it really. Good luck to you!
  • Simone_King
    Simone_King Posts: 467 Member
    You know, one piece of that picture doesn't hurt you. If you have the calories for it.

    Stop worrying about it. That's the only advice I can give you. You are trying to change a life style but, pick a day, (weekends for me) where you can eat something that you don't normally get during the week. That's what I do.

    That sandwich, for 800 calories, did you enjoy it? If so, move on. Stop beating yourself over it.

    Like last week. My parents took me to Costcos. There I had a piece of pizza. This site said it had over 600 calories. yes, I beat myself over it but heck, I wanted it.

    However, this is a life style change and not...well you know. Yet, if you are around people eatting like that it just isn't fair. My own parents don't do that to me.

    Still, you can plan for that. Just one piece isn't going to hurt you. If you have the cailories.

    Stop beating yourself up about this.

    Remember: In order to live we must all eat. Food isn't something to be afraid of.

    We must be afraid over eating.

    For me that was the hardest lesson of all.

  • danaerose95
    I know its really hard to, but being in a relationship is partnership. Talk to your boyfriend about your struggle, and ask him if maybe he can make some of these changes with you, so as to not make you stumble or tempt you. My boyfriend is a really big encourager when it comes to this stuff, because i ask him to be. Its just one of those things, that you cant keep him guessing, but if its something you want then talk to him! You can show concern for what he is eating, because no one should be consuming that kind of food all the time, its not good for his heart or his health. So its partly your responsibility too to kind of help him be aware of his eating habits, and how to create a better support system for you by partaking in it himself! hope my ideas helped!