Breakfast & Lunch Ideas



  • RoyB
    RoyB Posts: 3
    I try to look at the cals before i eat but for breakfst try scrambel eggs in a white tortia.

    For lunch i try 300 cals i use a whet tortia but white is better and lower cals a tortia nd some low fat sherred cheese then i put some queso cook it flat like a pizza then when it's done fold in half.
  • emarcia28
    emarcia28 Posts: 140 Member
    my favorite breakfast is a single serving of chobani greek yogurt. i cup of blueberries and a small banana. with a cup of coffee with splenda and nonfat powdered creamer. this yogurt is thick and delicious!

    for lunch i pack a reusable container with 2-3 cups of salad about 4 ounces of chicken or some tuna, with carrots and mushrooms and fat free ranch! once i ran out of chicken and ate just the salad and i was starving 2 hours later. the protein is the key to staying full.

    my favorite snack is a sliced apple with a tablespoon of peanut butter, or sugar free chocolate pudding cups they are only 60 calories.

    mmm i love chobani, need to start buying more of it! I didnt think of putting fruit in it but im sure its even more delicious. I tend to do the same for lunch, like today i have sauteed broccoli with garlic and chili pepper flakes with grilled chicken.
  • emarcia28
    emarcia28 Posts: 140 Member
    I try to look at the cals before i eat but for breakfst try scrambel eggs in a white tortia.

    For lunch i try 300 cals i use a whet tortia but white is better and lower cals a tortia nd some low fat sherred cheese then i put some queso cook it flat like a pizza then when it's done fold in half.

    Sounds good as i LOVE cheese! i guess i should wake up earlier and cook breakfast. You should try the scrambled eggs for breakfast on a tortilla with a bit of salsa on top
  • emarcia28
    emarcia28 Posts: 140 Member
    Here's a couple of great breakfasts I enjoy during the work week. They are low cal, tasty, healthy and filling!


    1 reduced fat english muffin, toasted (90 cal)
    Top each half with:
    2 Tbs low fat (1% milkfat) cottage cheese (40 cal)
    2 tsp honey (45 cal)
    Sprinkle of cinnamon (0 cal)
    1/2 small banana, sliced (45 cal)
    220 total calories


    3/4 Cup low fat (1%) cottage cheese (125 cal)
    Combine with:
    7 medium sliced strawberries (27 cal)
    1/2 small banana, sliced (45 cal)
    1 Tbs chopped walnuts (41 cal)
    238 total calories


    1 Cup Fat Free Plain Yogurt (130 cal)
    Combine with:
    1 Cup strawberry halves (49 cal)
    1/2 cup bite size shredded wheat, crushed (85 cal)
    drizzle on 2 tsp honey (45 cal)
    309 total calories

    Sometimes I eat oatmeal but get bored with it pretty fast. I like to add a teaspoon or so of natural peanut butter and a Tablespoon of chopped walnuts...Yummy!

    Hope you enjoy the recipes...I got them from Dr. Oz's website.

    Good luck!
    Jan AKA PoeRaven
    19 lbs lost since January 4th

    These are awesome thank you!! I <3 Dr. OZ
  • emarcia28
    emarcia28 Posts: 140 Member
    i used to hate oatmeal but have been eating it religiously for the past 4 months. i eat the steel cut oatmeal (not as processed as the instant or old fashioned). they take along time to cook (i cook it for 45-60 minutes) so i cook it in big batches now and just reheat in the microwave. i love it now with a little milk, blueberries and/or raisins. 1/2 cup of oatmeal is very filling.

    I like steel cut oatmeal too! Trader Joe's sells them frozen. One box has 2 individual servings in it. They microwave in like 2 minutes and good(tiny hint of maple)! But definitely makes sense to cook my own!
  • emarcia28
    emarcia28 Posts: 140 Member
    Nearly every morning, I have a 1/2 a Luna Bar (Lemon Zest) before my workout, and then have breakfast after - which is 1/2 cup oatmeal (plain), with a Light and Fit yogurt (60 cal) and a sliced banana on top. No need for extra sugar.

    Yum yum! Plus the oatmeal cooks up great in just 1 minute in the microwave. It's quick, simple, cheap, and good.

    19 lbs lost since Jan 5

    For some reason I don't really like Luna Bars :ohwell:
    But i do like Light & Fit! :smile:
  • emarcia28
    emarcia28 Posts: 140 Member
    Breakfast Ideas:
    Oatmeal --> add some rainins or dried cranberries, banana. For seasoning add some honey or syrup, or some cinnamon and or nutmet, maybe a splash of vanilla

    Breakfast foods that could serve as lunches
    1/2 cup of plain zero fat yogurt w 1/3 cup of blueberries and 1/3 cup of kellogs bran buds

    a protine shake for breakfast - I like 1 tbsp smooth PB w 1/2 banana 1 scoup of protine powder and 1 cup of milk... Delish!

    Toast 1 or 2 slices of break 1 serving of light cream cheese and a slice of tomato per slice of bread. you can use a pinch of salt on the tomato too for seasoning if you want.

    These sound great! Thanks...I like protein shakes. I cut up fruit and freeze it and some mornings i throw a few pieces into the blender with skim or soy milk and a scoop of powder..soo good and smoothie like!
  • arfletcher
    6:30 am - set to boil one and a half cups of water with 1 cup frozen berry mix
    - drink a mug of warm lemon water to "jump start" my system
    6:35 am - after water has boiled add 2/3c regular oats (not quick oats - these are more processed) and 1/4c of fresh ground organic flax seeds. Put lid on, turn down heat, and wait
    6:45 am - check pot - stir and searve into two bowls and eat! YUMMY!

    This is enough for me and my partner to have breakfast. And keeps me going for about 4 hours. (Our nutrionist told us that we really shouldnt be going more than about 4hrs without eating something)

    Sometimes I will add a half a bannana to each of our bowls but dont do this very often as bannanas are so full of carbs. Raw apples and strawberries are also good. I dont add dried fruit to it if I can help it - they have more sugars and for me this is a big thing....i save dried fruit as a "treat" when I am craving something sweet - or PMSing! :bigsmile:

    Lunches are easy usually for me - I take leftover dinner! We find that it is cheaper and easier to just double up on dinner so that we both have nutritious "ready made" lunches. If you have somewhere to heat it up then this might be a good option for you. Today for lunch I am having a leftover piece of crustless quiche with cauliflower/asparagus/spinach and a bit of feta for flavor. I also like big salads for lunch - try spinnach and quinoa salad - if you dont know quinoa you should try it. It is the only grain that is a complete protien and it is a wonderfully nutty grain that can basically be added in anywhere you might use ground beef. It can be eaten for breakfast like oatmeal too - but it is a stronger flavor and alot of people dont care for it for breakfast - including my partner :laugh:

    Snacks are the hard one for me - trying to make sure that i have protien at each snack/meal can be hard - especially when you are lactose intollerant and you've been told not to eat cheese as a protien source anyway as the fat content makes it not as good of a choise all of the time! (as a rule I wont eat reduced fat or fat free anything! - it tastes gross and I am not convinced that it is good for you!) I find that a small handfull of almonds(8-10) and some raw zucchini or veggies of some variety (less carrots - lots of sugars!) between breakfast/lunch and lunch/dinner helps to keep me going until meal time. Hardboiled eggs make a great snack - and remember that its not a complete protien unless its a whole egg! Hummus is easy and cheap to make, and it keeps forever in the fridge. I make a large blender full and it lasts two of us a week. My mom does hummus with veggies on a w/w pita for her lunch all the time.
  • CherokeeBabe
    CherokeeBabe Posts: 1,704 Member
    OMG - I just tried/made up a recipe that surprised me. Two slices of deli turkey, a dash of Worcestershire sauce, 1/4 of an avocado, a bit of minced garlic, 1/6th of a large tomato, one small stalk of celery, a few grinds of fresh black pepper, a small handful of dried berries(maybe 8-10 individual berries), a dash of a "savory seasoning", whatever you prefer, I used a low-cal and low-salt blend. And about two tablespoons of slightly softened fat-free cream cheese. Spread Cream cheese on a whole wheat piece of flatbread, then mix the rest together and spread onto flatbread. Roll/fold however you prefer. Refrigerate a few minutes, or pop into freezer for quicker chilling. I didn't know exactly what to expect, but I ended up loving it.
  • Rudie
    Rudie Posts: 27
    Hi all

    I've just found this site, but I've lost 60lb so far. I'm on 1200 cals a day too, and I take a packed breakfast and lunch to work with me.

    My breakfasts are generally a variation on the same theme. Either porridge (oatmeal?), All Bran (not sure if you have it in the US - like little sticks of bran), or Bran Flakes. I have a portion of fat free Greek yogurt stirred in to that - it's very stiff but you can cut it with water if you like it smoother. Then some form of fruit. In winter, I either buy frozen fruit mixes, or I stew apples or plums with cinnamon, or segment an orange, or chop some fresh pineapple. Yummy!

    I work really long days so lunch is generally a salad with a couple of Ryvita (do you have them - dark rye crispbreads about 30-40 cals each depending on the flavour?). A salad for me is big chunks of veg that I can eat with my fingers. And then a portion of protein - here's some of my general ideas:
    - Home made scotch eggs
    - Prawns marinated with rose harissa (I have couscous and grated carrot with this)
    - Low fat cream cheese with a bit of smoked salmon
    - Low fat cream cheese spread thinly on to ham and rolled up in to a cigar
    - Home made soups (Thai chicken, French onion, cabbage and bacon, ****-a-leekie are all easy)
    - Home made falafels with cucumber and mint raita
    - Crab sticks and cucumber with thai dressing (soy, fish sauce, chopped chillis, drop of honey, lemon juice)
    - Cold spanish omelette (in a small pan, dry fry onions, peppers, a tablespoon of peas, asparagus - whatever - then add a few sliced cold cooked new potatoes, a small tin of tuna in brine and a couple of eggs beaten. Cook on the hob and finish off under the grill. Slice and pack
    - Marinated chicken (jerk/cajun seasoning or curry powder mixed with fat free yogurt)
    - Ploughmans lunch - low fat cheddar, chutney, pickled onions and gherkins

    Hope some of these give you some ideas. This looks like a great site

    Cheers, Rudie
  • sarahenagy
    sarahenagy Posts: 66 Member
    I eat at my desk as well. I mix up my lunch just about every day as I get bored easily and find myself treking down to the cafeteria (I'm a food, not so good for you) if I don't switch it up. I like a simple turkey wrap (whole grain, reduced fat tortilla, fresh deli turkey, a smear of hummus, lettuce, and red peppers). I pack it the night before. I also like Lean Cuisines, but I try to only take them once a week, as they are loaded with sodium. My recent favorite though are Fresh Express cafe salads. They come with lettuce, nuts/dried fruit, chicken, a few croutons, and dressing all packed up ready to be mixed together. The chicken waldorf is especially yummy. And they are filling for a salad!
  • kjensen15
    kjensen15 Posts: 398 Member
    My favorite breakfast lately is 2 hardboiled eggs, throwing out one of the yolks a cup of blackberries, and a cup of coffee. It does a good job at keeping my full till lunch. Also, the Orowheat high fiber english muffins are GREAT about 130 calories and lots of fiber. I like them alot more than the whole wheat and they are actually better for ya. Spread with just a touch of peanut butter and eat with fruit.
  • sunshineshardz
    I have 2 breakfasts I switchup.
    First one is 1/3 c. large flake oatmeal (dry) cooked with water add one packet of Splenda and some cinnamon.
    1 serving of vanilla SF, FF yogurt with 1/3 c blueberries, 1/3 cup sliced strawberries (can be frozen and thawed) and 1/3 c post grape nuts (instead of granola. No sugar and the same crunch)

    Just don't eat grape nuts alone. They're icky lol.

    Lunch is usually a salad with some protein and a fruit :)

    If it comes in a package, I tend to avoid it BUT I am a sucker for the 100 cal yogurt covered pretzels, so those are my guilty pleasure!

    Good luck!! Let me know how things go :)
  • emarcia28
    emarcia28 Posts: 140 Member
    I have 2 breakfasts I switchup.
    First one is 1/3 c. large flake oatmeal (dry) cooked with water add one packet of Splenda and some cinnamon.
    1 serving of vanilla SF, FF yogurt with 1/3 c blueberries, 1/3 cup sliced strawberries (can be frozen and thawed) and 1/3 c post grape nuts (instead of granola. No sugar and the same crunch)

    Just don't eat grape nuts alone. They're icky lol.

    Lunch is usually a salad with some protein and a fruit :)

    If it comes in a package, I tend to avoid it BUT I am a sucker for the 100 cal yogurt covered pretzels, so those are my guilty pleasure!

    Good luck!! Let me know how things go :)

    sounds like a good plan!
    Ive never had grape nuts before but will try them on my yogurt for sure!
    OMGness and i love those 100 cal pretzels too!!
  • emarcia28
    emarcia28 Posts: 140 Member
    Hi all

    I've just found this site, but I've lost 60lb so far. I'm on 1200 cals a day too, and I take a packed breakfast and lunch to work with me.

    My breakfasts are generally a variation on the same theme. Either porridge (oatmeal?), All Bran (not sure if you have it in the US - like little sticks of bran), or Bran Flakes. I have a portion of fat free Greek yogurt stirred in to that - it's very stiff but you can cut it with water if you like it smoother. Then some form of fruit. In winter, I either buy frozen fruit mixes, or I stew apples or plums with cinnamon, or segment an orange, or chop some fresh pineapple. Yummy!

    I work really long days so lunch is generally a salad with a couple of Ryvita (do you have them - dark rye crispbreads about 30-40 cals each depending on the flavour?). A salad for me is big chunks of veg that I can eat with my fingers. And then a portion of protein - here's some of my general ideas:
    - Home made scotch eggs
    - Prawns marinated with rose harissa (I have couscous and grated carrot with this)
    - Low fat cream cheese with a bit of smoked salmon
    - Low fat cream cheese spread thinly on to ham and rolled up in to a cigar
    - Home made soups (Thai chicken, French onion, cabbage and bacon, ****-a-leekie are all easy)
    - Home made falafels with cucumber and mint raita
    - Crab sticks and cucumber with thai dressing (soy, fish sauce, chopped chillis, drop of honey, lemon juice)
    - Cold spanish omelette (in a small pan, dry fry onions, peppers, a tablespoon of peas, asparagus - whatever - then add a few sliced cold cooked new potatoes, a small tin of tuna in brine and a couple of eggs beaten. Cook on the hob and finish off under the grill. Slice and pack
    - Marinated chicken (jerk/cajun seasoning or curry powder mixed with fat free yogurt)
    - Ploughmans lunch - low fat cheddar, chutney, pickled onions and gherkins

    Hope some of these give you some ideas. This looks like a great site

    Cheers, Rudie

    Congrats on your weight loss and keep up the good work! Thank you bery much for all the ideas!
  • emarcia28
    emarcia28 Posts: 140 Member
    I eat at my desk as well. I mix up my lunch just about every day as I get bored easily and find myself treking down to the cafeteria (I'm a food, not so good for you) if I don't switch it up. I like a simple turkey wrap (whole grain, reduced fat tortilla, fresh deli turkey, a smear of hummus, lettuce, and red peppers). I pack it the night before. I also like Lean Cuisines, but I try to only take them once a week, as they are loaded with sodium. My recent favorite though are Fresh Express cafe salads. They come with lettuce, nuts/dried fruit, chicken, a few croutons, and dressing all packed up ready to be mixed together. The chicken waldorf is especially yummy. And they are filling for a salad!

    Yes i have to start eating more hummus and making wraps! And i have tried those salads and they are good and i agree pretty filling(wish they had a little more chicken/ham tho lol)
  • jagrady13
    Try adding diced apples, dried cranberries, crushed walnuts, cinnamon, and a touch of honey to your oatmeal. It is DEEE-LISH! :)
  • emarcia28
    emarcia28 Posts: 140 Member
    Try adding diced apples, dried cranberries, crushed walnuts, cinnamon, and a touch of honey to your oatmeal. It is DEEE-LISH! :)

    YUMMMM will do!
  • audrenr
    audrenr Posts: 21 Member
    I have been logging in my dinners so I know exactly how much calories and fat are in them. So, I take my dinner leftovers for lunch (so it's a smaller portion) and I know exactly what I am eating. I usually use the MFP dinner I created and take .5 or .75 of the nutrition content. It has really encouraged me to not eat out much, and it especially helps with a tight budget.