Hmm I lost ten pounds... can I be done now?



  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    We're all busy - make time - you gotta want it enough.
    Take a naked pic and put it on your bathroom mirror - if you don't like what you see then there's your motivation.
    No-one said it was easy, if it was we wouldn't be on here.
  • DamnImASexyBitch
    DamnImASexyBitch Posts: 740 Member
    <3 this!
  • thrld
    thrld Posts: 610 Member
    Have you thought about lifting? If you add more muscle, you burn more calories at rest...
  • megalin9
    megalin9 Posts: 771 Member
    Motivation wears off, which is why it is recommended daily - like bathing.

    Motivation is just the spoonful of sugar that makes that determination and dedication and self-discipline easier. You dont need it unless you need to be tricked into working out that day. (tricked in a positive way :P) What you really need to build up and cultivate is your willpower.

    If you dont feel like it, willpower will get you there and you can still enjoy the high happy feelings at the end.
    If you arent motivated, willpower will make your legs stand up from the couch.
    If you aren't feeling your goals today, determination will get your one day closer anyway.
    If you are saying I dont care over and over in your head - then you do care - and self-discipline will help you.

    Dont worry abotu motivation at first,. Prove to YOURSELF that you want this enough to approach it seriously and not just with the sugar coated fun happy methods that work in the beginning. Changing your life and your body is sometimes an ugly business with no rainbows and glitter - sometimes its blood sweat and tears... but you know what? Those days are the ones that truly change you. Inside and out.

    Those are the days when you feel yourself getting stronger. Those are the days when you finish and you stand there for a second and look back over the last hour and get chills because.... holy crow... You did that. And you didnt even want to - but YOU MADE IT HAPPEN.

    No one else. Just you.

    And Pride... well Pride is one of the only forms of magic left in this world. It will carry you to your next workout better than motivation will.


  • CymruBiology
    Have you thought about lifting? If you add more muscle, you burn more calories at rest...

    You can't lose fat and build muscle at the same time D:
  • Melolicious
    Melolicious Posts: 71 Member
    It's hard to maintain motivation when you have a negative goal, like wanting to lose X pounds. Rephrase it to the positive - like I want to lose enough weight so x activity is easier to do. When you are moving towards a goal, have an emotional connection to it with your heart and an intelligent plan to get there, motivation isn't an issue, When you deep-down-inside don't believe you can do or that you don't deserve it, it is reflected in your reality. Pick a goal to train to - like a 5k charity run/walk or something - becomes about moving more. Move more, feel better. Feel better, eat better. Fueled better, move better. Fueled better, moving better, feeling better. It's easy to get sucked into that cycle, I hope you find it soon.
  • kristamarie91
    kristamarie91 Posts: 21 Member
    Well honestly if you want to keep any weight off or to continue to loose its going to be hard not to without exercise... You'll be very flabby and have loose skin. Even if you went walking like once a day for 30 minutes that'd help you out a lot. And maybe do some light exercises with body weight.

    If you are serious about loosing weight you need to incorporate exercise. Not only is it helpful when loosing weight, but its good for you. Working out keeps you young. And if you aren't willing to workout then its going to be very tough for you to keep any weight off.... I used to not eat healthy and all and just workout and I would still loose a pound a week. Its 80% diet and 20% exercise.

    I'm not trying to be harsh, and I know you were being honest. But it sounds like you are being lazy...
    I used to work a full time job, and go to art school full time, and be a wife to my husband and still have to finish about 4 hours of painting and photography homework in the studio everyday and manage to exercise for an hour everyday.

    And if you really don't like traditional exercise then try dancing or zumba or whatever people do these days.
    You'll get better results if you slip in some cardio and lift some weights.
    Even if you loose the weight you're just going to loose a ton of muscle mass and not really trim your waist down.

    I'm gonna say it, and I don't care if you don't like it-get off your butt!
  • lisaparks715
    Weigh yourself WEEKLY or BIWEEKLY, not every day or several times a day. One dinner of pizza will not affect your long term goal.
  • stefwi2000
    stefwi2000 Posts: 42 Member
    I never dieted in my life, before starting to use this site maybe 3 months ago. I was shocked and horrified to see what I would normally eat came up as far as the math goes with the calories and fat and whatnot. I was like omg, no wonder, this happened.

    So, with huge efforts, over like two months, I managed to lose ten pounds. I nearly cut out red meat, cheese, reduced booze, as I identified these as my major downfalls. Tried to control portion sizes. Switched a lot of things to whole grain. Ate more veggies, more fish. I made a lot of changes, and it was a serious pain in the *kitten*.

    At 5'6" and still 210 pounds though, I need to keep going, and it really seems like too much trouble, I'm tired of it. Also my body seemed to adjust to the changes, and I have to watch very carefully just to keep the ten pounds off. A little slip, order pizza or something, and I'm back up a pound or two. I don't want to exercise, I really hate it, I'm not willing. Also busy.

    Help, how do you stay motivated, keep going?

    You have to want this for you and no one else!!! I eat pizza but just not everyday. I treat my self once a week with something I really like. You just have to eat it in moderations. We did not become over weight over night it took time. So it will take time to lose it. BUT IF YOU DONT WANT IT FOR YOURSELF IF WILL NOT HAPPEN. JUST REMEMBER YOU GAVE UP. IT TOOK TWO DOCTORS TO TELL ME THAT MY CANCER NUMBERS WERE DANGEROUSE AND I NEEDED TO LOSE 20 POUNDS FOR A MAJOR SURGERY. I AM HAPPY TO SAY THAT MY NUMBERS ARE DOWN AND THE SURGERY WAS SUCCESSFUL. THEY FOUND ZERO CANCER. I want to life happier and healthier. If you want motivation add me as a friend.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Nobody can make you want have to want it for yourself and be willing to do the work.

    The only thing I can tell you is that its never going to get any easier. You probably know this already, but with every year older and ever pound heavier, you're digging in deeper toward health problems like diabetes and high blood pressure. Exercise is crucial for women over 40 to maintain bone density...but in the end, its all up to you to want it for yourself.

    I hope you find the motivation you need, because it CAN be done!

    Why don't you start by filling in your profile on here. Writing out WHY you want to lose weight and get healthy is a good step toward focusing your energies on the positive!
  • banshishi
    banshishi Posts: 197
    Have you thought about lifting? If you add more muscle, you burn more calories at rest...

    You can't lose fat and build muscle at the same time D:

    why not?
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Have you thought about lifting? If you add more muscle, you burn more calories at rest...

    You can't lose fat and build muscle at the same time D:

    WTF thats the only way to do that..... confused as all heck face
  • jakidb
    jakidb Posts: 1,010 Member
    Sometimes it is hard to get/stay motivated...what i do at times is log on, look at others stories (community forums) and gain motivation from my MFP buddies other MFP members. I'm like this, do whatever it takes, just dont give up :):):)
  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member
    Have you thought about lifting? If you add more muscle, you burn more calories at rest...

    You can't lose fat and build muscle at the same time D:

    why not?

    Because building muscle requires a surplus of energy whereas burning fat requires a deficit of energy. You can't simultaneously have a surplus and a deficit.
  • lismerie
    lismerie Posts: 21 Member
    In the long run, my biggest motivation is the mirror. I look at myself and think of how far I've come since I started this lifestyle. That's right, lifestyle, not diet. That's probably your biggest mistake, you think of it as an annoying diet that you have to do. I'm going to be brutally honest here: if it is such a huge inconvenience for you, then stick with those 10 pounds. I'm going to be brutally honest again and say that you will most likely gain them back.

    Most of us didn't exactly enjoyed this at first, but after a while it just becomes part of your life. It's as simple as this: Do you want to keep weighting more than 200 pounds? No? Then do something about it.
  • 2012asv
    2012asv Posts: 702 Member
    how bad do you want it?
  • RedHotHunter
    RedHotHunter Posts: 560 Member
    Have you thought about lifting? If you add more muscle, you burn more calories at rest...

    You can't lose fat and build muscle at the same time D:

    I do hope you are joking. :noway:
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    Have you thought about lifting? If you add more muscle, you burn more calories at rest...

    You can't lose fat and build muscle at the same time D:

    why not?

    Because building muscle requires a surplus of energy whereas burning fat requires a deficit of energy. You can't simultaneously have a surplus and a deficit.

    The human body naturally burns more calories each day to maintain a pound of muscle than it does to maintain a pound of fat. Therefore, the more muscle you build, the more calories your body will naturally burn each day at rest.

    Which means, just by building muscle, you’ll significantly increase your metabolism and turn your body into a calorie burning, fat melting machine… and this will obviously improve your overall fat loss progress.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Have you thought about lifting? If you add more muscle, you burn more calories at rest...

    You can't lose fat and build muscle at the same time D:

    why not?

    Because building muscle requires a surplus of energy whereas burning fat requires a deficit of energy. You can't simultaneously have a surplus and a deficit.

    lol nice try
  • know_your_worth
    know_your_worth Posts: 481 Member
    My main lesson learned: FORGIVE YOURSELF when you slip. Tomorrow's a new day. Remind yourself that you can lose and will at your own pace.

    this is not actually true and its a state of mind that perpetuates problematic behavior. Your brain doesnt say - oh i didnt mess up yesterday - it does the same thing it always does with excess calories -without taking into consideration feelings, circumstances or what smelled good or felt better than exercising. Dont forgive and forget. Accept the consequences and realize that its your fault WHICH IS A GOOD THING cause it means its within your control! FANTASTIC NEWS!!!!

    but dont ever say- today is a new day and yesterday doesnt matter - cause even if you choose to forget about how you behaved yesterday... your body will always keep an accurate log. And when you start wondering why you arent progressing - your brain will be confused and your body will like... told you so! :D

    ^So true!