How to keep track when.. weight your self once per week?

Hey all,

I see alot of water retention with my weight... (up to 3 pounds per day). So I want to weight my self once per week.

What I would like to know is

1- Do you feel like weighting your self once per week, accelerates you weight loss?

2- My fear of doing this (weightin in once per week) is that I would lose track of myself and GAIN weight, so if you are doing this, how do you keep track of your self?

Would love your feedback!



  • rhinesb
    rhinesb Posts: 204 Member
    I weigh once a week on Sunday. I chose Sunday because it is the beginning of my week so that it is fresh on my mind when I start back to work...and because it is the end of the weekend so that I won't be a glutton through the weekend for fear it would show up on the scale on Sunday. Also though I only write my weight down on Sunday I sometimes do get on the scale unofficially on Wednesday.

    Weighing less frequently does not accelerate my weight loss but it does not hold it back either.

    As far as losing track of yourself well you really can't do that if you properly log your food and exercise. I keep track of myself by my food log and my exercise log. THAT keeps me honest and not the scale.

    Also do not just weigh. I highly suggest measuring too. I would have been upset the other day when I went from 201 to 201 in a week. Hey no gain I might say but it is also a little sad that there was no loss. However since I measure I found that my scale might not have changed but my measurements had...1.5 inches. I'm happy with that.
  • Ezada
    Ezada Posts: 207 Member
    I only weigh in every 2 weeks, and measure every 2 weeks.

    I think weighing every week discourages me, especially if I am retaining water. I prefer measuring because then at least I know I am losing inches if not weight.

    I set different goals for myself, rather than just lose 2lbs a week I challenge myself to go to the gym X# of times per week. Right now I am challenging myself to train for a Half Marathon. My Goal is Mon, Wed and Saturday to complete my training goal for the marathon, Tuesday, Friday and Sunday doing some other form of exercise, weight lifting, classes or swimming. I challenge myself to cook my own meals, I prep easy to store food on Sundays. I watch my Sodium. I challenge myself to keep the MFP numbers either at or a bit under what they recommend (Sodium, Sugars, Carbs and Fats.) I always go over on Iron and Protien but I am less concerned about them.

    I am trying for a healthier life style, rather than worrying about where my weight is. I am seeing much faster results with my current goals than with my weight loss goals. Don't get me wrong, I do need to lose weight, but the scale can really dampen my spirits and lead me to do unhealthy things. This is a complete mental overhaul for me.
  • stephanie1133
    I weigh daily. It's not for everyone. I don't allow the scale to dictate how I feel for the day, or let it derail me if it says something I don't like. I know my body's normal daily, and monthly, fluctuations, and it doesn't bother me.

    The only time in my life I've gained weight was when I wasn't weighing myself because I wasn't holding myself accoutable.

    But like I said, everyone is different in this regard!
  • Nikkis09
    Nikkis09 Posts: 3 Member
    I weigh myself most days, but I only count the weight I see no the scale on Tuesdays. This can be frustrating, when Monday tells me I'm a pound lighter than Tuesday, but I do it anyway.

    That way, I can go a little crazy on Friday and maybe Saturday, but still have Sunday and Monday to make up for it. I like once a week counting because it's like setting short-term goals for myself every week, and the expectations aren't so high that I get discouraged like I did when I counted my weigh ins every day.
  • mrs_joshica
    mrs_joshica Posts: 275 Member
    I weigh myself once a week, every Friday. Because I want to lose 2lbs a week the only way to track that is to weigh in at least once a week to see how that is coming. I don't believe weighing in will have any affect on the weight loss itself. Noticing the small changes may encourage you, and weighing too much and not see any changes may discourage you. Just be sure that you use your measuring tape as well b/c oftentimes when we are not losing pounds we lose inches, which the scale isn't so kind to tell us that. And just be sure that no matter what the scale says during your weekly weigh in's do not get discouraged.

    I would refer to your food diary to see what you are eating an how much sodium is in what you eat, check TOM, and all that stuff for answers to why you are retaining water. A lot of things that are not a lot of calories are still a lot of sodium so just be careful there as well.
  • nharvey85381
    nharvey85381 Posts: 2 Member
    I weigh myself daily just to keep myself on track. I also attend Weight Watcher meeting and get weighed in on Tuesdays and use that number to update my weight tracker. I use this app and attend Weight Watchers and I have found them both to be pretty accurate on the calories/points.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    There are a few things that help me:

    Make sure you're the "star pupil" of tracking on your food journal. That way, you can look back and figure out exactly where you stumbled.

    As you're going through the week, just be mindful of activity levels and your diary. Know that you're on track - and as long as you burn more calories than you consume, you are GOING to lose weight.

    If it helps (and it's helped me LOADS), get a Fitbt to be able to track the calories you burn vs. the calories you've eaten. It's $99, the website is free, and it syncs with MyFitnessPal. If you pre-order the new one, they'll sync with your iPhone or iPad too!

    I also weigh in at Weight Watchers once a week (on Monday's) and that's the number I go by.

    My husband weighs in every day and he's okay with his progress line looking like the rocky mountains. That would frustrate me to no end. It's all about figuring out what works for you and going with that.
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    Hey all,

    I see alot of water retention with my weight... (up to 3 pounds per day). So I want to weight my self once per week.

    What I would like to know is

    1- Do you feel like weighting your self once per week, accelerates you weight loss?

    2- My fear of doing this (weightin in once per week) is that I would lose track of myself and GAIN weight, so if you are doing this, how do you keep track of your self?

    Would love your feedback!

    When you weigh yourself will neither accelerate or decelerate your weight loss. That's done through diet (exercise surely doesn't hurt).

    I weigh once a week and I don't think about it much the rest of the time unless I've changed something (like when I started exercising and when I upped my daily calorie intake). I give it several days and then check just to see if I'm on the right track. But I don't sweat what's on the scale either way, really. It's nice motivation, but like you noted, weight can fluctuate for a LOT of reasons. I just weigh at the same time of day (first thing in the morning, after I pee, and always wearing the same thing (for me, nothing)) and try to stick to just once a week. My overall goal has to do with fitness, health, and happiness with my appearance, none of which a scale can give me, so I don't worry much over what numbers pop up.
  • quietasariot
    quietasariot Posts: 198 Member
    I don't think it accelerates my weight loss, but it gives me something to look forward to. I don't want to obsessively weigh myself each day, so I pick one morning (Friday or Saturday, depending on if I forget) and weigh in. Once in a while I weigh in early because I feel like I may have lost some. I probably couldn't handle seeing my weight go up and down so much throughout a week (especially around PMS time!) so once a week is best, in my opinion! Some people weigh themselves every day and find that helps them more.

    2. I keep track by logging everything, and making sure I exercise. I have been successful so far :).

    I hope this helps!!