Calling all teachers!

I know I need to be drinking more water.....but it is just so hard to drink water during the day when you can not use the rest room. I teach 1st grade... suggestions?


  • justmarried15
    justmarried15 Posts: 60 Member
    This is the worst!!
    I teach high school. We have hall monitors so if it were an emergency I would call them. But generally I go like 2 seconds before the day starts, before and after lunch (to be safe!) and just wait it out til my afternoon prep.
    I'm a bit camel-y though - I've always been able to hold it.

    Realizing this is a little TMI....sorry :blushing:
  • I think this is one of the hardest things about being a teacher.

    Like PP, I'm a high school teacher. I have a bit more flexibility, but each day is different and I'm always trying to figure out the best "times". I've found it does help if I start my day with a big glass of water and then take care of it before the day starts. For some reason it "sets" my body up for what is to come....

    It is a toughie. I also try to get more in after school and in the evenings.
  • redbaygirl
    redbaygirl Posts: 1 Member
    I am in a portable, so I feel your pain! I make sure I go whether i have to or not right before the bell, then recess and lunch... it seems to help. Good luck...
  • HealthyMe46
    HealthyMe46 Posts: 226 Member
    Great question! I always wonder how health-conscious teachers get to the restroom. Seems to me they often have to rely on asking others to watch their class for a couple of minutes. Some of the lower grades in my schools have restrooms right in the classroom, so that's more convenient (but you still need someone to watch the class).
  • kittenmcgowan
    kittenmcgowan Posts: 83 Member
    Yeah I tend to just deal and force my bladder to do likewise... our sessions are only 90 mins long so at worst, that's how long I'd have to hold it. :happy:
  • I also am a teacher and I teach special education in an offsite program. I teach all subjects, manage their IEP's, and teach PE. I struggle with this everyday. I try to take every opportunity that I can to use the bathroom: before the kids get there, before and/or after lunch, and once the kids leave. I also make sure that I use it before I leave to go home.
  • jenf235
    jenf235 Posts: 157 Member
    I'm in the same boat! I used to be in a small building with three other teachers who could literally see in my room from their rooms, so they could easily watch my class; but, now I am in a large building and sometimes there is no one around to cover my class. I usually drink 2 bottles of water during the day, and then try to get in as much water in the afternoon and evening as possible!
  • bonemuse12
    bonemuse12 Posts: 20 Member
    I have a big 64 oz. mug that I drink ever so slowly throughout the day with my fourth graders. I try to finish one by lunch and unload and refill, but that doesn't always work. I'm pretty content if I'm done with 8 cups by the end of the school day, and then I try to kick it up in the evening. Going slower (just a few sips at a time) seems to help me manage myself a bit better. I do not start drinking water until I'm in the classroom though, otherwise I'm breaking the seal before 8:30 and it's downhill for me.

  • RocheleLynn
    RocheleLynn Posts: 265 Member
    Well I figured most people are in the same boat as me. My break is right before lunch so my bathroom breaks are not spaced out at all....and where my classroom is... it's not easy for others to cover for me. The other day we took a "group break" haha and that seemed to worked for an emergency but it's been very hard. Alright well let me know if anyone comes up with some great idea. :)
  • julielittlefish
    julielittlefish Posts: 134 Member
    I try to pace myself during the day. My kids go to specials first thing in the morning then I teach for close to 4 straight hours before I get lunch. I try to hit the bathroom the last 5 minutes of my planning. I do have a full time assistant for some of my ESE students, so if I really need to, I can go.

    I also hydrate a lot more after work and into the evening.
  • I can't believe someone just brought this topic up. I was just thinking about the fact that I have to increase my water intake, but I don't like to because of the bathroom issue. I have been drinking more on the weekends, but that is not enough.
  • HornsUT32
    HornsUT32 Posts: 146 Member
    I try and drink 100 oz a day, but I also teach in 3 different locations at my middle school. The good thing about that is I am usually able to get to a restroom if I need it. At my school there are also staff restrooms in most you have that? That allows time to leave in between class. I am also lucky enough to work at a school where most kids are well behaved enough to run to the restroom if it is an absolute emergency. But..key word..most...I wouldn't do that with some kids lol.