Monsters in your room......



  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    I used to feel that way about this house, when I first lived here. When my husband was away working in the evenings, i was afraid! But, as a Christian, I don't have to put up with that, so I eventually learned to pray over our house and property. Now I don't even think about that.
  • rlmadrid
    rlmadrid Posts: 694 Member
    I felt safest UNDER my bed growing up. There WAS a monster in my room. He used to stand beside my bed. One night I woke up and he was there, petting my hair, whispering my name. I've never felt anything so cold in my life (I can remember the touch of his hand so vividly). ): Freaked me out big time. But things got worse when he started calling me in for supper when I'd be playing in the yard (there were no males in the family but a male voice would call my name until I would come into the house every night around supper time). Before that point I could pretend I was just having weird dreams but when you're wide awake and start hearing the 'night voice' calling you into the house? That's when **** gets weird.

    After I moved out of that house I found out the family who lived there before were brutally murdered. Apparently it was occupied by a man, woman and child (a little girl my age). I formulated the theory that his spirit haunts the house and he took a liking to me because I reminded him of his daughter (he always called MY name, not hers. And weirdly enough he called my PROPER name, not the name everyone called me - nobody used my proper name. Ever. Except him).

    This is the stuff movies are made from but I lived it and it's probably why I'm so messed up. :P

    Edited to Add: I wasn't allowed to watch scary movies as a kid. I wasn't even allowed to watch Disney cartoons! I grew up on Coronation Street and Hockey. :P

    Well that's super creepy!
  • MissHellsing
    MissHellsing Posts: 133 Member
    My room was by the stairs so I thought Count Orlok from Nofestrau was going to get me.


    Now I think Oyshiro-Sama is looking over my bed these days. :huh:
  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,179 Member
    When I was a child one of the bedrooms I had was in the up stairs attic. ( finished to be a bedroom ) My closet backed up to the rest of the attic. I had to keep my door shut or the bats would get out. Strangely I have no fear of bats as an adult.
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Are you kidding... I'm almost 50 and I refuse to go to bed if the closet door is open. Feet off the edge of the bed... I don't like it but it doesn't bother me like the closet door does.

    I read a horror books so I can let myself get freaked out easily. One of my favorite places to walk my short furries is a huge local cemetary. We tend to run across the lawn - the graves - chasing squirrels and being "jungle puppies". Sometimes I start freaking myself out thinking about a hand coming out of a grave, snatching one the dogs or grabbing my ankle.

    Last night I dreamed about zombies because i watched The Wallking Dead right before bed, lol.
  • rlmadrid
    rlmadrid Posts: 694 Member
    I never worried about monsters in the closet until someone in my house thought it would be funny to put a Furbie in there and let it scare the &^%& out of me. I still think those things are creepy, and now they are back in stores! I REALLY hope neither of my children asks for one.

    All furbies should be drowned in the arctic or killed with fire. Only the elements can destroy those little demons.
  • I always had smurfs in my room :( no monsters
  • OkieinMinny
    OkieinMinny Posts: 834 Member
    How many of you were afraid that there was a monster in your closet or under your bed? Would you make sure the closet door was closed or keep hands and feet on the bed at all times? Do you still do this?

    Is it bad that Im 41 and STILL will not sleep with a damn closet door open! The ****ers will come get me IM sure of it!
  • Shelbert79
    Shelbert79 Posts: 517 Member
    *raises hand* I don't do it as much but I do have moments when I'm alone at night (which, thankfully is not often) and I start imagining what could be lurking in the dark corners of what ever room I'm in. I even imagined a zombie version of my daughter crawling out of her room...just this morning. Dang scary movies and books!
  • MsNewBooty83
    MsNewBooty83 Posts: 1,003 Member
    no monters in my room, but i would always be freaked out going up the stairs in my gmas house. there was gab btween the steps and i always felt like someone would grab my ankles through them if i didnt move fast enough! lol
  • Polly758
    Polly758 Posts: 623 Member
    I used to be scared of the closet, especially when i dreamed that my little cookie monster toy paino turned at looked at me. I woke up and there was cookie monster just like I dreamed him...

    But i was a smart kid, I cleaned the closet floor and then started sleeping in the closet. No more monsters. i mean what are they going to do, hide in my room?? That's just silly.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I used to think there were monsters in the closet and/or under the bed. My mom used to open the window to let them out and then I was satisfied. That said, I still HATE sleeping without any kind of cover. Even if it is blazing hot I will still have at least one leg under a sheet so I have a cover on!
  • Shelbert79
    Shelbert79 Posts: 517 Member
    And it doesn't help that one of my daughter's who is 6 now, does the creepy Paranormal Activity thing where she creeps in my room and just stands over me staring until I wake up. Sometimes I think she's sleep walking, still scary as hell. Her stares used to give my friends chills, Damien has nothing on her.
  • BamsieEkhaya
    BamsieEkhaya Posts: 657 Member
    yeah your photo really hasn't helped much in my fear of sleeping without the duvet "/ now I'm going to have that picture in my head all night....leaving the lights on as well me thinks
  • MdmAcolyte
    MdmAcolyte Posts: 382 Member
    Guilty. When I got married to my first husband he gave me a real hard time about keeping the closet doors shut when we were going to bed at night... The closets in my new house do not have doors, so we hung curtain rods and curtains to act as "doors", but now I keep mine wide open, and make my new husband sleep on the closet side of the bed so he can fight things off and I can run away and hope he doesn't get eaten. Yes, Im insane. And he is ok with that. Lol
  • fawndam
    fawndam Posts: 595 Member
    I still (((RUN))) to the bathroom thinking someone is chasing me after watching something scary:blushing:
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Would you make sure the closet door was closed or keep hands and feet on the bed at all times?

    Only when he tells me too.

  • Ghostpoo
    Ghostpoo Posts: 24 Member
    I had a hard time with Poltergeist growing up. It was that clown under the bed scene. I didn't look under my bed for years.

    Also in Psycho with the shower scene. I must have been around 13 when I watched that movie and needless to say, had baths for years and never had a shower until I was about 18!

    Admittedly I also didn't swim in my pool alone. You can never tell who would dump a bucket of pirahanas or a great white shark in the other end. However, I was fine in a pool when I could see the other end while under the water.

    Thankfully I got over all of those!! I grew up in an old house that was built in 1830. When my Dad was out of town, my Mum dragged out the scary movies. It was terrifying!
  • NikIsSkinny
    I used to be scared of the closet, especially when i dreamed that my little cookie monster toy paino turned at looked at me. I woke up and there was cookie monster just like I dreamed him...

    But i was a smart kid, I cleaned the closet floor and then started sleeping in the closet. No more monsters. i mean what are they going to do, hide in my room?? That's just silly.

    This is great :laugh:

    I still have to have my closet door closed. And I won't look at a mirror in a dark room. I don't know why. They're just creepy.