How often do you weigh yourself?



  • BamsieEkhaya
    BamsieEkhaya Posts: 657 Member
    NEVER ! no..I wish, though I think I have a fear of the scales now !
    supposedly once a week, but now down to once I feel good about myself/weight...every 3weeks ? or else it all gets too emotional and distressing
  • melsmith612
    melsmith612 Posts: 727 Member
    I weigh myself every Saturday morning for my "official" weekly weight but sometimes take a peak at the scale mid-week to make sure I'm still moving in the right direction.
  • Usually I would weigh myself once per week (Friday mornings, around about the same time each morning).

    Then I could enjoy my weekend and if I went a bit too over the top, I would have four days Monday to Thursday to pull back any overspend before getting back on the scales on the Friday.

    But at the moment I'm trying something new where my weigh-ins are around 7 to 10 weeks apart. It makes me focus on more than the number on a machine, and seems to work quite well for me.

    I wouldn't really recommend weighing more than once per week unless it's simply to understand how salt intake etc. can have a dramatic effect on weight variance. But for true weight loss, the incremental changes on anything less than a weekly basis hardly justify the bother of checking the scales.
  • Fat2Fit145
    Fat2Fit145 Posts: 385 Member
    Everyday. Motivation if I gain or lose.

    Same if i gain i know i have to alter something for today, if i lose, well i know i'm on track and can continue what im doing...
  • warrior2mom
    warrior2mom Posts: 3 Member
    I weigh in every Monday morning. Week-ends are hardest for me, so knowing I am weighing in on Monday morning helps keep me a little more accountable.
  • Queen_Adrock
    Queen_Adrock Posts: 130 Member
    I actually have no set weigh-in. Sometimes I'll think "I haven't weighed myself in a while" and will do so...usually when things start fitting a bit looser or I feel certain areas tighten up more and I'm curious to see where I'm at. I have a few friends who are obsessive about the scale, so I'm trying my hardest not to go down that path and just focus on how I feel and how things are fitting.
  • patrox247

    I am thinking of maybe even scaling back the scale to once a month.
  • jily310
    jily310 Posts: 38 Member
    Everyday in the morning before eating. I only log on Thursdays. It helps me to keep on track!
  • lasttime77
    :flowerforyou: I weigh on Tuesday mornings, first thing. I give myself 1 day to recoup after the weekend (just in case I've over-indulged!). I'm afraid if I weigh on Fridays and have done well that I might use that success as an excuse to reward myself. Just me....just sayin'.
  • jeokay20
    they say once a week but i dont. i do it everyday. bec im psycho! lol
  • Slack2ShortGo
    Slack2ShortGo Posts: 74 Member
    I weigh myself every morning. Probably too often. I like to track my progress daily based on my activities from the previous day. This helps me determine what foods and exercise work for me.
  • annmedford71
    annmedford71 Posts: 32 Member
    Monday is my weigh in day.At one time I was weighing every day. It became an absession.My other half keeps the scale in his vechile until Monday,and brings
  • SparkleHorse224
    SparkleHorse224 Posts: 98 Member
    Every day. But I record my weight on Sunday. It helps me see natural fluctuations so I know what's "normal" for me.
  • prettygirlstorm1
    prettygirlstorm1 Posts: 722 Member
    I usually do Saturday first thing in the morning. I want to change to Monday so that I will be very cautious as to what I am eating over the weekend. I got crazy on the weekends and really need to stay focused.
  • sugboog29
    sugboog29 Posts: 630 Member
    I might hop on the scale everyday...but only log my weight once a week!
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    hate the scale, maybe 3 times a month at most....I can usually tell by my clothes if I gained or lost as I am tryng to lose the last 8 pounds its getting frusterating :grumble:
  • mispotatohead
    mispotatohead Posts: 42 Member
    Every day, first thing, but post here no more than once a week, and only if I've lost more than a pound.

    This....I tried weekly and it doens't work for me. I need a daily indicator but don't let the daily fluctuations get to me as I know what's normal for me.
  • beandawgy
    Every morning, first thing when I wake up and head to the shower.
  • socialdeee
    socialdeee Posts: 87 Member
    I weigh myself every Saturday morning. I tend to relax y diet abit on saturdays and Sundays, so Monday to friday I work hard and weigh in on Saturday mornings.

    I feelt his ehlps me get back on track monday morning. I skip the week of my period, so in that case, Id weigh 2 weeks apart.
  • tinamartinson
    tinamartinson Posts: 13 Member
    I weigh myself everyday right after using the bathroom but before my shower. But I only log the weight when I've had a loss from my last logged weight. I don't worry too much about the daily fluctuations. I know that the day after a strong workout I'm a bit heavier but by the second if I don't work out again I'm back or less. But I do pay attention if I go more than 3 lbs above the last logged weight. That usually means I'm taking too many liberties with my food.