did you run the whole thing?

Do you celebrate a race completion if you didnt run the whole thing? If you didnt run non-stop do you allow yourself to say you completed a 5k, 10k, half marathon, or marathon? I dont enter a race unless I plan to run the whole thing. That is why I have only ever done a 5k and a 5 mile point to point race. My cousin recently told me that she did a half marathon by running 30 sec walk 30 sec intervals the whole way. I know it is definitly an achievement, but do the "true" runners call you out on it?


  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Lots of people do run/walk intervals for everything including marathons. Some of them are darn fast too. I actually tried in training for a half and found out the my time was better with the walk intervals because I ran the runs faster. I say if you made it the whole distance you can claim it.
  • whouwannab
    whouwannab Posts: 350 Member
    I know exactly what you mean on the timing! If you can run/walk and complete it faster than some that are running the whole thing I say you can definitly claim it!!! ha ha
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    Definitely count it. Back in the day, I hadn't figured out how to drink water at aid stations while still running during a marathon. I am not going to take those medals off my wall because I walked through a few aid stations! I also know really fast runners who do the run/walk method. You covered the distance, you get to claim it.
  • marikevr
    marikevr Posts: 389 Member
    I can run a HM without walking, but generally I add scheduled walk breaks, typically at every water point. Whether walking or not, I tend to finish in the same time bracket. Walking conserves energy and allows you to finish stronger. My second half is generally faster than my first half.
  • santababy100
    I'm an Ultra runner and regularly do training runs/races between 30.miles and 100. i think the medals and trophies i have confirm i deserve to log it as run ;)
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    Walking at some point in the race, or even half the race doesn't make you less of a runner. Keep going strong.
  • DenyseMarieL
    DenyseMarieL Posts: 673 Member
    I did my first 10 k, and walked 2 min, ran 3 min. I do say I finished, because I made it across the finish line! It was a huge accomplishment for me! I have a 5k run in Nov and I plan to run the entire thing. But, I wouldn't count it as anything less if I can't.
  • wolfgate
    wolfgate Posts: 321 Member
    The point of a race is to get from point A to point B as fast as possible. If that means you walk some, then you still raced and still claim it.

    I've never walked in a half marathon or anything shorter. I've walked in two marathons. One, the first i did, walking was planned. The other wasn't - I intended to run the whole way, but an aggressive goal I was pursuing resulted in my legs having another plan about 23 miles in.

    Both my 50 mile races had not just planned walking but total stoppage time to eat, drink, use the bathroon, change shoes and socks. yeah, the top racers may possibly have gone the whole distance without walking or stopping, but I kind of doubt it even then. I think they just stopped shorter and ran faster.

    So, do I celebrate those 50 milers? I can assure you I do, as does everyone who finished. The plaques are on my wall, not in a box of not-really-counting-because-not-run-the-whole-way.

    My only point being, I don't really think it matters. If you're making the effort to get from point A to point B and succeed, yes, you can celebrate it.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    Regarding my own races, I run the whole distance and would not like it if I stopped to walk, but that is only because of my own personal goals.

    Walking, running or a mixture of both, providing the distance is completed it counts IMO.
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    If you covered the distance I see it as an accomplishment that you should be proud of it. Not all of us can run a Marathon in under 2 hours and 10 minutes but that doesn't take away from the accomplishment of finishing the race.
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    Did you put the miles in? did you give it your all ? Then you deserve the celebration
  • kaytbaggs
    kaytbaggs Posts: 55 Member
    I think you should be proud of whatever you do! It isn't always about how you compete, but that you are competing and completing a goal. I think you should go for it! If you have to walk you have to walk.... at least you're out there trying!!
  • Crysti
    Crysti Posts: 17
    You ever see exhausted people do that weird thing where they're still trying to run, but would probably move quicker if they would just walk? As my distances get longer, I walk the water stations so I can ensure I get proper hydration (and don't accidentally inhale the liquids... AGAIN). Someday I might grow back into running the stations. You put the time and miles in, it's yours!
  • stephenson2012
    stephenson2012 Posts: 94 Member
    I have walked Half marathons. My feet and knees would not have survied running. I can't tell you the number of runners that encouraged me along the way. I celebrated at the end because I took those steps with my sister who had beaten breast and colon cancer. Celebrate the accomplish of a goal om completing a challenge.
  • Crysti
    Crysti Posts: 17
    I know it is definitly an achievement, but do the "true" runners call you out on it?

    As for this, I find runners are a pretty supportive community. It's always great to see someone challenge themselves. See if you can find any of writing from John Bingham, who not too long ago retired from Runner's World. He emphasized personal goals and challenges and the achievement you get yourself from running. I know they call them races, but I've never really competed against anyone except myself. :)
  • NildaFrank
    NildaFrank Posts: 4 Member
    I've done 5 half marathons and I say a majority of the time I walk/run. Not sure if I can ever run a straight half marathon but would like to one day try. I feel I started and finished and it counts. Marathon, Half Marathon, 10k, 5 k, I don't see in registration where it says you have to run the whole distance to claim a medal or accomplishment at least I don't think I saw it, lol!
  • nturner612
    nturner612 Posts: 710 Member
    i "accidently" ran a 10k (instead of the 5k i signed up for) and i only stopped 2 for like less than 20sec. It was absolutly amazing...i went from a couch warmer to running a 10k without any training whatsoever. i will run it again this year..hopefully a bit trained :)